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Why is it so?


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Life is full of never ending questions. Why is it that catwalk models walk pigeon-toed down the catwalk, crossing their feet in front of each other like they're purposely trying to trip themselves up. A mystery (to me it is anyway ). At least nowdays they have fuller figures and that heroin chic rubbish has gone out of fashion, so that's one consolation.


And why is it that when you throw something out that you haven't used or thought about for years, within days you really, really need it.

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Why is it, a dropped nut or screw rolls or bounces at least a metre away from where you last spotted it hitting the ground?

Why is it, the dropped nut or screw ends up the exact same colour as the rocks, dirt or grass it lands in?


Why is it, the only nut, washer or screw of its type, that you're trying to clean up in the wire wheel on the grinder, is grabbed by the wire wheel, and thrown to the most distant part of your shed, never to be seen or found again?

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9 hours ago, pmccarthy said:

Why do hoses and extension leads always tangle?

I have a bad habit of walking around with a power tool with it's lead dragging unwound and dangling down. Quite often as I walk the lead will get between the legs, then the leg movement makes the lead swing from side to side out the rear end, like some sort of animal tail. It makes you feel really stupid until you come to a halt and remedy the situation. It only happens with power tools that have a long enough cord to do it.

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3 hours ago, pmccarthy said:

We finally gave up looking for our wok this week and my wife bought a new one. Within an hour I had found it in the camping gear while looking for a something else.

How can you lose something so big? Ours sits on top of the Rayburn and is used regularly.

Woks are an amazing, efficent cooking device, with lots of other uses.

Mine has served me since 1975 on camping and bike trips, where it cooked our dinner, served as washup dish and was sometimes used to drain Corse + from my Ducati.



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