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Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!


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Yes, another year on planet earth has slid quietly beneath my keel.


I hope that in spite of all our collective trials and tribulations, each trip around the sun has brought some rewards to you all.


May 2023 bring less challenges and more happiness to you all.

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Please OME!

STOP IT, I'm almost feeling guilty.

To celebrate the economic boost others support in the festive season (sarcasm), yesterday we sailed from small island (Van Diemens Land) to little island (Bruny Island). Fortunately the majority of boating folk were busy elsewhere so we are now enjoying peace and goodwill anchored in a picturesque perfectly calm bay to ourselves. Just finished breakfast in bed. Haven't heard any carols for at least 24hrs!

Not everybody's Xmas, but is our utopia.


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Still Christmas Eve here.. Have finished dinner and now going to enjoy a sip of Baileys before finishing some chores for the big day. Our heating finally gave up the ghost, after about 6 months trying to get plumbers (thank's Brexit). Thankfully we ordered two word during stoves (bit like pot-bellied stoves, but no exposed flue) before the price hikes and shortages thanks to the electricity prices going through the roof... and we have. good supply of firewood., so in the areas that count, it is still nice and toasty. Also, apart from a couple of weeks ago, where the mercury dipped to -6 c, it has been very mild. 


Alas, the in laws figured it would be too cold for them, and at the last minute, the decided they would be more comfy at my partner's sisters for Christmas. This will be only the second Chrissie that I can remember  with just the nuclear family. The last time was only 2 years ago, and to be honest, it was the best Chrissie I remember. No stress, worrying about treading on toes, etc. We really enjoyed each other's company. Hopefully the same this year. 


Although, some friends from the village will be popping in for some Cheeses later in the day.





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I think we've outlived a lot of friends - and family and relatives all choose to live a long way away, in places such as the Gold Coast. So Christmas lunch today is just myself and SWMBO and stepdaughter.

Numbers of people close to us, including stepdaughters partner, are working Christmas Day, such is the problem of a lack of employees (or employable people) locally.


But it's a fabulous day, weather-wise, 18° to 30°, and blue skies, and little wind. Forecast says a strong, cool Sou-Westerly seabreeze after lunch, typical of this time of year.

We've got premium local fish, some yummy Frenched lamb cutlets, a couple of pieces of nice porterhouse steak, some artisan breads, salads, trifle with cream, icecream, fruit platters with strawberries, pineapple, watermelon, rockmelon, oranges, delicious cherries, blueberries, and stonefruit galore.

Just about all W.A.-produced food, too, which is the way it should be, to help the environment. I have never figured out what kind of management stupidity thinks shipping foods 4000-5000 kms across Australia, makes sense. Pineapple is about the only thing that we have to get in, from QLD.


We're not overly fussed about pork meat, so it rarely gets eaten in our household. A bit of local unsmoked bacon occasionally, is about the limit of our porcine consumption. 



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Although, some friends from the village will be popping in for some Cheeses later in the day.

Oh yes - Just up the street, we have a big Catholic church and school, and when we went for a walk last night to check out the Christmas lights in the local streets, the Catholics were celebrating with Cheeses of Nazareth.

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