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Time to Arm Up in the UK


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The biggest difference is that Islam is built like a very successful virus, and political correctness is preventing most liberal democracies from even seeing the danger they are in, much less doing anything about it.

If Islam is built like a very successful virus, what is Christianity? Christian preachers are imploring people all day every day of the week to "see the light" and turn to god. Have you taken a look at Hillsong recently? The only difference is that it's not as deadly in the modern age.


I actually think most liberal democracies are well aware of the problem posed by radical Islam. However you can't go around simply banning it. It's a very plain fact that most followers of Islam are not actually radical and couldn't give a crap whether you're a Christian or a Buddhist or whatever, so long as you leave them be to go to the mosque and chant out-of-tune prayers at 5am or whatever. In most cases they're more concerned with figuring out where their next meal is coming from than fanciful ideas of engineering the downfall of western society. Behind the scenes there is a lot of effort from security and intelligence forces in liberal democracies to identify and neuter extremist Islamic threats.


Yes of course it does exist but I don't think political correctness is as huge a problem as you believe it is. Regrettably in recent years I've noticed quite a few people hiding behind an "anti-political correctness" theme and simply using it as an excuse to be a complete and total abusive ass towards others whose religious or cultural views they don't share. Eg, telling someone they're being an abusive intolerant tosser towards people of a certain religion when that's what they're actually doing, is not political correctness. It's just stating a fact.



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The difference, Dutch is that in our society it is still safe to ignore the evangelists and live our lives pretty much how we like. We can still subject Hillsong to the ridicule they deserve. (Who dares do that to Islam?)


As I've repeated said, the vast majority of our Moslem immigrants are good citizens. The task of our security forces would be immensely more difficult if it were not for the assistance they receive from parents worried that their disaffected locally-born sons will follow the Quran to prove they are "real" Moslems.



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I don't know what significance 5% would be...

A few years back we had a visit from a couple of French politicians. Their message seemed to be that once the 5% figure had been passed, the group could get enough representation to have a major influence on policy.


Australia has often seen how one or two reps from swinging electorates have had enormous power. The rest of us are powerless to do anything about it.



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Dutch...this video puts a different perspective on radical islam..hope it works ......the link that is



The woman who goes on the rant is Brigitte Gabriel. I'd be a little cautious about who you perceive to be talking truthfully, sensibly and sincerely here. Her "percentages" and alleged numbers of radicals are also plucked straight out of her backside with no supporting evidence at all but not a single person questions them because her excellent speaking style does not allow it. Rule #1 of winning an argument - reel out your points so fast that no-one has time to respond or ask you where you sourced your numbers. It's called a "Gish Gallop" in debating tactics, and she is a master of it.


She is an apologist for and supporter of Lebanon's Kateab Party, a far right Christian fascist party which was prominently involved in Lebanon's destructive civil war and whose fighters were responsible for the massacre of several thousand arab civilians in two refugee camps in 1982. Presumably she doesn't have any qualms about this.


Her quoted definition of a "radical muslim" is "any muslim who prays 5 times a day" which basically means she considers every practicing Muslim a radical, even though in this video she doesn't say that (she contradicts herself a lot). On other occasions she has scoffed at the notion that a Muslim can be moderate. Her crowning achievement is being listed on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Centre, which tracks right wing extremist groups and their actions in the USA. In fact all major hate-group tracking organisation feature her group "ACT for America" in their files.


Brigitte Gabriel on Muslims (from her 2006 book): "our enemies are the neighbours next door, the doctors practising in our hospitals, and the workers sharing our lunch break."


Brigitte Gabriel, 2007 at the Christians United for Israel conference: "The difference, my friends, between Israel and the Arab world is the difference between civilization and barbarism. It's the difference between good and evil".


But she is a good public speaker as shown in the video, and can whip a crowd into a frenzy very quickly, though her personal anecdotes of her experiences in Lebanon have been described as "overdone" and "a con act". She is invited to speak on Fox News after almost every terror attack and repeats the same talking points - basically that no Muslim can be trusted, ever.


Unless you are an avid fan of Breitbart News or the United Patriots Front, I'd be distancing myself from anything and everything Brigitte Gabriel says.


ACT for America


"Gish Gallop":


Named for the debate tactic created by creationist shill Duane Gish, a Gish Gallop involves spewing so much b....... in such a short span on that your opponent can’t address let alone counter all of it. To make matters worse a Gish Gallop will often have one or more 'talking points' that has a tiny core of truth to it, making the person rebutting it spend even more time debunking it in order to explain that, yes, it's not totally false but the Galloper is distorting/misusing/misstating the actual situation.



