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Everything posted by Marty_d

  1. Just out of interest - the Richmond bridge you show there is the oldest surviving stone arch bridge in Australia. Built in 1825 so coming up for its 200th birthday year after next. When I had the VFR750, one of my favourite rides was to Richmond via the Bowen Bridge, the wonderful bends over Grasstree Hill then the 4km straight with nowhere for cops to hide. There's a beautiful grassy park where the photo is taken from which is perfect to sit with a scallop pie from the Richmond Bakery. Richmond itself is a very pretty town with heaps of heritage stone buildings and excellent shops. Well worth a visit.
  2. That's gold, I must do that to someone.
  3. Marty_d

    Albo's question

    I can't see that swinging hearts and minds. Most Australians spend money at Coles & Bunnings, not own shares in them.
  4. Yep, there's so many rich elite Aborigines - you see them driving their new Mercs and BMW's to their Toorak residences, coming home from another fulfilling day as a surgeon or judge, happy in the knowledge that their kids are all doing well in private school and their health and longevity outcomes are far better than... oh, hang on.
  5. Yep - no one ever got invaded, killed or worked to death for oil and coal
  6. Fantastic idea Octave. We had part of our honeymoon in NZ in 2006 and splashed out on a chopper tour which landed on a glacier (can't remember the name!)
  7. Sooo... you're saying they SHOULDN'T get paid? Just wondering if the same should apply to all people doing public performances. Politicians, artists, priests, company CEO's etc.
  8. The purchase thing was an assumption on my part, I've always bought something anyway and just thought you had to (given it was a shop not a bank!) - but happy to be corrected. Unfortunately it won't make a difference in my case, as if I ever go near a supermarket I am required to check in with the minister of home affairs, war and finance - and shortly thereafter will receive a list of things we need.
  9. Marty_d


    No, the second Tony was "Tony, as knows naught".
  10. Coles and Woolies still allow you to withdraw cash. Of course you have to make a purchase but it's not hard to think of something you forgot last time you went shopping.
  11. Heard on the news that Meta (Facebook) are going to launch a Twitter-like service so that'll sound the death knell for Twitter. It's not everyone can claim to have misplaced 44 billion down the back of the couch.
  12. Another good analysis by Mick Ryan on the ABC.
  13. From what the expert was saying on RN tonight, ICAC has powers the court doesn't. If you're compelled as a witness you HAVE to answer the questions, there's no ability to refuse to answer because of self incrimination. So Gladys had to answer ICAC but if they hauled her into court she's under no obligation to answer the same questions, the evidence she gave ICAC can't be considered, so no case.
  14. Salmonella risk -looks a bit underdone to me!
  15. Maybe the best thing you could have done for her was turn her into a casserole...
  16. He may not end up with any milk, but he'll have fun trying!
  17. In what way better? Foreground and background were clearly different - colour was better - I don't know, just in general the photos looked better. I'm not into photography seriously so I can't help you with F stops or how wide the aperture was...
  18. My first digital camera was an Olympus with a big lens - it was only 2.1 megapixels but took better photos than any high-mp phone camera I've had since.
  19. Actually, do you know that sometimes when there's no rooster, one hen will stop laying, grow her tailfeathers longer and act like a rooster? Sooo.... more factual than the author probably realised.
  20. To be fair, there are worse ways to go - especially in Russia. I don't imagine Polonium poisoning is very nice.
  21. Must be a private agreement, to my knowledge maintenance only goes til the child turns 18.
  22. Oh, I reckon Putin or his proxy Lukashenko is brewing up the kettle right now. Putin has been made a fool of (by someone else this time) and he won't be able to let that slip. One or the other of these rabid dogs is a dead man walking.
  23. Ok, wishful thinking here - best case scenario is Prig and all of Wagner wiped out, in the process Putler, most of the Kremlin and half of the Russian army destroyed, country then spends a generation or 2 rebuilding and thinking seriously about how bad an idea it is to invade neighbours. I know, it's a fantasy.
  24. Reporting is that there were concerns about the vehicle's safety from experts in the field. I'm not sure how you create a pressure vessel out of carbon fibre cylinder capped with steel hemispheres at each end and not have weak spots where the different materials join, when you're facing massive external pressure. Surely the best design would be a steel sphere with no external windows?
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