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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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There you go again Don, denial of the Bible, yet a quote from it.

That your best shot Turbo? The Bible I quote from is your authority not mine. No point quoting my Bible at you.


Disappointed in this summary dismissal of my brilliant response to your ordinary post. After I slave over your writings and put up half a dozen counters without ever getting personal and all you can do is complain about me quoting your "facts" to you. I guess you were pressed for time.



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Evolution is the only one you don't need faith for - just look into the eyes of a great ape and if you can't see a family reseblence then you'd better get yourself off to Specsavers!

As a matter of fact I've been doing a little DNA research, and that's proving rather interesting.


It appears anthropologists have been working on almost exactly what you just said. and simply attempting to create a finished jigsaw base on similarities of skeletons.


Since the A team are extremely picky in relation to proof, I've got a lot more work to do before I make any pronouncement.


That your best shot Turbo? The Bible I quote from is your authority not mine. No point quoting my Bible at you.

Disappointed in this summary dismissal of my brilliant response to your ordinary post. After I slave over your writings and put up half a dozen counters without ever getting personal and all you can do is complain about me quoting your "facts" to you. I guess you were pressed for time.

I did start to lay out a detailed response, but was pushed for time on another matter, then realised you'd done exactly what I said some atheists do.



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Since the A team are extremely picky in relation to proof, I've got a lot more work to do before I make any pronouncement.

Looking forward to it and I will say in the face of, cough cough, healthy debate, I appreciate you continuing with your very interesting posts.


History is a marvel to be held regardless of who's version.



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It is extremely improbable that the eye components evolved in their various parts and somehow came together to work as a unit, all without a designer. and I have become a believer in God.

Ok 148.16 kmh, so lets say there was a designer who made us all 5000, 50,000, 5 million years ago, whatever, so what?


Ok, you believe a God was responsible for creating your forefathers long ago, and? What's the point here? What difference does it make if you do believe that or not or if there actually was some creator? I appreciate people feeling grateful for their creator, but should that extend to it dictating your daily life, and I mean in a completely overpowering, binding and obstructive way both physically and mentally everyday, even every minute that some choose to?


On the every minute bit, the Monk thing is bullshut, they can not self exist with their level of spiritual absorption, depending on others entirely to feed them.


Like the Monks, here in Asia we get the worst followers of whatever, hundreds travel hundreds of kms taking 3 steps and then bowing completely down (spreadeagle) on to their stomachs (not the lazy ones that just go to their knees and elbows) - beyond bizzare, watching them is just incomprehensible that anyone could do such a thing. I however view it the same as others disturb their lives but to a far lesser extent, none ever the less, still a disturbance.


Look up "3 steps, one bow". Look for the ones that travel through mountains too, not the lazy city ones I mentioned.



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There comes a point after which you either accept the evidence that is all around you, or you keep your face planted in the bible, denying things that are actually happening.


Did you know that when Galileo turned his telescope on the moon and Jupiter, that some religious of the time (but generally not the Jesuits in Rome) actually refused to look through the telescope to view the evidence of a non-perfect "creation"? The telescope showed things that conflicted with their religious beliefs, so rather than challenge their belief, they buried their eyes in their bible - Its called cognitive dissonance.




Now, god-botherers, have a bit of fun with an example of your own cognitive dissonance - i await your reply with bated breath



HIV evolving 'into milder form'




HIV is evolving to become less deadly and less infectious, according to a major scientific study.




The team at the University of Oxford shows the virus is being "watered down" as it adapts to our immune systems.




It said it was taking longer for HIV infection to cause Aids and that the changes in the virus may help efforts to contain the pandemic.


... snip...


"We are observing evolution happening in front of us and it is surprising how quickly the process is happening.




(read article for more)






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There comes a point after which you either accept the evidence that is all around you, or you keep your face planted in the bible, denying things that are actually happening.

Did you know that when Galileo turned his telescope on the moon and Jupiter, that some religious of the time (but generally not the Jesuits in Rome) actually refused to look through the telescope to view the evidence of a non-perfect "creation"? The telescope showed things that conflicted with their religious beliefs, so rather than challenge their belief, they buried their eyes in their bible - Its called cognitive dissonance.


Now, god-botherers, have a bit of fun with an example of your own cognitive dissonance - i await your reply with bated breath



Sounds like horse dung to me, since people who believed in God knew the moon and Jupiter were planets, knew about precession, and used henges to predict eclipses thousands of years before Galileo.








HIV evolving 'into milder form'



HIV is evolving to become less deadly and less infectious, according to a major scientific study.




The team at the University of Oxford shows the virus is being "watered down" as it adapts to our immune systems.




It said it was taking longer for HIV infection to cause Aids and that the changes in the virus may help efforts to contain the pandemic.


... snip...


"We are observing evolution happening in front of us and it is surprising how quickly the process is happening.




(read article for more)

You're as bad as Octave with his virus - the HIV virus is still the HIV virus. It may well be adapting just as we adapt, it may even be changing, as some of us are black, some are white, some have round eyes, but it's not going to turn into a fish, lizard or bird.