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Yes I agree only in the sense that "only a small proportion" are radicals does not mean the issue shouldn't be addressed. But she is stating the obvious. A small group shoots dozens of people in a nightclub and you go out and hunt down that group and all of their associates, and associates of their associates, and so on. This is what already happens. There is no debate to be had there but she's acting as if there is.


Have another listen to what the girl in the audience is saying and asking right at the beginning. Brigitte Gabriel does not address it. The girl in the audience is asking why all of them have to be tarred with the same brush and why all Muslims have to be portrayed as bad (which in fact in other forums is exactly what Brigitte Gabriel does), and also how you can fight this war against radicals only with weapons and not ideologically address it. Gabriel never, ever at any point answers the question. She goes on this rant with questionable figures which are meaningless unless they are reliably sourced, and also are meaningless if they are highly demographically variable (which they are).


Gabriel never addresses the original point or answers the girl's question in any way shape or form, but the audience claps and cheers at her response. What does that tell you? It tells me that no-one in that audience is actually looking for answers. They don't actually care.


I used to get extremely agitated at meetings when I was in the RAAF when I'd ask a question and someone would ramble on for 5 minutes without answering it. I always used to wait until they'd finished then say: "So the question, which I'll repeat for you now, is .....................". Yeah that used to fluster them and didn't make me friends in the opposing group, but it got the point across. Stop with the political garbage, and just answer the question I asked!



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Since most would welcome martyrhood, and a certain quick trip to Paradise, killing them doesn't have the usual effect.. There's no shortage of volunteers to fill the gaps if they are indoctrinated fully to kill maximum infidels. Young kids from orphanages in Afghanistan are "processed". by the activists. When asked how they felt about using the orphans, they replied. "We use what Allah sends us". Nev



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The British Government need to adopt Maggies Ideas on how she stopped terrorism....

But Margaret Thatcher did not stop terrorism in the UK during her days as PM.


Terrorists incidents including major bombings killing many people continued in the UK throughout her entire period as PM, and afterwards. Most of them were at the hands of the IRA - nice white Christian folk who'd go to church on Sunday.



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Since most would welcome martyrhood, and a certain quick trip to Paradise, killing them doesn't have the usual effect.. There's no shortage of volunteers to fill the gaps if they are indoctrinated fully to kill maximum infidels. Young kids from orphanages in Afghanistan are "processed". by the activists. When asked how they felt about using the orphans, they replied. "We use what Allah sends us". Nev

A sad example of faith overcoming humanity, Nev. One possible counter to the allure of martyrdom is to send in Kurdish women's brigades. They've had considerable success against the cowardly IS, who apparently believe that if you are killed by a women you won't go to paradise.



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A sad example of faith overcoming humanity, Nev. One possible counter to the allure of martyrdom is to send in Kurdish women's brigades. They've had considerable success against the cowardly IS, who apparently believe that if you are killed by a women you won't go to paradise.

Mr. Recip Erdogan does not endorse the above posting. He Hates the Kurds with every fibre of his existence. I'm not for one minute excusing Kurdish terrorsim against Turkey either, the Kurds have always been regarded as second class citizens in that country and get the blame for everything. . .( Even Pseudo attempts at a 'Coup' ) the Russians And the Syrians And the U.S have been trying to keep them apart whilst they fight ISIS / IS or whatever their name is depending upon the 'News' reports. . .I watched a BBC docco on the Kurdish women figters last week. . .quite interesting. . . .'Most' of these ladies were saying that they had been raped by IS members, and had a lot of their families murdered, which is why a woman decided to start this group . . . . . .what a mess it all is. . .


Women should be all soft and cuddly . . . and the worst thing they should have to do in their lives is clean behind the fridge. . .



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QUOTE=nomadpete, post: 31806, member: 140]Whoa back there Phil.


You just admitted to watching the Beeb!


AND to giving credence to program content!






