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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Err, that would make him a voyeur, the dirty bugger.

I heard somewhere that the old monks used to have that dodgy haircut so that god could see their thoughts.


Confused me a bit, so he can see through 100km of atmosphere and a human skull, but hair acts as a thought jammer?



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Another bloody earthquake, God didn't make the planet so well, no wonder it's too embarrassed to show itself ....

Not just the planet. He didn't make anything right. spacer.png


Everyday I spend hours fixing up ( or assisting in fixing up ) problems that occur directly as a result of design errors in humans ( made in his image, apparently. )


He won't show himself because he's either doesn't have the answer to " What on earth were you thinking .....?" or more probably he's no longer with us. If we are are exactly in his image he probably already died of cancer, infection, deformity, genetic abnormality or one of the other multitude design faults we have.



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On general concepts out there, It would be more likely man created god in man's image. ( and with most of the worst faults psychologically too. Anger, jealousy, destructive tendencies, has favourites. Incites murder demands he be worshipped etc (make your more complete list)...Nev



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The three wise men arrived at the stable shortly after the birth.


They were greeted by Joseph and Mary and were invited inside to see the baby.


the first two entered with no problems, but the third, being exceptionally tall, hit his head on the door frame hard enough to bring tears to the eyes.


"Jesus Christ!", he exclaimed.


Joseph turned to Mary and said, "Quick write that one down. It's much better than Clive!"



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The three wise men arrived at the stable shortly after the birth.They were greeted by Joseph and Mary and were invited inside to see the baby.


the first two entered with no problems, but the third, being exceptionally tall, hit his head on the door frame hard enough to bring tears to the eyes.


"Jesus Christ!", he exclaimed.


Joseph turned to Mary and said, "Quick write that one down. It's much better than Clive!"



Love it.


But Just to throw a spanner in the works.


The bible doesn't actually say there were THREE nor WISE nor MEN. It has been assumed the were 3 cos they gave 3 gifts. It says they came from the east and were Magi (who were sort of astrologers usually but not exclusively male who were given as much credence as science in those days. Is a follower of astrology wise?). No names were ever given and various cultural Christian teachings since made up their own names to personalise them. The commonly used Caspar, Balthasar and some other name I've forgotten are just the Greek origin names.


It also says the Magi visited Jesus some unspecified time after birth ( in a HOUSE not the barn and where no mention was ever made of a manger. ) It is possible it was up to 2 years after his birth because Herod issued a proclamation to kill all boys up to age 2 years.


Just another fictional book with a lot of funky stories that have been corrupted with time.



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Amazed to find this thread still rambling on.

But, then again, isn't this topic (by definition) a truly never ending story. On this side of the curtain we can never know its ending.

yep. I come back after a few days expecting it to have died off, there it is...just asking for another comment to be made.


Pretty sad when you realize its got nothing to do with flying and it is outstripping the number of posts on the really important stuff like the CASA Jabiru fiasco. spacer.png


I think we all need to get a life! spacer.png



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Yup people are dieing to find out what happens in the end

Not me Mate, I'm living to be more than one hundred years old because, as everyone knows, hardly anyone dies over 100.


Pretty sad when you realize its got nothing to do with flying and it is outstripping the number of posts on the really important stuff like the CASA Jabiru fiasco.

Meh, most of the posters within this thread have the answer to life, no one has the answers for Jab/CASA affair.



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Not just the planet. He didn't make anything right. spacer.pngEveryday I spend hours fixing up ( or assisting in fixing up ) problems that occur directly as a result of design errors in humans ( made in his image, apparently. )


He won't show himself because he's either doesn't have the answer to " What on earth were you thinking .....?" or more probably he's no longer with us. If we are are exactly in his image he probably already died of cancer, infection, deformity, genetic abnormality or one of the other multitude design faults we have.

