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Are you Left Wing or Right Wing?

Old Koreelah

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:busted: DRIFT ALERT


I react to some issues as a typical Left Winger,, but on this one, my gut instinct is to side with the Nazis:

I don't know I'd go quite so far as the Nazis..


Do we have here we have an example of meaning change in a word?


Is Old Koreelah referencing the National Socialist German Workers’ Party's belief in Eugenics, or is he referencing the cruel behaviour of Party zealots?

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:busted: DRIFT ALERT


Is Old Koreelah referencing the National Socialist German Workers’ Party's belief in Eugenics, or is he referencing the cruel behaviour of Party zealots?

Probably the former, OME.

The trouble with political labels is the polarisation of voters. There is some good in every political ideology, even National Socialism.

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I reckoned it was the Eugenics.


The idea of Eugenics was not a Nazi proposal. The concept of positive eugenics to produce better human beings has existed at least since Plato suggested selective mating to produce a guardian class. In Sparta, every Spartan child was inspected by the council of elders, the Gerousia, which determined if the child was fit to live or not. In the early years of ancient Rome, a Roman father was obliged by law to immediately kill his child if they were physically disabled. Among the ancient Germanic tribes, people who were cowardly, unwarlike or "stained with abominable vices" were put to death, usually by being drowned in swamps.


The scientific reputation of eugenics started to decline in the 1930s, a time when Ernst Rüdin used eugenics as a justification for the racial policies of Nazi Germany. Adolf Hitler had praised and incorporated eugenic ideas in Mein Kampf in 1925 and emulated eugenic legislation for the sterilization of "defectives" that had been pioneered in the United States once he took power.

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Very true, OME.

Interesting, one of the first things done by Hitler was to ban cruelty to animals. He was less kind to many humans.

Eugenics was the excuse for some disgusting abuses in the US, but history has largely glossed over that, focussing on the atrocities of the Nazies.

More recently, Lee Kwan Yew expressed concern that Singapore's best and brightest were too busy making money to have kids, while the poor had lots. In this country and others, people have noticed the large size of families on welfare compared to those working.


I guess it's a slippery slope when governments interfere with breeding.

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I think when it comes to left and right rather than visualizing a line I always think of a circle. If you go far enough in either direction you end up popping up at the other end of the spectrum.


If I had to describe myself I would say I was left leaning centre, perhaps occasionally delving ever so slightly right but not often. Any "ism" can be a straight jacket. In general I am an optimistic progressive. I believe that whilst acknowledging that we face some serious problems, the life most of us live is far more comfortable than ever before. We live longer and better than ever.


In terms of political systems I would much rather live in a Sweden or a Denmark than a United States.

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I think when it comes to left and right rather than visualizing a line I always think of a circle. If you go far enough in either direction you end up popping up at the other end of the spectrum...

That might explain why Hitler was such a Greenie and Animal Rights advocate.

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If the idea of the poor having large family's is Not welcome, think back to most governments telling us to big families for their WAR Effort. (canon fodder)

the solution is simple, !

Free medical for all, that want to stop breeding.

India tried giving radio;s for Vasectomies.

Australia only gives the BILL.


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Costello actually said " One for Dad, one for Mum and one for the country" which my math tells me is 3.

Costello was also the idiot who said " nobody would have a child just for the baby bonus".

Right now, around Alice Springs, there are gangs of unwanted baby-bonus teens making trouble.

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When I was young, I was left-wing for sure. Alice Springs under Menzies was a real government town, and it was great. Everybody worked for the government except for the retailers, the Catholic church and the tourist operators.

The airline was TAA, the housing was all done by the Works dept, the schools, hospital, dentist, electricity , water supply , policing , welfare and administration were all government. As was the pmg and radio ( ABC)and the law courts and the railways and the roads.

The place was about as communist, I now realize, as anywhere in the world was.

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Politics in the 50's? It was all "Reds under the beds". At least we were a strong enough democracy to allow a Communist Party to exist in our political system, despite Menzies and his mates. Too bad that their political descendants still try to denigrate their opposition by alleging Communistic leanings.

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Politics in the 50's? It was all "Reds under the beds". At least we were a strong enough democracy to allow a Communist Party to exist in our political system, despite Menzies and his mates. Too bad that their political descendants still try to denigrate their opposition by alleging Communistic leanings.

Whiie people have been distracted by the pandemic, these grubby politicians have plans to undermine our environmental protection laws. After all the damage done to our wildlife by drought and bushfires, we don't want mining companies and farmers being given control.

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