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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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. . . why everyone of sense needs to fight to retain a clear and total separation of church and state.

It is to the benefit of people of all religions, as well as the non-religious, to keep religion and state totally separate. That is the only way all religions will truly have freedom to follow their particular beliefs.


Freedom of religious practice has limits the same as free speech has limits. These limits come into play when they harm others. A classic example is religious parents that refuse a life-saving blood transfusion for their child who is not able to give informed consent to that decision. The state has to step in to save the life of the child. Similarly, pre-teen child brides after the style of muhammad's marriage to a 6 year old girl and subsequent consumation at 9 years is utterly repugnant to non-muslims. It is illegal in Australia but not always able to be prevented. And then there are the genital mutilations of women and "honour" killings. All horrific.


The situation in some English cities has now become very unattractive because of religious enclaves, particularly Muslim enclaves. Non-muslims are treated with contempt and it is no longer safe in many parts of England to be obviously non-Muslim. This is a very sad development and one we must be on our guard against here.


There is a huge difference between being genuinely politically correct and appeasing violent minorities. So far Australia has done a very good job of managing this. But, we have not had to contend with the saturation of large parts of certain cities with people whose culture is an anathema to that broadly recognised as "the Australian Way".



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But now for something completely different.


The old scribes of the Bible had a real talent for writing smutty stuff like in Ezekiel 23:20


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


And this one gave me a chuckle . . .





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But now for something completely different.

The old scribes of the Bible had a real talent for writing smutty stuff like in Ezekiel 23:20


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


And this one gave me a chuckle . . .



Bit of a strange equine mix there, couldn't they have stuck with one simile - donkey or horse? Seems to suggest a donkey is better-hung but not as... er... copious as a horse.


As for the christmas message... at what point was Jesus anglo-saxon with Willie Nelson hairstyle??



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But now for something completely different.

The old scribes of the Bible had a real talent for writing smutty stuff like in Ezekiel 23:20


"There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses."


And this one gave me a chuckle . . .



Jesus myself, I am a spitting image, no wonder I pull the chicks.



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At the same time in the USA, the bible loonies are trying to get a law passed in Missouri that would require schools to notify parents that evolution theory was going to be taught on a particular day. God fearing yanks would not want their children exposed to that sort of science porno.

..... but happy to use the creations of science en-mass, including the porno spacer.png



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I know it's all happened before, but after long periods of tolerance, why the outbreak of religious ferocity in the last decade or so? Not just Moslem extremists, but Hindus, Sikhs, Christians and even Buddhists have slaughtered people in the name of their religion.


Almost everyone on the planet now has access to modern communications. The success of science and modernisation is all around them. Could it be the last dying gasps of crazies trying to prevent their co-religionists from thinking for themselves?



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Jesus myself, I am a spitting image, no wonder I pull the chicks.

Dreaming again.If you take the time to look in the mirror you will realise that the truth hurts & the so called chicks you were previously dreaming of are what you have been buying at KFC



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This thread is getting far to humourous . . . oh, wait a minute . . .


Anyhow, just for GG's benefit and those who are under the delusion that Hitler was an atheist and that Nazism was anything other than Christian and anti-semitic:


Hitler was a Christian. This undeniable fact couldn't be made any clearer than by his own confessions. Beyond any reasonable doubt, Hitler and his Christian Nazi Party were acting in complete concordance with traditional Christian anti-Semitism.


Here are just a couple of Hitler’s Christian confessions:


“Besides that, I believe one thing: there is a Lord God! And this Lord God creates the peoples.”


~Adolf Hitler


“We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations; we have stamped it out” [2] ~Adolf Hitler


I do not argue that Hitler did what he did out of regard for the Bible and Christianity but to prove he at least claimed to be a Christian not an atheist as Gnarly claimed and that he worked hard to eliminate atheism from his Reich.



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Definition from the New Collins Dictionery - Atheist: "one who denies the existence of God"And the atheists in this thread, including yourself fit this definition very well.

Just had to repeat this for you Don; here you are like a spectator at a ghastly accident leaning over to see how white the body is.


Whether Hitler crossd-ressed as a Bishop, or prayed to Jesus doesn't matter to us; we've got back to people believing in God around 30,000 years ago - bit before his time.



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I strongly suspect that the cavemen of the stone age craved the comforting certainty that comes from presuming (for them knowing) there must be Gods - some benign, some cruel. WTF that has to do with whether there are or are not deities escapes me. It's a bit like the "everyone's doing it" argument so it must be OK. People deluding themselves for many millennia does not make it it so.


I doubt that you would take advice on almost any subject from a person of 30,000 years ago (if that were possible). Those people were by today's standards were not what you would call well-educated. They had not had the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of giants like Newton, Copernicus and Darwin.


There is an evolutionary argument that says a commonly held belief assists with binding a community together and making that group better able to survive than a group without such a culture. We all understand that a cooperative group is stronger than every man for himself.


Please don't quote that nonsense from the New Collins Dictionary at me again - it must have been written by a person who believes in one or more of the innumerable deities. No atheist would ever define themselves in that manner. An atheist is one for whom the existence or otherwise of a deity or deities is of no relevance. An atheist when asked what religion they are would choose "N/A" not applicable. They would not chose "Denier of the existence of Gods". It is a non-question to an atheist.



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That's gold. I'm going to use that.

I wish I had had it printed up as a card to hand out to the Jehovah's Witnesses that were down on the Newcastle Harbour waterfront yesterday proselytizing. Or perhaps as a poster and just sit down on the next bench and wave it about.



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I wish I had had it printed up as a card to hand out to the Jehovah's Witnesses that were down on the Newcastle Harbour waterfront yesterday proselytizing. Or perhaps as a poster and just sit down on the next bench and wave it about.

Don't be too hard on the JWs, Don. The ones around here are better citizens than the average and I don't mind their visits to my isolated address (other people avoid me in droves). I can always look forward to a polite exchange of views on matters deep, and one bloke pitched in (wearing full suit and tie) to help move a slow combustion stove on a stinking hot day.



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Having it contain the maximum of verifiable facts would be a great idea, certainly in modern times.


When these things had to have some explanation, in the absence of knowledge long ago, they attributed it to the Sun, Moon,Cats,Various semi human forms The Rainbow Serpent, min min lights etc.


Most thought the earth was flat, even at the sailing of Columbus many warned him he would sail off the edge and fall somewhere. and that isn't that long ago.


We have never had access to knowledge at the rate we are have it now . "Goodness" isn't restricted to the god believers. It sometimes is stated that the end is nigh and nothing we do makes any difference .The earth is 6300 years old. A surprising number of Christians believe that, in Australia as well as the USA.


That is often a reason given for not doing things that are good for the world WE KNOW and the only one non theists know. Respect for this wonderful planet shouldn't be too much to ask..


When you kill in the name of your god, you either have a dud god or you are misinterpreting the words attributed to him, her. it, and there is plenty of it going on at the moment. Nev



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we've got back to people believing in God around 30,000 years ago - bit before his time.

Whose God? There are many and various to choose from.


Then again, if you were a certain friend of mine, this would be impossible, as the Earth is < 10,000 years old which precludes anything being known 30,000 years ago. This is because the Bible says so, and all the scientific evidence supports the Bible, didn't you know?


(He and I had a >100 long exchange on his Facebook page about this, and I may as well have just explained various scientific facts to a wall)



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