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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. The Spacesailor clan must be like rabbits!
  2. Sir Mix-a-lot would like them.
  3. Dammit! I knew I knew those eyes, just couldn't remember where from.
  4. Treat yourself once in a while Nev. You're a long time dead.
  5. Probably because the majority of kebabs, curries, Asian, Greek, etc etc are far more tasty and probably healthier than the abattoir sweepings inside a pastry case.
  6. Speaking from the other side, life gets bloody busy when you have kids. I try to get my mother down for lunch once a fortnight, but that's about the extent of our contact.
  7. She didn't endorse him when she dropped out, which was good.
  8. It's just a job for her, I reckon. A dirty and disgusting one but the payday is better than cleaning toilets. To paraphrase Kanye... "I ain't sayin she a gold digger, but she ain't hangin with no broke ancient white guy"
  9. If you had enough contacts in the council, 15k for a block would be an absolute steal.
  10. Good on him. I heard some of his speech. Well rehearsed and delivered with energy. If every Democrat leaning voter supported him despite their worries about his age, and every sensible Republican voter stayed home, there wouldn't be a problem. But I don't think that's going to happen.
  11. If there was a god who would accept Trump as his child, the world has bigger problems than we thought.
  12. So you're not quite there on the wisdom front then...
  13. Do you reckon there's a couple of eggs in that sack?
  14. It's not political, it's scientific. The results are in. It's proven. The only people who don't agree that anthropomorphic climate change is both real and a very urgent problem to be solved, are either those who on ideological/religious grounds will not accept the possibility no matter how much evidence is presented, and those who are in or benefit financially from industries which add to the problem - who either don't believe the science or, worse, know it's real but choose short term profits over the future of humanity. How it SEEMS political is that certain politicians, usually from the conservative side (conservative = "we don't want anything to change" - so it's hard for them to accept the NEED for major change) - are at best just representing the views of their constituents who work in coal/oil/gas and associated industries, or else cynically supporting those industries for personal gain of money or power instead of looking after the interests of the public. Some will even try to float unworkable and extremely costly "alternatives" like large nuclear plants instead of just following the science and making use of our huge natural resources for solar, wind, pumped hydro and battery because it either doesn't fit with their worldview or because they just want a political point of difference from their enemies across the aisle.
  15. Good joke! Between the two of them they'd have less knowledge or interest in actual science (or sense, common or otherwise) than Donald Trump has in telling the truth.
  16. I hazard a guess that high ranking Russians aren't allowed facial expressions.
  17. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    I thought there was a silent H in it... Prisoner Of Her/His Majesty
  18. I think photoshop and camera angle have a lot to do with some of these.
  19. If you joined a new religion which only had 79 other adherents, you might be an eightieth.
  20. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    Even the little pig only went "wee, wee, wee" all the way home!
  21. My mother (about to turn 91) has the dubious honour of being the most medicated person in her old folk's home. 24 different pills every day, I think. Some of them for years.
  22. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    Old bloke to his mate: "My bowels are regular as clockwork. Every morning, 6am on the dot! ...Trouble is... I don't wake up til 7..."
  23. Only if they describe you to the police and your writing was with a spraycan...
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