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Steel drinking straws - safety concern


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We just had lunch in a cafe. She ordered an iced coffee and it came with a thin stainless steel drinking straw. I told her not to use it, she was sitting with her back to the busy corridor from the kitchen. One stumble and she could have had the straw through the roof of her mouth and into her brain.


We are saving the ocean from plastic, but what is wrong with the good old paper straws we grew up with? Someone is going to be hurt or killed before these are banned. We told our kids not to put pointy objects in their mouths, it isn’t rocket science.



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Millenials don't know what a fork is. Food is to be eaten with the hands - hamburgers, wraps, chips, rolls (Subway and sausage), pies and pasties.


Watching a Millennial trying to eat a meal from a plate reminds me of a T.Rex holding down a Hadrasaur with its back leg while chomping away at its throat.


Table etiquette is a lost form.



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Why use a straw?I can drink out of a glass or a bottle without one.

I have never come across a metal straw. I note after a little research that they are not recommended for children or to be used in a vehicle. Safety wise my understanding is that there are no reports of accidents with a metal straw. I guess the thing is that plastic straws are dangerous to marine life. I may always dispose of a plastic straw in a bin but after that, I cannot guarantee that the bin contents will not somehow end up on the ground and then in stormwater. The thing is that for most of the population straw are not necessary and where it is surely a paper one will do.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The recycling Plant in my vicinity has GONE,


I suspect ALL will disappear, if what I've witnessed is the norm,


One scratch on the label will reject that article from the machine's receiver, Then said bottle or can is TOSSED aside, making a big Pollution mess outside someone building.


Pity. It should be supervised, & All rubbish removed elsewhere.


A lot of people were collecting their articles almost full time, & getting $hundreds in refunds, their bags & rubish were the big culprit.





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I heard today that 100 million cans or whatever have been taken and deposits refunded/


One town in Qld had 100000 returned. The radio jock asked if we could guess which town. My immediate thought was Woorabinda, but I was wrong, it was Biloela. Silly me I didn't realise that Woorabinda rubbish had to go to Biloela.


How is that. I doubt that the whole of Banana Shire has 30000 population, including Bilo and Woorabinda. They must spend a lot of time gettignall those cans..I just checked and the population is 15472.



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