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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Always make sure your propositions are understood (whether cash is involved or not...)
  2. Stan Tilley down here is a bit of a legend, used to do acrobatic displays in his CT4. AFAIK he's still flying from a strip near my place and I'm pretty sure he's in his 90s.
  3. Arrogant, ignorant and out of touch. You'd expect that from senior sky pilots, but I expected better from Charlie. (Pretty sure the archbishop-polisher wouldn't have said that without approval from the palace.)
  4. Panels are getting cheaper Spacey. If you spend $20k on a solar and battery system which is enough for most households, and you were spending $800 a quarter on power before, then it pretty much pays for itself in 6 - 7 years. Panels should work for about 20 years or more so the last 13 save you $40,000 +.
  5. Again - look at the alternative. Joe with full blown dementia would be a better bet than the orange baby.
  6. I always do footings that way - or if using stirrups, suspend the posts with the stirrup screwed on and a J-shaped piece of threaded rod dangling from it, and then concrete up to the base of the stirrup.
  7. So Misha's not that bright then...
  8. It was L Ron Hubbard that said "Want to be a millionaire? Start a religion" - although his followers now deny this.
  9. I see reports that the orthodox church is in trouble in Ukraine. The monkey in charge of the mother church in Russia is a rabid Putin fetisher who supports the invasion. The Ukrainians are kicking out a lot of bishops because they spout the same nonsense. So that's another loss for the little Russian dickhead.
  10. Concrete footings are subject to compressive forces from the weight of the building above, but unless you're on very volatile ground, not laterally. And if your reinforced concrete is not handling that then your walls have already fallen down. I can't see that square footings would be any weaker than round, just more expensive as there's more concrete in them.
  11. Scomo wasn't from a government agency, he was a politician.
  12. No government agency would ever say "From the Australian government".
  13. My wife changed the words a bit. She sings "Hey Mister Taliban, tally me a story", but she's a bit strange with lyrics...
  14. All his campaign needs to say is "Look at the alternative. "
  15. "Black Bob's" was it? My maternal grandfather was a Singer sewing machine travelling salesman. He told my mum once that he'd seen a place where the teenage kids all shared one room, with barbed wire through the middle to separate the boys side from the girls.
  16. Marty_d

    Albo's question

    They're not hugely useful. Our off-grid neighbours have a big bag thingy that they shovel heaps of cow shit into to get the methane. Barely provides enough for 1 stovetop burner and cost heaps to set up.
  17. Marty_d

    Albo's question

    I can't speak for any other voters but that's exactly what they're doing. Dutton is opposing this solely because Labor supports it. If Albo had decided not to hold the referendum, guess who would be howling him down for letting down Indigenous people and breaking election promises. Playing politics with the lives of marginalised people. It's disgusting. Abbott did it too when he kicked gay marriage to a postal vote even though he knew the majority of people supported it and he could have simply removed the words that Howard put in the marriage act. Labor is not blameless either. Despite commissioning a review of the rate of Jobseeker, they now want to ignore the recommendation to increase it, while at the same time letting the incredibly unfair stage 3 tax cuts go through. That's LNP behaviour.
  18. "Sir Les Patterson saved the world" was hilarious. So many great quotes - "May your balls turn into bicycle wheels and backpedal up your arse!" is one of my favorites.
  19. She could change her name to Withasilverspoon.
  20. Apparently the fact that it launched at all is a successful test. But I was amused by their definition of what happened - it suffered a "rapid unscheduled disassembly"...
  21. I reckon the segregated British school system might have had something to do with it too. Lots of conservative MP's son's who like to dress like dad.
  22. Apparently in Vic the IBAC can only label it corruption if it's at the level of criminal behavior.
  23. Marty_d

    Albo's question

    I don't feel sorry for Dutton. No one forced him to become the public face if the "No" side. He had an opportunity to show true leadership and bipartisanship, but chose instead division and dog-whistling which has pretty much become the LNP's default position in recent years. Now his party is disintegrating and (in my opinion) on the wrong side of history. The moderates like Bridget Archer and Julian Leeser are distancing themselves from Dutton and the other hardliners. No, he can't help looking like Voldemort, but no-one forces him to act the way he does.
  24. Red, I suggest your browsing history is leading you down the far right-wing rabbit hole, given a couple of things you've posted today.
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