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Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Census Day).


Reports on this morning's news that they have already started hacking the Census.


If you haven't completed your census form (paper or online), DO NOT put No Religion, even if it has been twenty years since you went to church.


There are a number of newer religions in this country brought by immigrants, and they won't deny their beliefs. This could result in biased figures and end up with things like Sharia Law simply because people recorded no religion.


Even if you do not follow a religion now, record the religion you were born or baptised into. Don't let the stats be disproportionately biased.



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I have two brothers who are NOT baptised, are they to lie on their census form !.

Just a remark as to what they should put .

When youngster,s at school they had big problems with teachers, and had to stand outside when the rest of their school mates were singing religious songs at ' Assembly '.

I renounced my CoE at 18.



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4 hours ago, red750 said:

Even if you do not follow a religion now, record the religion you were born or baptised into. Don't let the stats be disproportionately biased.

Wouldn't the stats be biased if you lied about your true religious status, rather than disclosed the truth, you think it's load of crap. The census relates to today's situation, not back when we had no choice but to be indoctrinated into fantasy land and many have and still suffer from that abuse.


I'm happy to reveal my non belief and the more people who do, the faster we may see the populace wake up and realise we are  being controlled by a very dwindling minority in this country and most others. Hopefully the future will right the situation before it's to late.

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6 hours ago, red750 said:

Tomorrow (Tuesday) is Census Day).


Reports on this morning's news that they have already started hacking the Census.


If you haven't completed your census form (paper or online), DO NOT put No Religion, even if it has been twenty years since you went to church.


There are a number of newer religions in this country brought by immigrants, and they won't deny their beliefs. This could result in biased figures and end up with things like Sharia Law simply because people recorded no religion.


Even if you do not follow a religion now, record the religion you were born or baptised into. Don't let the stats be disproportionately biased.




Peter, can you reveal where that advice came from?  Willing to bet the source is some rabid white supremacist right-wing christian group.


From a purely statistical point of view it makes absolutely no sense at all.  Sharia law (which is impossible to be imposed on Australia's laws) is no more likely if 80% of the population is defined as "no religion", than it would be if that 80% put "christian".

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I put down "non-denominational", as I have done for probably more than 40 years. I believe in God, but I don't align myself with any particular church or religious group. And I'll wager there's a lot of people like me. I've probably got thrown into the "no religion" basket, about now.  :classic_unsure:


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34 minutes ago, onetrack said:

I put down "non-denominational", as I have done for probably more than 40 years. I believe in God, but I don't align myself with any particular church or religious group. And I'll wager there's a lot of people like me. I've probably got thrown into the "no religion" basket, about now.  :classic_unsure:


I think you can tick the "other" box and write whatever you want, that'll keep you out of the "no religion" basket.

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Say all non Muslim people marked no religion and every Muslim person marked Muslim/Islam. So what? It would show Australia is an Atheist nation, and not a Muslim nation, as the vast majority of Australians would be shown not to have a religion. According to Wikipedia, 2.6% of the population is Muslim - hardly anywhere near enough to declare Australia is a Muslim country if everyone else said no religion.

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How many Christian churches have been built in the last 10 years.

How many NONE Christian churches have been built in that timeframe. ?

I don.t seem to recall ANY Christian buildings going up Anywhere in Australia.


Any reduction in Christians, will mean we Don.t need more religious places of worship.


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In my neck of the woods, the "happy-clappy" Christian churches seem to be thriving O.K., and the bulk of them don't build specific church buildings, they occupy large industrial properties that lend themselves to large gatherings of people.


There's been a few Sikh temples that have taken over some of the established churches buildings, and some Eastern European Orthodox religions have done the same. There's been the odd Mosque built here on the Left coast and no doubt there are other brands of religion I've missed that have increased in numbers.


But overall here, the established Western religions are losing "clients" to the newer religions that encourage and appeal to younger people - as the established Western religions are usually only seen as the preserve of old people.

The upsurge in other religions would be pretty much in line with the upsurge in immigration from many other countries, where the immigrants bring their religion with them, and feel the need to establish their own local church or place of worship, so their like-minded countrymen and women can gather and worship.


The most important thing we need to do, is ensure that the Islamic houses of worship do not become breeding grounds for extremist Islamic adherents, as the odd Mosque in SW Sydney is believed to have facilitated.

The Madrassas of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the Middle Eastern countries are merely breeding grounds for terrorism, and they promote the pursuit of Islamic advance via murderous means.

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On 10/08/2021 at 4:17 PM, spacesailor said:

How many Christian churches have been built in the last 10 years.

How many NONE Christian churches have been built in that timeframe. ?

I don.t seem to recall ANY Christian buildings going up Anywhere in Australia...

Spacey you haven’t noticed the American-style evangelical prayer halls and worship barns springing up around the suburbs? They have their claws into the ruling political party and no politician dares challenge their influence.

They worry me as much as the ultra-orthodox mosques.

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On 10/08/2021 at 9:50 PM, Marty_d said:

Just completed the online census.  Fairly smooth process this time and at least it didn't crash...

The wheels of stable administration are still turning, but Covid has made the road a little bumpy.


Last week a masked lady delivered a census envelope to our rural household. She mentioned the difficulty of getting enough delivery people. Amazing because our household is accustomed to doing the census online.

Meanwhile my wife’s 90 year-old parents can’t get the forms. They wasted most of the day calling government agencies and the office of their local member (Deputy PM).


All they got was recorded messages directing them to other departments. They are very worried they’ll be fined for not doing their civic duty.

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I did the census. It was posted to us and I posted the completed form back yesterday.

I cannot remember what questions we have had on previous forms, but there didn't seem to be much they would be learning from the current set.

I also had a letter saying I was compelled to do another census. Had to log on and log in and now they are going to phone me to arrange a visit by them to ask more questions. I am wondering why certain people have been picked for a more in depth questionairre. No doubt it will give me more clout in what I expect from the powers that be.

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Yenn, you have been chosen as the national average person. This way the Bureau of Census & Statistics don't have to trawl through millions of submissions. Yours will speak for all of us.  As such you are answering on behalf of all Australians.

Choose your answers carefully.

Edited by nomadpete
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Yenn, because you posted your census form, the ABS is obviously keen to know, how older people with no internet connection, and no computer skills, are surviving in the remote areas of Australia.

Your answers will have a huge impact on future Govt decisions, over how much "traditional" forms of communication need to be abandoned in future planning.


Only the bureaucrats could send you a letter asking you to log in to their website, to initiate a phone call, to arrange a personal visit. Nigel Hawthorne in "Yes Minister" couldn't have done any better.



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