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Marty_d last won the day on January 25

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About Marty_d

  • Birthday 12/04/1972

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  1. 2 of our hens, with exquisite timing, have chosen to go broody on about a dozen eggs each. You're sitting on a fortune ladies!!
  2. One pint does not a wobble make!
  3. My son has an art class at the moment from 5pm - 6:15. It's in Salamanca Place, Hobart... Which is full of drinking establishments with outside seating... And it's 30 degrees. So I'm relaxing with a lovely pint of pale ale and watching the world go by. Life is good!
  4. Lot of those about. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/275656132532?srsltid=AfmBOoqHDHc0nFD15n1e-fO0mETuvnhDZloW4qjF2wqX_DEn3P3u_W45
  5. Well, you elect a convicted felon to the presidency, what the hell do you expect?
  6. Being called "a very fine man" by dickhead is worrying. Puts him in the same crowd as Kim Jong Un, Putin and Victor Orban.
  7. Don't get your knickers in a twist. They mention it simply to illustrate who the major parties are. If the Democrats were still around or the Green vote grew substantially I'm sure they'd change their FAQs.
  8. Try losing it for 2 weeks and 2 days, like we did a month or so back. On school holidays. With 3 teenagers.
  9. I think you're missing the point. Regardless of who owns the factories, they're employing Australians. If Trump puts tariffs on Australian goods then the price goes up in the US, which means it either gets passed to the consumer or they stop importing as much. In either case demand for Australian products goes down and that could lead to a loss of Australian jobs. That's why Albo will talk to him. Hopefully he understands that when dealing with vindictive bullies of limited intellect, crawling will not work, so he will be respectful but firm and clearly put Australia's case forward.
  10. The Australian armed forces are a professional institution which don't want untrained conscripts. It's bullying countries like Russia, led by your mate Donny's puppet master, who do conscription these days.
  11. Uk don't have vast quantities of sunlight and lots of room to collect it
  12. That would be fun to hack... Set the White House toilets to flush 20 seconds after a vast weight is registered on the seat.
  13. Because I'm a helpful sort I'll assist you @Grumpy Old Nasho... just give the most conservative people the highest numbers, and the most progressive ones the smallest numbers. Does that help?
  14. In 4 years time, hopefully the American people will get a clue after living in the wreckage of Trump's ego, and elect the Democrats. They will then have the unenviable task of rebuilding all these institutions which Musk has destroyed. The trouble is, all the knowledge, experience and expertise that the staff brought to them is now gone. I know idiots like Musk probably think of employees as replaceable pegs which are slotted into holes and can be moved around at will. But there is a world of difference between that office manager who knows everything about keeping the place running smoothly because she's done it for 30 years, and some 19yo fresh out of uni.
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