Hello Jaba, when I see remarks like this and Bex's I can't tell if you are both goofing off (fair enough, it is the funny section) or are actually serious and really haven't looked into basic Christian theology at all. For the past 6000 odd years mankind has been living under the curse of sin and death so thus we can expect to see disease, death, suffering, sickness and the like. I'm sitting here right now looking at one of the natural wonders of the world, it is an absolutely fabulous view - but it is certainly not perfect as a closer inspection reveals. Something happened; what was designed perfect has been marred. Same with the human body, terrific design but with flaws.... read about it in books like Genesis and Romans eg 5v12 "For this cause, even as by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death; and thus death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned"


We can see the effect of sin in everyone, in varying levels people can be greedy, they can lie, cheat, steal.... all sorts of bad things happen daily. Of course it is always easy for us to see this in other people, not so easy to recognize that it is the same problem in oneself! By definition the only place without sin is heaven which is why we cannot be accepted there with our sin.



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Over many years now in discussion with believers is the assertion in response to the question How do you know? The reply is..." it is in the bible so it's a fact. The bible is god's word".. I just cannot accept that idea, and why would any thinking person do so?. The BIBLE wasn't written by god, IF it was I'm sure a better job would have been done of it. It was written and altered many times by people, so it's contaminated at least, if not something worse. Nev



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GG, I'm impressed by your ability to find a biblical quotation to support every situation and circumstance, but I'm really at a loss to understand the world you live in. For example, Marty mentioned Original Sin, and having been brought up Catholic that's a familiar concept. However, some six decades later the idea that I somehow inevitably share in Adam and Eve's guilt just seems like superstitious nonsense, and I'm sure any God worth his/her salt would see the basic injustice in that notion. So does your black and white view that we can't enter heaven (wherever and whatever that may be) unless we are free of sin, and that we are all sinners and inevitably doomed unless we repent (and what does that mean exactly?). And let's not even start on the question of the origin of our species and all the other life forms on the planet, the planet itself and the universe(s?) in general. Fortunately we are all free to make up our own minds on these subjects, and while you would probably see me as an incorrigible and unrepentant sinner, I'm sorry to say that nothing that you have said makes any sense to me.





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He is unfortunately saying the same stuff that mucked up my mind when I was in my teens. Having brought up the whole matter as contemptuous of atheist thought and in the humour section I don't think there is much left to be said about the genuineness of what he contributes to an in depth discussion. (It was meant to rubbish atheists..) It's rarely able to be had anywhere on this matter , but distinctly unproductive in this instance, with the instigator. I again thank many for their honest and revealling contributions to the discussion. It is heartwarming to know some are game to be to declare their beliefs, or lack of, when you know it won't make any difference to entrenched views. Nev



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It is heartwarming to know some are game to be to declare their beliefs, or lack of, when you know it won't make any difference to entrenched views.

It's always much easier to be part of the flock. Independent thought is not encouraged by believers if it goes against whichever sacred life manual they subscribe to.


I'm not going to take spiritual guidance from a book written by bronze age goat-herders that informs me that I will go to their hell if I don't repent and tell their invisible sky friend how good he is.


I actually find the whole subject rather humorous!


Just try to do the right thing, be good to each other and what will be, will be.



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book written by bronze age goat-herders

Perhaps some parts of it were, but parts of the Old Testament were written by quite advanced civilizations, and as I've said previously, corroborated from multiple sources.


One of the issues we have today as literal readers is understanding the symbolist language of the Egyptians and their ancestors. It just doesn't translate.


While the Egyptian hieroglyphics were cracked around a hundred years ago, we have no idea how they pronounced their words, or the cadence of their spoken language, or their vernacular, and up until a couple of decades ago we mostly relied on translations from the first half of the 20th century, and they were really esoteric discussions between Egyptologists who evolved from archaeologists.


Over the next few years with databasing and global searches allowing people all over the world to collaborate, we are going to learn a lot more about the symbolism of the Egyptians, and some of that will explain some of the Bible which was written in that period.


Before the 19th and 20th century discoveries in Egypt, Sumeria and Crete, you'd have to wonder whether those ancient Bible scribes got the translations correct, or whether those parts of the Bible are what New Guinea highlanders thought when the big birds (Dakotas) arrived with "presents".



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