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Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump.

Phil Perry

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It is unfortunate that the Trump character lends itself so well to parody. As poorly as the Republicans reflect the common man's image of a fair and well functioning society, the Democrats, at least since the tragedy of Bill Clinton's bizarre stretch, have lead us into the current disaster. Clinton sealed the fate of the post war aspiration towards equality most spectacularly in his overturning of the Glass-Steagall Act which maintained a separation between retail and commercial or merchant banking. Of all the deregulatory measures visited on the economy, this was the one that lead most directly to the 2007 Crash. In effect it handed the keys to the money printing presses to the banksters.


Hilary Clinton and for that matter Barack Obama have done nothing to redress the effects of this most abject failure to restrain unbridled capital. The DNC is known to have actively white-anted Bernie Sander's electoral popularity in favor of the dreadful Hilary, war hawk and bankers' booster extraordinaire.


So, I am on Phil Perry's side , when he for whatever reason claims,


"Don't get me wrong here, But I LIKE Donald Trump."


If he wants to restore dialogue with Russian president Putin, remove US troops from the Middle East or concentrate on domestic policies rather than military intervention globally, I like this too.



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Terrifying Indeed ,. . .but Looking at the Current Democrat contenders,. . .are you really surprised ? ? ?

Any one of them is more electable than the incumbent.


Mind you it'd be funny if the one with the surname "Castro" got in. I imagine the Cubans would have a chuckle.



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If he wants to restore dialogue with Russian president Putin, remove US troops from the Middle East or concentrate on domestic policies rather than military intervention globally, he better not drive through Dallas in an open top car.

The very same shadowy mob are using modern psy-ops strategies to destroy him as they did JFK. In that operation they thrust LBJ in. This time they would like to get HC up (note: Both DemocRATS).



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funny how the village idiot gets suckers to hate him ? neil

Hating him's not hard. His constant lies, big-noting himself, probable treasonous activity and being on the wrong side of history in every decision, make it easy for anyone with a brain to despise him.


I'd be surprised if anyone actually LIKED him. Melania would only be in it for the money, his kids probably can't wait til he falls off the perch before they carve up his business empire, his staff (the ones he hasn't yet fired) would be sycophantic yes-men who secretly can't stand him.


Even his puppet-master Putin would be laughing behind his back.



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