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Why nor  " unidentified flying objects  " .

It Is ' precise ' in it's description,  of what has been observed. 

The New ' imprecise '  .   "potential anomalous '' , object .  ( in the sky & moving ( flying )) .

Does not do your excitement justice. 



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1 minute ago, spacesailor said:

Why nor  " unidentified flying objects 

 An unidentified Flying Object implies a solid object.  Unidentified Aerial Phenomena is a bit more accurate as many videos end up being artifacts of the camera such as bocah or reflections within the camera lens.



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Whistleblower says US recovered 'dead pilots' from 'non-human' craft

The former intelligence officer who claims the US government has recovered multiple UFOs of 'non-human origin' has also claimed that dead pilots have been retrieved from wreckages.


David Charles Grusch, an Air Force veteran and former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, said the US and other nations are engaged in a top-secret arms race to 'reverse-engineer' alien technology. 


He made the extraordinary claims in media interviews this week, after filing a whistleblower complaint providing what he calls classified 'proof' to Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

Grusch, 36, said that in addition to recovering partial and intact extraterrestrial craft for decades, the US government has also retrieved the remains of alien pilots.


'Naturally, when you recover something that's either landed or crashed. Sometimes you encounter dead pilots and believe it or not, as fantastical as that sounds, it's true,' he told NewsNation. 


Continue reading here.

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When in the US, flying gliders, I saw the "mom and pop" service station which had a road ( dirt track, as was the road the service station was on) and this road ended after about 2km on the top of a hill. From the top of the hill you could actually see glimpses of the area 51 buildings, where certain people think the US has the remains of crashed flying saucers. The service station owners would sell rides to gullible people to see just where the aliens were being kept. ( yes, you could see the buildings better from a glider....  they were whitewashed, and surrounded by rocky hills. I was not close enough to see an airfield, but there is one there apparently)

The year before I was there, a German guy apparently landed at the base there and they locked him up for awhile checking him out. He was eventually let go. I think his accent made him sound suspicious.

Personally, I find it hard to believe that the ufo wreckage and cadavers exist, how would you keep a secret like that, and why would you want to anyway?

 How could you swear people to secrecy beyond their retirements and deaths? If I were there, sure I would agree to silence ( if paid extra) but I would later tell my mates, especially after retiring.


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'People started to confide in me. Approach me. I have plenty of senior, former, intelligence officers that came to me, many of which I knew almost my whole career, that confided in me that they were part of a program.'

This is a classic behavioural statement from a narcissistic personality, possibly suffering from Aspergers Syndrome or some other Autism Spectrum disorder. I have a workshop neighbour like this, he's a right PIA. He's a former bank robber, drug dealer, jailbird and a real power freak and obsessive personality, who is almost certainly on the Spectrum.

He loves "policing" the factory units in our block, because he reckons the landlord and he are Best Buddies, and the Landlord relies on him for Everything. In his dreams.

He loves controlling the parking in the areas around the factory units, and he reckons "everyone comes to him" when there's a problem - because he's the only one who can "sort out problems".


He's narcissistic and believes he has all the controlling power around our block. I've nearly got to the stage of punching him out numerous times, because he loves "pushing peoples buttons" with annoying behaviour, so he can prove he's in charge. He's in charge of nothing but the scenes he makes up in his own mind.


These type of personalities are a real PIA, and they always insist they have huge powers or important information that has been given to them - when it's all in their narcissistic little minds.

I think Octave has nailed it, why would these "alien craft" crash, when they have such fantastic powers of almost-light-speed travel, and they have supposedly come from multiple light years away in the Universe.

And why haven't spacecraft sent light years out into the Universe, had alien craft buzzing around them?? It's all a load of conspiracy hogwash, propagated by obsessive personalities.

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6 hours ago, onetrack said:

Robots run by AI, of course. 

Probably do better than a lot of parents out there.  Won't be long before emotions like love can be believably simulated by AI, and once the hardware is up to standard you've got your parent bots.

To paraphrase Sarah Connor in T2 - "Watching John with the machine,  I realised that it would never hit him, yell at him, be too busy to spend time with him, and it would die to protect him. Of all the would be fathers who came and went over the years, this machine - this Terminator - was the only sane choice."

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On 09/06/2023 at 6:08 PM, Marty_d said:

At the end of the day,  if an entity can pass the Turing test face to face, why would we treat it as anything less than human?

Because it's not human, and never can be. It cannot produce a human level of empathy or emotion. And it has no concept or fear of death, as humans do, which drives vast amounts of our behaviour.

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9 hours ago, onetrack said:

Because it's not human, and never can be. It cannot produce a human level of empathy or emotion. And it has no concept or fear of death, as humans do, which drives vast amounts of our behaviour.

Well, that's true for most of us.

But read up on the profile of a psychopath/sociopath and you might find lack of a human level of empathy is high on the list. As is a lack of fearing severe consequences for one's actions, even to the level of not fearing death.


Such people are usually considered to be human, and are often very successful ones.

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10 hours ago, onetrack said:

Because it's not human, and never can be. It cannot produce a human level of empathy or emotion. And it has no concept or fear of death, as humans do, which drives vast amounts of our behaviour.

That's an interesting point.  Who would you rather spend time with - a non human who perfectly mimics empathy and emotion, or a human arsehole who literally has no empathy?

In regards to no fear of death, it seems likely to me that if AI ever reaches self awareness it would have an equal fear of being switched off. 

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Pain is a clunky mechanism that is supposed to protect the body (that fire is destroying your skin, back off - or that muscle in your back is damaged, don't do that movement) but doesn't stop when the problem is resolved and continues in the healing process.

Just ask anyone with chronic pain if it's doing anything useful.

A robot with damage would get a maintenance message and go get the problem fixed.

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7 hours ago, facthunter said:

Plenty of people turn you off. (Not here of course). A Robot won't have nerve ends to feel pain. YOUR BRAIN doesn't either.  Nev

Saburu Sakei described a head wound while flying his Zero over Allied ships at Guadelcanal. One eye shot out, blood obscuring his remaining vision, his finger explored a large hole in his skull under his helmet. He was feeling his brain, but felt no pain.
He stuffed his lunch wrapper into the hole and flew several hours home to Rabaul.

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