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Speaker of us senate

Bruce Tuncks

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Can somebody please explain this to me....  it seems to my uneducated mind that the most moderate of the republicans should be supported by the democrats and easily win the vote.

Since there is nothing like this happening, I must be missing some information.


Edited by Bruce Tuncks
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It seems Australia is ' dysfunctional ' as well as the US of A .

We had a referendum that showed the peoples " choice " ,  But those  incompetent state governments are trying to push the same Aboriginal & tores straight islander thing , against the ' majority ' of Australians. 


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I gather that congress is stalled until there is a speaker to MC the proceedings.

After that, the republicans can resume blocking anything the democrats attempt, just because their job as opposition is to oppose everything whether its good or not.......


Have the yanks finally caught up to the Aussie  way of governing?


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3 minutes ago, nomadpete said:


Have the yanks finally caught up to the Aussie  way of governing?

Fair suck of the sav, mate. Aussie politicians haven't come up with anything novel, except for approving their pay rises. They are simply mimicking their political heroes, for whom they are willing sidekicks.

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I still don't understand how it works. The new US senate leader says that teaching evolution causes gun violence, so he is a right-wing loony in my estimation. Yet the democrats could have got in a better person, gosh the outgoing guy was only thrown out by democrat votes.

The only sense I can make of it is that the democrats really want the republicans to expose themselves and lose future elections.

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 Don't attempt the Impossible. ie, Trying to fathom out WHY?  It's about MONEY and anti ANY government  at all really.  THEY talk about DEMOCRACY but don't like it  to Happen. How can the rest of the world take them seriously? Don't worry WE are not far behind . Finding the truth is harder and harder. Nev

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3 hours ago, Bruce Tuncks said:

I still don't understand how it works. The new US senate leader says that teaching evolution causes gun violence, so he is a right-wing loony in my estimation.

Bruce, the U.S. Senate doesn't have a speaker. He's the speaker of the lower house, the House of Representatives. Right-wing loony is fairly accurate. Another one of his is that banning abortion would help the economy because if all those babies had lived, they would add much needed workers to the workforce. Most people who are against abortion are so for moral and ethic reasons, but this bloke puts it in economic terms.

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I posted this earlier in the God Help America thread. How the hell did this loony get to be House Speaker?


"Johnson said America had banned Kinder Surprise, because the little toys inside killed children. But they couldn't ban guns, because England now had a king, and he would try and take America back."


Wack-job of the first order.

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The USA Food and Drug Administration banned Kinder Surprise. Kinder Surprise eggs are banned in the US because of safety concerns related to having a “non-nutritive object” like a plastic capsule inside a confectionary product. According to the 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, this makes Kinder Surprise eggs an “adulterated food” and thus illegal to import and sell. 


In 2011, roughly 60,000 Kinder Surprise eggs were seized at the US border. That number was down to 30,000 in 2015, but the scope of the seizures is clearly still significant. A hefty portion of these seizures is likely related to intentional smuggling operations related to the black market (yes, there’s a black market for these). Unsurprisingly, attempts to bring the eggs into the US tend to surge in the lead-up to Easter.

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The abortion laws in the USA have resulted in a decline in the number of women joining the military. The simple reason for that is that someone in the military can be posted into any State in the country and they must go there. Because there is no uniformity in the laws, a woman might or might not be able to have an abortion if she chooses. Also the criteria for accessing abortion where available often are structured that by the time a woman finds herself pregnant, the time to get approval for an abortion has passed.

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