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facthunter last won the day on January 23

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About facthunter

  • Birthday 04/01/1940

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  1. Where can I get one of those? Nev
  2. I'm not into stifling debate merely pointing out the risks of drawing the Crabs . search engines go on trigger words and phrases. That is the real world we unfortunately live in right now. why risk getting caught in a net someone has hastily cast. Put your egos in your back pocket for a few minutes. No ones barring you from the forum and we don't want to endanger the forum do we? Nev
  3. That's an odd thing to do. Maybe he's a Sado-masochist flagellant. Nev
  4. THEY did it to be able to contest the original charges. IF you accept a Pardon you can't do that. All this detail has to be considered because it IS the context. Nev
  5. Funny making a motor do it. Are we becoming that weak Physically Must be a Status thing. A must Have .Like the first Land Cruisers were for Lawyers . Yes they were that expensive.. Theiss were the Importers. Nev
  6. Good on you red. Pauline HANSON loves him too as well as the NRA from whom she sought funding. Nev
  7. It's about situational awareness here and NOW. and not drawing the crabs. This stuff has become extra sensitive right now due to a lot of blame being thrown about and large penalties proposed for people propagating "inflammatory" material. (my words) How about we just be cautious eh. It can all be restored if that's your main concern .My concern is for the forum. not wasting time with minutea at this stage . Nev
  8. Actually the testosterone is a different type to what we have when younger.
  9. They really got a well deserved, kick up the apex with the BIG pay out and grovelling apology to Prince Harry recently.. I think I'll celebrate tonight with a bottle of Trilogy. May this Herald the beginning of the end of Newscorpse and encourage others to try to receive compensation for injustices inflicted by this woeful Organisation. Nev
  10. We have already said enough. WHY run the risk? Be risk averse till you are sure. Nev
  11. They are my goat hair eyebrows. Like pine trees they are . I have Hair, but it's thin and white. Hasn't receded at all. No I won't post a picture. Too many people looking for Me. Nev
  12. Anyhow the thread is ..."Defund the ABC" It's not a question. I'll comment. It's far from perfect but It's ALL we have or are likely to have. Defund means to be rid of in effect. I'd rather DEFEND the ABC. Then It's still around to be improved. Rupee wants it gone or sold (to him). Thats Blatant self Interest and is NOT NEW. HE's not motivated about what's GOOD for Australians. Only about HIS POWER and Influence. Nev
  13. Respectfully, Jerry, You are Muddying the water, at this point on this topic. I suggest there is some urgency here. Nev
  14. Time will tell. There's a BIG risk involved with radical control freaks like Trump. The whole World has to COP his "AMERICA FIRST" CRAP and Unilateral breaking of AGREEments and threats of forceful acquisition's of Territory and DICTATOR style behaviour with the associated uncertainty. THE WORLD DOESN'T need such behaviour. There's enough ratbags out there already without another Rule the WORLD Nutcase LOOSE CANNON on the scene. Wisdom we need. Not Bolshy pretend TOUGH GUY Populists with ILLUSIONS of GRANDEUR. Nev
  15. A vengeful stand over Man. nev
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