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Phil Perry

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Reminds me of the time I was in the Cadet unit at high school. NavEx had us tramping all over the place from hell and back, and last stretch back to the base camp lead across a paddock...


I was tired and footsore, and when the bulls came trotting over to investigate these strangers intruding on their ground, while the city slickers ran for the nearest fence, I just turned round and let rip at the bulls.


They weren't much, only rising 2 year old friesian bulls waiting to become McD's patties, but to city kids they must have seemed like the worst nightmares of rampaging stampeding mobs of mad bulls...


After I finished swearing at them I just turned around and carried on trudging towards the marked waypoint while everyone else made their way the long way round along the outside of the fences...


I copped a bit of hero worship for a day or so and the madman the faced the wild bulls... before other stull put it out of peoples minds.


The advantages of a rural upbringing... ;)



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Thought of one from a few years back.


On the commute to Birmingham there is a clock-sign saying "It's a great time to invest in Birmingham"....... I'm sure the marketing hotshot received a handsome sum for that fantastic play on words.


Funny thing was that the clock was broken and had been broken for three years since it was put up spacer.png



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There's a museum in Beijing that only Chinese can enter...














Kiwis do it too. It is $25 for foreigners and $15 for people with a New Zealand passport to gain entry to the Waitangi Treaty grounds:





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Kiwis do it too. It is $25 for foreigners and $15 for people with a New Zealand passport to gain entry to the Waitangi Treaty grounds:


Entry to MONA is free for Tasmanian residents. Don't know what they charge everyone else but it ain't free.



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When I move to Tazmanier, we're going to secede from the commonwealth and set up our own republic with an ELECTED president, Then we can give the finger to all you poor unfortunate mainlanders who will still be suffering under a bent political regime that doesn't allow you to elect your own leader!




And I bet we don't drift away to New Zealand, either!



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