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gareth lacey

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Everything posted by gareth lacey

  1. gareth lacey


    Bruce yes i do have small amount of bullion lol might get me decent funeral
  2. gareth lacey


    I dont keep cash in the bank, interest is so low we are losing with the way costs go up and interest does not keep up, i take out cash 4 times a year and keep in safe ,only keep small amounts to pay usual bills in bank account, i get better deal on stuff with cash, when my wife retires we will take her super out and use it, as self funded retirees with no debt we are penalised if we have to much super,i was asked by the thae bank once why i take lump sums out , i told them its none of your business its MY money and can do what i like with it
  3. Correct my blue card is free through the school when they sign off qld education pay for it but seems to be if volunteering for the aged you pay
  4. I have a Qld Blue card (working with children) i volunteer in school, i was asked to volunteer to drive a aged care bus from a home ,ok i said , then was told would need to sit in a star chamber to see if i was suitable and get a blue card for aged care (WTF) i have a card for kids i say but no wanted all this bullshit as well as a safety course cert i said i am giving my time for free i have had a police check for my blue card you pay for it ,no cant do so i said ,stick it its not worth the trouble and MY expense to give you 8 hrs labour for this sxxt
  5. and my maternal grandmother died when i was 16 ,i lived with her it scarred me mentally for life (nah not really) get off the grass ,they can come up with all the supposed isms in the world, she like the aussie girls are TRAITORS, who cares if they are stateless let her go back to Bangla Desh, same as the aussie girls stay in your islamic shxxthole of a country ,thats what they wanted we dont need to import that isis rubbish back here lets fix our problems here first and there are many ,before worrying about their supposed mental health, old Winston was right beware the Moslem hordes(he said that back in the twenties) and lets not forget most muslims say Muslim Australian,not Australian , do any Aussies you know say ,Im a Catholic,CofE,Hillsong,Baptist Australian no they are AUSTRALIAN,and there lies one of the biggest problems they dont see themselves as Aussies again i say ,swear allegiance to another country and you are a TRAITOR simple really
  6. They CHOSE to follow the nut jobs there and marry them and i do understand that the isis brand of islam is archaic and very domineering and women have very little rights ,but these women/girls had an australian education and therefore should have known better , look at them now ,if they want to break free of the shackles of islam get rid of the burka and start being western again, as for the children its not Australia,s problem they were born over there let them stay with their mothers , we do not need to import their brand of islam back here , the old saying goes , make your bed and lie in it. we have more pressing issues in Australia than to waste our time and resources on them
  7. and talking about refugees the do gooders want to bring all the women TRAITORs back, i say leave them there for all time, they are TRAITORS and in a normal war scenario they would be tried and then hanged , no we dont need to import this traitorous rubbish back to OZ leave them there .
  8. I didnt get off facebook just remembering the seventies and there was a song put out by one if them on radio
  9. I have walked around the base of Uluru it is quite magical, not being a follower of religion i did find it awe inspiring ,and as for climbing the rock i am with our indigenous countrymen be respectful, that mob looks to be a in a frenzy and tourists of this ilk usually have no respect and will trash the rock
  10. I recently returned from o/s and when we landed was disgusted with the way passengers(most)trashed the aircraft,used cups,tissues,bottles,and all sorts of rubbish even soiled nappies were left on the floor and seats,disgusting and you think people wont trash this great country of ours oh and by the way 50% of the people were not white australians welcome to australia
  11. also they have a very small armed forces as such and could probably invade Tonga,Samoa,Fiji (why would they bother)they have very little natural resources and they rely on tourism, no one would invade them there is nothing there for any country of value ,and quite a few kiwis live in south east qld , that's their main export, don't get me wrong its a great place to visit ,but really comparing New Zealand too Aus is like comparing apples to oranges
  12. gareth lacey


    Norfolk island perhaps? they did keep people there for a long time,some commenter,s here are forgetting pell is a convicted felon of one of the worst offences that a person of so called intellect can do, he should stay in till he dies, the surviving victim told the court some compelling evidence( this came from an informed source) may he rot in jail
  13. gareth lacey


    He should be there till he dies he is a parasite he thought nothing about the abuse he inficted and is not contrite leave him there till he dies. Pedophile
  14. One of his best songs , seen him in Perth in the 80,s great performer cheers gareth
  15. Ageism is truly alive in this country, as we age our bodies may give up but we are not brain dead, just got back from overseas and in Ireland especially I did see a lot of elderly in occupations such as hospitality,delivery drivers ,bar staff and I asked the question and they like older people because they are very reliable and give more so they seem to embrace ageism,
  16. Why is it they call sportstars"heroes"they are highly paid for what they do and a few are egotists they certainly are not heroes Israel has apparently brojen his contract if he loses the case thats it nothing to see here move on as for his religious views he should keep them to himself i think all religeons are petty childish and are for people who need a crutch
  17. After decades in trade related occupation i found that a lot of engineers were not practical in the application of what was engineered ,many times I had to resort to change what was drawn they would usually concede that it was the most practical way,my brother in law is an engineer but cannot use tools or even a lawn mower engineers that are practical are those that came off the shop floor my son is a boilermaker and is studying law so maybe we should get all lawyers,engineers to do a trade based cadetship first
  18. Through history the Jews have been killed by many different countries recent history should tell us this wrong,there has always been anti-Semitic people of all races through time ,so they have stood up to and defeated 6 to 1 arab countries, surrounded on all sides by hateful (mostly arab) counties yet you seem to think that they (Israelis) have no right to retaliate, yes they are backed by the US and. So my question is do you think that they should be exterminated ? as most arab countries want to, it mostly comes back to religion they say that the Jews killed that ficticiuos jesus and the whole world blames them for that Oh and I do support them in their claim to Israel
  19. Your right ISRAEL didn't exist BUT it was the Jewish peoples homeland they were ther before Palestine was for thousands of years , they deserve to be left in peace and the arabs(Palestinians ) should go to another arab country ,but wait they don't get on that well with each other do they and the (mostly) other arab countries wont let them settle there
  20. When the pla(a known terrorist organization )stops indiscriminte bombing of Israel there will be consequences for the Palestinian people stop the backing of pla Israel also have a right to live peacfully and we all know that the arab nations want Israel destroyed/annihilation has anyone here been in Israel when the rockets are landing its very scary (i was there a few years ago when this happened) it claims the lives of innocents,also what about the times when the arabs capture a Israeli they torture maim and then drag the body through the street's the arabs are dangerous fanatics abd that sort of behavior warrents swift and retaliatory action
  21. Bloody hell that's better looking food than in our markets, they are living the good life and all because the Israelis block everything that they do
  22. Lets all try and live without it money tgat is
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