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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Only if they describe you to the police and your writing was with a spraycan...
  2. Morgan Freeman, Bill Murray? and Jack Nicholson?
  3. Judging by his words and actions to date, I don't think he much cares if anyone's looking.
  4. Have a look at the 2 videos I posted in the drone thread. I watched the first one utterly amazed at the robot. Only to find how they made it in the second. If there's a choice between something seemingly impossible caught on camera, and someone doing some clever editing, you can put money on it being the second.
  5. Ukrainian innovation will change the face of warfare. What's the point of massively expensive crewed ships when a speedboat sized suicide drone can take it out?
  6. I don't see the mining companies digging up Westminster Abbey.
  7. Marty_d

    Quickies part 2

    Wasn't Fellatio a famous seaman?
  8. I heard it was the new lieutenant who asked quietly what they did for sex. The sarge said "Well, there's a camel..." and the lieutenant raced off to get a step ladder. After he was done the sarge finished his sentence "...which the lads ride in to the nearest town to visit the brothel!"
  9. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

    Oh, I thought it had to be a direct substitution. I thought V="H" and C="A", "E" or "O", because they were having a laugh.
  10. I think Ivanka would be most disturbed by how chubby they made her.
  11. Just related to the above, another video that popped up was this one about soldier robots. Scary. Make sure you watch them in order... 1. https://youtu.be/y3RIHnK0_NE 2. https://youtu.be/zIdqiwHsuI8
  12. You can probably switch it to a male voice and call her Alex, if it makes you feel better.
  13. Marty_d

    Brain Teaser

    The answer is "No."
  14. Why not? At least all the visitors would have a smile on their face. (Except for some Chinese families, who are probably wondering why people would laugh at them being caught in the rain)
  15. When assembling my hang glider once, I dropped a wheel and it rolled down the whole damn hill. I can tell you now - they can go for ages!
  16. Plus, it's less embarrassing than asking if anyone has seen Mike Hunt.
  17. Soooo... Israel are acting like Russia but supporting Ukraine? If nothing else, it's going to confuse the yanks.
  18. Bet your sister never said that again Nev.
  19. Arm's length? He should be held in solitary. You're quoting me something I quoted from you. If this continues it could cause a disastrous iterative loop and the universe will disappear up its own fundamental orifice.
  20. Someone said in a Big Ideas segment last night - it's not that we don't trust politicians because they lie, we don't trust them because they're incompetent. I think there's something in that.
  21. It may result in an increase of the average IQ if they do start a war and get themselves killed by the real army.
  22. As a wise man once said... It's a joke, Joyce...
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