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Everything posted by facthunter

  1. It still has to move. The energy has to go somewhere. Nev
  2. Just tell them to wake up to themselves and catch some REAL criminals for a change and that YOUR taxes pay their wages. . Nev
  3. Murdoch has the exclusive rights to print the St James version and IS a PAPAL Knight as well. Mere Motals don't stand a chance. Nev
  4. IF Eric's their best, God help all the rest. . Not a mention of the Gambling lobby. Rockliff Lives in a parallel Universe. Snatches defeat from the Jaws of victory. .Early elections?? No one likes them. Nev
  5. There will be Weeping and Wailing and Gnashing of teeth for you unbelievers. Nev
  6. Yes the "Window of Opportunity" is fleeting for prospective new Leaders of whatever it's called these days.."The Union of Socialist Relics" . the Workers paradise. Centre of Attention of US Paranoia. but really the East European Mafia. Nev
  7. Anyone volunteering to change places with him if it's ALL going so well?? Nev
  8. How effective is Poo tins Intelligence? The USA warned him of an impending action. His credibility ZERO. Nev
  9. The Law of conservation of linear momentum should cause the cement block to move . Nev
  10. Einstein said "It's the worst way to heat water HE can think of". . Wide bay needs a lot of hot water in the local river if they have nuclear there, to cool it. Like is SKY channel Murdoch and Credlin the people you should be taking your FACTS from? Nev
  11. The LAW gets it wrong often enough to debunk the "reliance" thing. They used to claim the POPE was infallible too. Don't tell me plenty of high Court decisions were/are worthy of review. To ERR is Human. Judges are not GODS even though the way some behave you'd have to wonder. They are not beyond interference and corruption, either. Judge NOT lest YE be judged. The "BEST we have got" may not be serve the purpose. People still get wrongly Incarcerated and that's just not good enough. Nev
  12. Like the "Promised" 3 days of throwing roses to welcome you that becomes a nuclear war threat to blow UK off the face of the Planet rather than lose face years later. . Don't EVER refer to it as a WAR, though. Nev
  13. MAD stands for Mutually Assured Destruction but the two aforementioned dropkicks are too MAD to know what it means. What limited IQ they have is directed to the FAR Q scheme of things. . Nev
  14. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    I thought you'd say that. I must be psychic. Nev
  15. Who's never had a problem with a zipper?? Nev
  16. facthunter

    Brain Teaser

    Hope springs eternal in the human breast. Nev
  17. It's intermittent (Cycling) brake releasing in it's crudest form. Till it was fitted to any plane with a bit of weight, blowing tyres was a common happening with associated deviations from the runway occurring.. Nev
  18. The reliance on precedent defies logic. It implies ALL historical decisions are sacrosanct and far be that from the truth, USA proves you can BUY judges so let's not kid ourselves. Nev
  19. It's oft said the LAW is an ass. Justice is often not part of it and it's beyond the reach of the average poor Bastard. The Lawyers who work for the biggest criminals get rewarded the most. Nev
  20. Who's behind the 60 or so deaths at the entertainment centre in Moscow? It's NOT Ukraine. Chetnya? Putin has plenty of enemies. Nev
  21. The F-27 had AIR brakes with MAX Arrets. Air brakes can you believe? . Nev
  22. Unfettered Free Enterprise. Don't You like it? Those pocketing the money do. Nev
  23. "Beyond reasonable doubt" is the test In the USA. There's large numbers of innocent's convicted who are later exonerated by DNA or such. Too bad if they have already been electrocuted. Good reason NOT to have the death sentence. State sponsored Murder. Nev
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