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Premier Dominic Perrottet


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Yes, the problem with devoutly religious leaders is their leadership ability is compromised by an inability to accept other peoples religious views and choices, and the fact that they will always prominently support the religion of their choice, rather than being even-handed in their decision-making and allocation of public funds. Look for a large increase in funding for Catholic schools under Perrottets leadership.

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Goodbye to voluntary Assisted Dying, or removing religious discrimination. Perhaps the Mardi Gras will continue as it makes money. How quickly things change for the worse and how painfully slow in the other (more enlightened) direction it is. Back to the dark ages. Sacrifice for the God of Money. These days It's LINKED. Nev

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How could any sane voter accept that someone who believes the garbage that religion relies on is suitable to take a leading role in running the country.

As an example look at Scott Morrison, a man with high religious morals but lacking in common decency.

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4 hours ago, onetrack said:

The problem with devoutly religious leaders is their leadership ability is compromised by an inability to accept other peoples religious views and choices, and the fact that they will always prominently support the religion of their choice, rather than being even-handed in their decision-making and allocation of public funds.

Members of this club:

Sayyid Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, also known as Ayatollah Khomeini, Mawlawi Hibatullah Akhundzada (current Taliban leader)


30 of the world’s countries (15%) belong to a unique group of nations that call for their heads of state to have a particular religious affiliation. From monarchies to republics, candidates (including descendants of royal monarchies) in these countries must belong to a specific religious group.

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That religion is used to  control people is not seriously disputed by historians etc. Societies with non restrictive ,live and let live attitudes are regarded as too dangerous to allow by many  allegedly PIOUS groups who see their duty is to force good behaviour on all of us. Dig deep into their behaviour and you often find THEY are riddled with corruption and child molesting  etc. A recent investigation in Rome determined the Priests who played around with kids was about 2%. and worst of all the system acted to protect them. I'm NOT saying that only the Catholic Clergy do this but clearly they have work to do before they are entitled to condemn nonbelievers as immoral and Godless.. It's the assuming of some moral superiority that gets me. When it's on a National scale and affects foreign relations defining how you treat people , how does THAT work. GW Bush said God speaks through MY lips. People from  Europe  NATO found talking with him pointless. In Godly Countries the worst thing to be is an ATHEIST. They don't seem to be able to cop that at all. Nev

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13 hours ago, old man emu said:

30 of the world’s countries (15%) belong to a unique group of nations that call for their heads of state to have a particular religious affiliation. From monarchies to republics, candidates (including descendants of royal monarchies) in these countries must belong to a specific religious group.

Except for china and Nth Korea, can't think of one country not under the control of a religious adherent. There's NZ, Jacinta grew up as a mormon, not sure if she still practises though.

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I had to chuckle at journalist Ben Harveys opinion piece on the GST punch-up between Dominic Perrottet and Mark McGowan. I personally think Perrottet is pretty good on the snide remarks, particularly where he thinks he can score political points.

But Perrottet is going to be facing some major problems, trying to bring NSW back onto an even financial keel, thanks to his Govts poor management of the COVID-19 response.


NSW, as the nations major manufacturing and tourism base, has been hammered the most, financially - and the NSW Govt can only blame itself for the mess they're in. Barilaro, Gladys and Dominic all poured scorn earlier, on McGowans rapid response to the virus, with his short, sharp and sudden lockdowns in W.A. - but the end result proves that McGowans response works, and the NSW Govts initial response didn't.


Now the GST carve-up is in Perrottets sights, and he now wants more of the GST to pay for their stuffed-up COVID-19 response. But W.A. got a poor deal from the GST carve-up for many years, and it's only recently the GST allocation to W.A. was improved.

Now with NSW finances in the pits, and W.A.'s finances bursting at the seams with spare cash, Perrottet sees a bigger slice of the GST being returned to NSW as the answer to his States finance problems.

But that's like betting on a Lotto win to pay your bills. Perrottet had better get his States finances in order, on a solid industry-earned income basis, rather than simply relying on more GST funding.



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3 hours ago, spacesailor said:


Got rid of a lot, but still there, but the government ! I don,t know how much religious influence is there.

