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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. Fights with the Indians and the British were foundational stuff. Some of these whackos reckon the British are still a threat. Remember the McCarthy Purges and the acting fraternity being picked on. As bad as the Spanish Inquisition. conspiracy theories have always found ready acceptance. Weird CULTS abound. About 7% believe the earth is flat. They are at significant risk of becoming a theocracy like IRAN is but a Quasi-Christian based one which would be just as bad though they wouldn't accept that proposition out of prejudice and WE ARE the GOODIES here, self- indoctrination.. Nev
  2. I believe the start of it relates to the days of slavery and cotton growing. Thats where the BIG money was made before oil.. Nev
  3. Plus good wine has bever been more available than it is now if you know what brands to buy. You have only got to pay a bit more than the vinegar/pressings stuff.. Remember white's don't keep long and I wouldn't keep reds more than 5 years. Fortifieds Ports etc keep much longer but have brought up many a good meal if over indulged in after . Nev.
  4. I think that RAG was printed in Sydney, but we are going back a fair way. I don't think I'm guilty of buying one ever but in those days you'd see them in Barber shops or used for wrapping chips, dunny paper etc Nev
  5. I do have to say that He's an absolute GENIUS because HE has often said so. Nev
  6. "Truth Social" has all the answers. It's a wonder they get away with using the word "social" though and TRUTH. There's none of that there either. They have no use for it. Don should do a FAKE welding course and graduate as an Oxy Moron. . Nev
  7. You are a rare Treasure. May your god go with you. Nice to know someone read it. Nev
  8. UNITED States don't seem possible now because of the "State" America is in. Blame Trump , the Gutless Republicans and the $#!thouse media that wouldn't see the truth if it fell on them. . Nev
  9. He can't tolerate LOSING and NOT getting his way. He's a spoilt BRAT with a non existent awareness of reality. Nev
  10. Stay Close Don't join the Far queue. Keep away from Gangs Cops Crack heads and Courts. Innocent Bystander uniform doesn't work especially if you are smiling. . Nev
  11. I don't Drink Beer unless it's stinking hot where I am and there's NO GOOD cold water. I'm a "good wine" appreciator.. No Chateau Cardboard. Lifes too short. Nev
  12. I mentioned being in close contact with A Covid person. I didn't get it so you can take your Masks off now and come closer to the screen. Nev
  13. They will tell all their friends and you will be besieged with People wanting your gratis services. Nev
  14. Modern vehicles have more "Horses" than ever. There's plenty of Horse$#!t about vehicles out there.. Nev
  15. Why post it then? The whacko's are BLAMING Joe for it ALL already.. Nev
  16. OUR Media looks after the rich as they show their appreciation with .... You guessed it MONEY. Nev
  17. Deep down he's very shallow and also a wimp and a Bully. About the Last person who should be the C in C of the USA and have access to the red button.. USA abandon hope all ye who enter here. It's all self inflicted and predictable by anyone with 1/2 a Brain (cell??). Nev
  18. The USA has now passed the point of NO RETURN. Only a MIRACLE can save it from collapse and destruction from within. So much hate has been sown and it cannot be controlled. I'll bet guns and ammo sales are booming right now Get to know what Project 2025 is about. Any person who hasn't fully supported Trump will not be safe in the USA. Nev
  19. I wouldn't want to live in that Town. Water in the Gulf is affected also. Profit is way ahead of concern for people. Nev
  20. The Media doesn't want Democrats and never will.. Get used to it. Nev
  21. Melanoma's are a bad form of skin cancer that often returns later. I got a Kilo of my back removed in 1987. The surgeon must have done an extremely good job. Nev
  22. That's how lucky you get When DOG is on your side Wonder if the gun laws will change? .Probably scared the $#!t out of him. Now HE might know HOW PENCE felt. Doubt he'd even give it a thought. Nev
  23. 'th' works for most days. Most would GET what is meant.. Nev
  24. HE wanted his shoes apparently. I'm told there's 4 dead now. Concern as to how the shooter got where he did. Nev
  25. It will guarantee he gets elected unless he goes too far and directly accuses Biden of being involved. Funny I mentioned assassinations of US presidents 2 days ago on some forum.. ESP?? On the vid of the incident he got up a bit dazed and then realising the situation put up his defiant act . Never let a good opportunity go by.. This will stew, fester and be used right up to the election.. It's a MAD place over there. 2 are dead already . The alleged shooter and someone else. IF he'd died he would be the NEW Christ and there'd be a civil war. The previous one never really ended. Nev
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