You mis-read what I've said about the ABBC. . . .I LOVE their doccoes. . . and a lot of other progs too. . .it's jjust their TOTALLY BIASED AND BOLLOX 'NEWS' broadcsts that cause all my Ire. . . .they are TOTALLY BIASED AGIANST THE UK, AND ALL IT DOES, OR EVER STOOD FOR. SO - - -I DO NOT watch 'LIVE STREAMED BBC OUTPUT'


THEY ARE A HOTBED OF QUEERS, ( Most of the presenters are anyway. .. (it seems to be illegal not to be ) they openly advertise for anyone who is NOT a 'Straight White Male / Female' and get away with it, you have to be Black, Muslim, Disabled or some other minority 'Group' whereas any business which did this would be smashed to pieces in an instant by the Politically Correct birgade. . .but because they are the glowing BBC,. . .they just,. . .well. .. they just CAN. . . .. there s no doubt that, with their TV tax on the British public,. . .£145.50 per annum, which, if you refuse to pay because you don't like their bloody shitty leftie biased opinion ALL DAY - EVERY DAAY. . .( not NEWS - Opinion ) rammed down your ears 24/7,. . .then you will be fined £1,000 OR sent to jail for six months. . . .I'll bet Hitler would have been proud of this idea. . . .


They run ALL local radio in Every area of Britain,. . .to the detriment of commercal stations, who have to attract advertising to pay the bills. . . they have a MASIVE internet presence. . .again, funded by the TV licence tax. . . . .


I Fecking HATE THE BASTARDS. and ths is why I stopped paying the TV tax nine years ago. get all my TV from other sources, NONE of it live streamed, so they can't do me for that either,. . .although the bastards have actually tried twice. . . and they employ skinhead Goons from a company called CAPITA to goe around to peoples houses putting the firighteners on elderly ladies, and single mothers etc. . . .they ferking stink. and their SO CALLED 'NEWS' output is ferking biased brainwashing. I've personally had to come home from work and confront these Capoita Goons myself, my Wife has a neriovous condition, and didn't expalint the situation to 'THEIR' satisfaction.. . .I was in time to be able to pick a bloke up physically and throw him into the street, with the promise that if I ever saw himn again, or anyone else form his shyte organisation, it could, quite possibly be a painful career decision. . . .


Not bigging myself up here, I don't need to . . .but I don't like my family being treated like scum by the ABBC nor their dirty cohorts. ( And YES, I can be a nasty bastard when riled. . .I read a karate book once. . . . )



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A sad example of faith overcoming humanity, Nev. One possible counter to the allure of martyrdom is to send in Kurdish women's brigades. They've had considerable success against the cowardly IS, who apparently believe that if you are killed by a women you won't go to paradise.

Interesting reading about the pig's blood bullet stories here ...


How to Stop Islamic Terrorists



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Rupert Murdoch has been trying to "Get" the BBC and Betty Windsor as well for years. Watch out for those "queers" Phil. They make our Tony feel "uneasy" also. You are in good company. I wouldn't particularly like to live in the countries that want to ban or kill them though. It's not compulsory and many actors and comedians are that way. The Irish got around it somehow though as well. Nev.



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Rupert Murdoch has been trying to "Get" the BBC and Betty Windsor as well for years. Watch out for those "queers" Phil. They make our Tony feel "uneasy" also. You are in good company. I wouldn't particularly like to live in the countries that want to ban or kill them though. It's not compulsory and many actors and comedians are that way. The Irish got around it somehow though as well. Nev.

I get a bit queezy when two blokes pucker up, but it's time our species faced up to reality.


I've seen research suggesting that about 1 in 12 males and about 5% of females in all populations are homosexual. Culling, selective breeding and any other "cure" won't change that.


Since they're unlikely to have kids and to pass on any genes for homosexuality, there must be a survival advantage for this characteristic continuing on thru the generations.


It's suggested that our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived in small groups which sent out hunting parties of about a dozen. What sort of bloke would you trust to stay behind to guard your womenfolk?


Without the disproportionately large contribution made by gay people in so many fields, our civilisation would be buggered.



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I trust my gay relatives implicitly. They are darned nice people. My aforementioned Brother in law will be here again tomorrow with his parner, they are both superb woodcraftsmen, 'Carpenters' would not do them justice. These are the most irreverent pair in the family,. . ie, last time the banter went something like "Have you been using my best tenon saw again you fat queen ?"


response "Shurrup yer fat poof git"


Bloody wondrous stuff, they have Angie and myself in stitches. . .They'll have that 10 metre concrete and timber panel back fence dug and up in no time . . which is good, as my old back isn't up to lugging 2.5 metre concrete poles around any more, I can't even lift them out of the front drive into the backyard. . .I just make the tea and carry the tools. . . .



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Rupert Murdoch has been trying to "Get" the BBC and Betty Windsor as well for years. Watch out for those "queers" Phil. They make our Tony feel "uneasy" also. You are in good company. I wouldn't particularly like to live in the countries that want to ban or kill them though. It's not compulsory and many actors and comedians are that way. The Irish got around it somehow though as well. Nev.