Russia was controlled by the the bolsheviks running on Lenins bizarre interpretation of Marxism and they used the orthodox church to carry out their plans, that's why it survived until today. Putin and all his henchmen are devout orthodox christians, they are no different to any other religious nutter.


Same with Cuba, supposed communism there is also heavily influenced by the catholic church. However their version of catholicism, is combined with another belief system from Africa.

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3 hours ago, onetrack said:

Perrottet had better get his States finances in order, on a solid industry-earned income basis, rather than simply relying on more GST funding

Marvellous, isn't it? The Conservatives destroy the manufacturing strength of the country, then when the muck hits fan, they whip out the begging bowl. 


Just think how strong the Australian economy would be if the Government had the guts to promote, firstly the manufacture of steel using our own coal, iron ore and limestone, then the manufacture of woollen cloth from the tonnes of wool we give away to other countries to add value. Finally, what if we built oil refineries in each State to produce the fuel that each needs?


Those industries and their flow-on effects would soon make Australia a place with high employment and a strong economy. It would become the paradise that is currently an hallucination in the addled minds of those who thing they are competent to lead it.

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1 hour ago, old man emu said:

Just think how strong the Australian economy would be if the Government had the guts to promote, firstly the manufacture of steel using our own coal, iron ore and limestone, then the manufacture of woollen cloth from the tonnes of wool we give away to other countries to add value…

OME I totally agree with your sentiment, but where would you find people willing to work in those factories, let alone for the sort of wages required to compete with Asian manufacturing?

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2 hours ago, Old Koreelah said:

where would you find people willing to work in those factories, let alone for the sort of wages required to compete with Asian manufacturing?

Basically, its a case of, "Screw you. We aren't selling anyone raw materials so they can value-add. We'll employ our people to do that, and you can pay for the finished product. Just like we have been doing for decades and that is what makes our costs so high."


As for people having to do hot and sweaty work, there's a thing called "automation".


All our problems stem from the late 19th/early 20th Century Cultural Cringe that had Australians kowtowing to Britain. Then when the crunch came in WWII, Britain sold us out to the Yanks.



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Took Perrottet a member of the very conservative Opus Dei took less than a day to show his true colours, he sacked the head of his department who's an atheist and replaced him with one of his own religious nutters Michael Coutts-Trotter a jesuit, convicted heroin importer dealer and husband of federal Labor front bencher Tanya Plibersek.


Don't reckon he will last long, he's already stumbling over simple things and is expecting his god to guide his decisions. The changes he will make will probably fracture the public service and and lead to more dissent from the people.


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OME. We tried that in the old days. We used to build aircraft, shipping, motor vehicles and produce millions of tons of steel. I am not sure who really killed all those industries, but the governments of the day didn't do much to promote them.

It is so much easier for governments to sit back and rake in the royalties of the mining boom. Little need for infrastructure and now the growth industries are health care, education and tourism. All badly hit by covid, but the good times are coming. We are going to have to produce one hell of a lot soon to pay for all the arms we will have to get to fight the next war for USA.

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1 hour ago, Yenn said:

I am not sure who really killed all those industries, but the governments of the day didn't do much to promote them.

In the early 1970's, the liberal government reduced tariffs down to almost zero and that started the decline of manufacturing and the explosion of junk imports and resource exports. Now we make nothing, import over 80% of all processed foods and over 80% of commodities. Labor contributed by agreeing to privatisation of everything Aus governments owned to increase productivity and output and we all know how that has turned out.


Now they are in the process of destroying small business and they are using covid pandemic to speed this process up. By using the insanity of CBD quarantine has ensured small business would be shut down and if they could keep it going for long enough,m just about all small business would go broke. It's interesting that during all the lock downs, the big companies have remained open and corporate hospitality has thrived, whilst small hospitality and tourism has been destroyed. The number of small business gone out of business in our area which has a high tourist turnover is huge, if would be getting close to 90%.

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The LIb/Nats don't care about small business ALL of our tax money has been gifted to big business of whom at least a quarter didn't need it and little/ NO effort is made to recover the misplaced Billions.. Paying tax is OPTIONAL for many of the most wealthy.  THEY are in a special Club of privilege and entitlement. Nev

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