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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Can we clear up some definitions being thrown around here please?


The word THEORY


According to the National Academies of Sciences, "some scientific explanations are so well established that no new evidence is likely to alter them. The explanation becomes a scientific theory.


In everyday language a theory means a hunch or speculation. Not so in science.


In science, the word theory refers to a comprehensive explanation of an important feature of nature supported by facts gathered over time. Theories also allow scientists to make predictions about as yet unobserved phenomena".


Laws of Science


Laws differ from scientific theories in that they do not posit a mechanism or explanation of phenomena: they are merely distillations of the results of repeated observation. For example, Newtons 3 laws of motion.


Newton didn't invent gravity, but be posited a theory of gravity to explain observations. His laws are a mathematical description of observed behaviour. As to whether laws are discovered or invented, go talk to a good scientific philosopher. I personally think laws are discovered, but the maths behind them is an "invention". Boyle's Laws describe gaseous behaviour, but gases were behaving this way since the big bang, hence the 'discovery' of the law was possible. The invention (for want of a better term) component was a mathematical method of describing the law.


And of course, new theories and laws pop up all the time, which is where the religious brethren amongst us differ from those of a scientific bent, in that the bible cant change, no matter what the evidence, or the use of Tony Abbottesque verbal gymnastics.


Hey by the way Turbs, where is this proof about evolution being wrong that you promised?



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We need a Law of Tactics then.


Laws of "physics " as far as they go alter nothing that existed before they were "discovered". The way things happen doesn't wait for us to define it. We try to express them in a way that enables us to deal with them mathematically and conceptually We know the force of gravity between two bodies is proportional to their mass(es) and the distance between them, but we have no idea where the force comes from. Nev



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The way things happen doesn't wait for us to define it.

Is this not why we still have millions of people still literally believing every word that was translated into the bible. It was written in a time when Joe Public had questions about why things were the way he observed, but absolutely no scientific knowledge to answer his questions. Any scientific knowledge was closely guarded by the clergy to maintain control of the population, even four hundred years ago the scientists and the clergy were quite often the same people. Now that more of the population have scientific knowledge and use the their enquiring minds to answer there own questions of wonder, less need to ingest the retail packaged explanation written for an earlier time, the transition is not yet complete. In the mean time we will continue fighting to the death in the name of which ever God our leaders proclaim to be the only and right one, without regard for the enemy believing they are fighting the same unifying and righteous fight in a different name of the same God, teaching them answers to the same question of wonder that they ask themselves, but not stopping to think of the answers for themselves.



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Sooo .......


After much chuckling and deep thought (enjoying this thread immensely) I summarise the preceeding thousands of posts by saying ...


There are some who question the theory of evolution (in spite of the supporting evidence)


There are some who even question the theory of gravity (in spite of the supporting evidence)


There are some who question the theory of there being a god or gods


There are some who question written history


But this discourse will go on forever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The only real problems come from folk who try to force their belief onto others



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RGMWA, I hope you weren't suggesting my post was criticising any belief. Quite the opposite. My point was simply that other people's beliefs are none of my concern, so long as nobody makes my life difficult/unpleasant by their actions. Actions are motivated by belief. most persecution on this planet seems to be a result of 'out of control' beliefs - most often these are political or religious beliefs.


I have been in the company of religious evangelists and athiest "evangelists" and political "evangelists'. None of these were particularly good company. However, I have no reason to change their views (beliefs) to match my own.


This does not mean that I am lacking spiritual beliefs. Just that they are my own.



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So far I've learned a bit about alternative views of history, evolution and physics, had some typing practice, and remain none the wiser when it comes to religion and the answer to Everything. Has anyone else done any better or joined the opposing team yet?





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RGMWA, I hope you weren't suggesting my post was criticising any belief. Quite the opposite. My point was simply that other people's beliefs are none of my concern, so long as nobody makes my life difficult/unpleasant by their actions. Actions are motivated by belief. most persecution on this planet seems to be a result of 'out of control' beliefs - most often these are political or religious beliefs.I have been in the company of religious evangelists and athiest "evangelists" and political "evangelists'. None of these were particularly good company. However, I have no reason to change their views (beliefs) to match my own.


This does not mean that I am lacking spiritual beliefs. Just that they are my own.

No, not at all NP. I totally agree with you. All I was saying is that the problems occur when people try to force their beliefs onto others (as you said), or when they won't accept that others may have different beliefs, including no belief (religious or otherwise).





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So far I've learned a bit about alternative views of history, evolution and physics, had some typing practice, and remain none the wiser when it comes to religion and the answer to Everything. rgmwa

The answer is 42. This is on the wall of the restaurant at the end of the universe.



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So far I've learned a bit about alternative views of history, evolution and physics, had some typing practice, and remain none the wiser when it comes to religion and the answer to Everything. Has anyone else done any better or joined the opposing team yet?rgmwa

About a thousand posts ago (is that one KiloPost?), someone changed their viewpoint by 180 degrees after watching a single SBS program ....that's all it took.


As to whether anyone has moved from Atheism to Christianity since this thread started: it is most likely that they are doing what NomadPete suggested back in post No #1464, i.e., they're keeping it to themselves:


...I have been in the company of religious evangelists and athiest "evangelists" and political "evangelists'. None of these were particularly good company. However, I have no reason to change their views (beliefs) to match my own.


This does not mean that I am lacking spiritual beliefs. Just that they are my own.

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...I've been watching China's awesome progress, but didn't know she had a supersonic passenger service to the Top End.

I just spent 3 days in the "Top End", what an awesome place although a bit barren. Beautiful clear blue skies, amazing landscapes and the friendliest people one could hope to meet, but it was -8 to -14 everyday!


Qahar Youyi Qianqi, Inner Mongola. I have now seen my first frozen river and frozen lake too! 113.2, 40.8



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As to whether anyone has moved from Atheism to Christianity since this thread started: it is most likely that they are doing what NomadPete suggested back in post No #1464, i.e., they're keeping it to themselves:

You're probably right 8okts, and I expect all the Christian to Athiest converts are probably doing the same. Which reminds me, Gnu's been a bit quiet lately. I wonder ....





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