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...Ok, you believe a God was responsible for creating your forefathers long ago, and? What's the point here? What difference does it make if you do believe that or not or if there actually was some creator? I appreciate people feeling grateful for their creator, but should that extend to it dictating your daily life, and I mean in a completely overpowering, binding and obstructive way both physically and mentally everyday, even every minute...?

...now we're getting somewhere. This thread might just make it to 2000 after all.



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It is still true to say "if he was two feet closer......... in that instance the statement is true. You might question the importance of making the observation, but..


At one stage of my life I had had so many near events I thought I had been saved for some special purpose. I was saved because I didn't get killed. Thinking you are important is a common mistake , possible because of a well developed ego. Cemetrys are full of indispensable people


Another stuck post from me . I don't blame the site .Nev



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Sounds like horse dung to me, since people who believed in God knew the moon and Jupiter were planets, knew about precession, and used henges to predict eclipses thousands of years before Galileo.


You're as bad as Octave with his virus - the HIV virus is still the HIV virus. It may well be adapting just as we adapt, it may even be changing, as some of us are black, some are white, some have round eyes, but it's not going to turn into a fish, lizard or bird.

Nah TP, you got the wrong end of the stick. Galileo's observations showed that the perfection of the heavens, Vs the corruptible earth, was nonsense. You are arguing geometry, he was arguing physical evidence Vs dogma.


Sunspots, and craters on the moon were not allowed under the perfection of the heavens dogma.


The phases of Venus, and the moons of Jupiter that he observed undermined the Aristotelian view of the heavens.


He didn't say there was no precession or no planets - dont use obtuse arguments.


As for your argument against virus evolution - evolution has been observed, in our limited human timeframe - no one expects a gorilla to appear from a virus - that also is a rather obtuse argument, and well beneath your usual level. Instead, can you deny the firm evidence of virii evolving???



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And according to one creed, there is an unlimited supply of virgins. Where do they come from?

Not Chigwell, that's for sure.


I never understood the virgin thing. When you think about it logically, men being men, if any young woman is even borderline good looking, there will be serious attempts to relieve her of the burden of virginity. So in general terms a high proportion of virgins who make it to their 30's would not be welcome on America's Next Top Model, to say the least.


Hardly an incentive to strap on the vest.



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clipping to the max ...You're as bad as Octave with his virus - the HIV virus is still the HIV virus. It may well be adapting just as we adapt, it may even be changing, as some of us are black, some are white, some have round eyes, but it's not going to turn into a fish, lizard or bird.

Well it's not a fish, lizard or duck ... yet ... give it time spacer.png



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And according to one creed, there is an unlimited supply of virgins. Where do they come from?

A sinner died and found himself in heaven. He said to Peter, "I don't understand! I've done so many things wrong in my life. You name it. Adultery, theft, blasphemy, murder ... and here I am in heaven. Why?"


Peter replied, "Look, down on Earth, people are fond of rules. Here, there are no rules. Remember? God made everyone equal and he doesn't discriminate. Man invented sin."


The sinner was amazed and relieved. Something strange caught his eye and he asked, "Peter, why are those women beating themselves with sticks?!"


Peter replied, "Oh, ignore them. They're virgins!"


Sounds like horse dung to me, since people who believed in God knew the moon and Jupiter were planets, knew about precession, and used henges to predict eclipses thousands of years before Galileo.

...and which god would that be?



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As for your argument against virus evolution - evolution has been observed, in our limited human timeframe - no one expects a gorilla to appear from a virus - that also is a rather obtuse argument, and well beneath your usual level. Instead, can you deny the firm evidence of virii evolving???

I'm working on it.


Perhaps you can share with us this firm evidence.



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It is still true to say "if he was two feet closer......... in that instance the statement is true. You might question the importance of making the observation, but..At one stage of my life I had had so many near events I thought I had been saved for some special purpose. I was saved because I didn't get killed. Thinking you are important is a common mistake , possible because of a well developed ego. Cemetrys are full of indispensable people


Another stuck post from me . I don't blame the site .Nev

I'm of the opinion that you've saved several lives with your sound advice, possibly a lot more. Making one person miserable to save the lives of others seems to be a pattern with God.



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I'm working on it.

Perhaps you can share with us this firm evidence.

Post #1334




- Antibiotic resistant tuberculosis


- Bacteria in general evolving resistance to antibiotics


- Flu virus that mutates EACH year!!!


Let me ask you this hypothetically.


You develop a bad cough - when you visit the doc, he diagnoses MDR (multi drug resistant) tuberculosis. Now, because evolution is a fraud, he gives you drugs that only work against the earlier variant of tuberculosis, before it evolved drug resistance. Do you protest about the treatment, or just keep saying, no evolution, so I'll take the drug that wont work against the MDR version?


You only have to look at the constant gene swapping that bacteria and virii do for evidence. It may not fit with your fairly narrow definition of evolution, but it happens all the time, and is happening today, and it is evolution.



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