'Queers' do not make me feel uneasy Nev. If any person of whatever particular proclivity did that, . . then I would not employ them to carry out expensive specialist tasks on my property, some of which which I now feel unable, due to being increasingly dicrepit. . .to carry out myself.


Timothy Fallon, the leader of the Liberal Democrat Party in the UK, has made a public statement to the effect that, being a devout Christian,. . .he is prepared to 'Tolerate' homosexuals / Lesbians,. . .but he qualified that by saying that and I quote. . . 'I don't like the way that they behave'


I do not think that this is a good way of attracting the public to vo te for his party, which was decimated in the 2015 Generl Election, when Nick Clegg was the leader, in a coalition Government with 'Call me Dave' Cameron, leader of the Conservatives. . . they went from Fifty plus Parliamentary seats to Eight. The 'New' leader looks as if he is trying to reduce this number even more. . .


Bugger. . .I just noticed the thread title. . . .


Done it again. Sorry. NOW . . where's me gun. . . .spacer.png



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I've seen research suggesting that about 1 in 12 males and about 5% of females in all populations are homosexual.

No one who has plenty of social life, members of sporting clubs etc would believe those stats. Written by Gays no doubt. Maybe 1 in 120 and 0.5% more likely, there's about 50,000 acknowledged Gays out of 20 million adults so that's 1 in 400.


I've spent plenty an evening at the Wicko and occasionally at The Beat with Lesbian friends and I rate my Gaydar as pretty accurate. I'm not keen on watching guys pucker up either.


It's suggested that our hunter-gatherer ancestors lived in small groups which sent out hunting parties of about a dozen. What sort of bloke would you trust to stay behind to guard your womenfolk?

Apparently some of the Red Indian tribes had a gay guy who was taken with them on longer hunting or warring trips to satisfy desires away from home.


I'm sure none of them were gay, but they'd slept with a bloke who was .. ;)



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No one who has plenty of social life, members of sporting clubs etc would believe those stats. Written by Gays no doubt. Maybe 1 in 120 and 0.5% more likely, there's about 50,000 acknowledged Gays out of 20 million adults so that's 1 in 400.

Can you tell me what methodology you used to come up with these figures?


I've spent plenty an evening at the Wicko and occasionally at The Beat with Lesbian friends and I rate my Gaydar as pretty accurate. I'm not keen on watching guys pucker up either.

Can I ask you how you can be so sure that you can discern a persons sexuality? I have several gay friends and they most do not fit any stereotype Absolutely true story - I spent 12 years in the RAAF 79-91 I worked in an area where the personal stayed pretty constant over the time I was there. I worked with a guy who was very popular, he had an amazing sesne of humour. Before he joined the RAAF he was in the Navy and apparently after the RAAF joined the Army. This guy, as long as I knew him was single. One day I came across information the hes was gay (or maybe bi). As far as I know I was the only person in my unit who knew this. I had absolutely no problem with this (my sister is gay). I had no intention of sharing this information, at this time he would have been thrown out of the Military (the only life he had known). After I left the RAAF I heard that this guy left an joined the army, I also heard he got married to a woman. Three years ago though a ex members social network I heard that he was found dead in his car in his garage (CO poisoning) . I have no idea why he did it, I imagine it was many things but I do imagine that the pressure of leading a secret life may have contributed. I just wished I had approached him and had a chat about it


Perhaps you not being keen on seeing them "puckering up" is surely you own problem. I may not be particularly keen on old people being physical in public but that is my problem, there are lots of types people who make me feel uncomfortable but so what.


As I said my older sister is gay, she came out when she was 19 and although our parents (in their late 80s) are now fully accepting but one of the saddest things is how bad they feel regarding how they reacted 45 years ago, they said things that are hard to take back. One of the things my sister once told me was how difficult it was during her early working life. Although she had come out to her family and friends she did not feel she could come out at work. She told me that it was always difficult was when co workers were discussing their partners and what they did on the weekend whilst she had to just change the subject. She eventually told her colleagues that she was in a same sex relationship. Although most people reacted well some did run the "well you don;t have to ram it in my face" argument Much of the intolerance shown by some people of gay people seems to be similar to the intolerance shown in the past to mixed race relationships but we progressed.


The fact that people "come out" would suggest that a persons sexuality is not always easily discerned by so called "gaydar"



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The existence of gays appears a hard thing to explain in Darwinian terms, but the answer is quite simple. Female siblings of gays have more children on average and this makes up for the ones the gays don't have. Apparently the "attracted to males" genes are big in those families.


I reckon its awful that they feel obliged to stay in the closet. I must know at least one but don't have a clue who they are.



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