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Trump the Chump


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Have just been reading the latest news on this ludicrous buffoon. When are they going to show this clown the door?


The United States is becoming the laughing stock of the world and they deserve better than that. Just a note to Australians in favour of a republic - this is not the desired model. If we ever go down that path, think very seriously about the implications of a publicly elected president.



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Clown and buffoon don't come near it. Raving lunatic comes a little closer.

Yes, you're right. My choice of words were a bit on the political correct side. As a comparison, Boris Johnson is often labelled a buffoon in the alternative press (but not a ludicrous buffoon). Probably because of his bad haircut and occasional bad judgement. But Boris is also a very thoughtful, smart person and a great public speaker. The two don't compare. I would agree, clown and buffoon are out, raving lunatic is getting somewhere near the mark.


During the election campaign, I thought anything would be better than Hillary. I was never a supporter of Trump, but when he won, I thought 'good on him, he's sticking it up the establishment' (which they badly need). But not too much time went by and I realised he wasn't just acting mad, he was m.a.d. with a capital M. I cannot see him doing a four year term; he's too dangerous. Apart from the risk of war, his tearing up of trade agreements and talk of walking away from the Iran nuke deal send a message to the world that the word of the United States is not to be trusted. I don't think he realizes he's trashing the last threads of America's already tarnished reputation.



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...And the family/advisors aren't any better.


Heard a radio segment about Jared Kushner, the son-in-law and very close confident of the Fake Prez. He owns a lot of real estate and one of his companies buys up a lot of cheap(ish) apartment buildings around the fringes of cities. Some of these have rents around $1,000/mth, but there's about a thousand apartments in the building so it adds up.


Anyway, this guy had been interviewing some of the residents. None of them were aware that the company they paid rent to (J K something) was owned by Kushner, a few didn't know Kushner was the guy they saw next to Trump, but many of them had voted for Trump.


The company was a terrible landlord. Didn't fix problems (one woman had sewage coming out of her kitchen sink - after weeks of them not fixing it she moved out, then got a bill for damage caused by the sewage), were very litigious, taking residents to court for very dubious infractions, had absolutely no sympathy for circumstances like serious illness requiring lease changes, in short were the worst type of landlord you could get.


Hillary wasn't the best choice the Democrats could have made, but she's Mother Theresa compared to this rabble of scum.



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Trump has managed in 1 year to so severely damage the relationship between the US and its major allies (excluding Australia that hangs on to every coat tail) that according to many strategists will never heal as whatever trust they had in the US and its systems has gone completely. Now he has called the third world, Sh!thole countries and immediately denied it. At last count in December his lie tally was over 1800 since the presidential campaign. Yet he remains in office due to blinkered redneck and ultra right wing nutters. His isolationist rhetoric will see further decline in the US and its standing in the world. It all seems surreal. Hopefully the voice of reason, moderation and genuine human values will rise up and oust this despicable dork.



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Make .America GRATE again? Trashed it's name irretrievably might be more accurate. Democracy can cause this to happen? IF that's the case who would need democracy? Not much of an example of how to do things is it? The laws he changes benefit HIM. USA is now HIS private show if he gets his way with proposed defamation laws and puts in the judges HE likes.. China will leap ahead of the US( where they believe in a new form of slavery where there's NO limit on how low someone can be paid) Poor are looked on only as being their own fault. USA middle class disappearing fast. Bad things to come .Nev



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Complain as much as you like, they elected him (in their weird system) so they get the politicians they deserve. Unfortunately the rest of the world is, again, being led by the short and curlies by USA bulldust. There is not a lot we can do about it. Untill our politicians actually grow some integrity and actually do the job they were elected to do, we are going to be stomped on by their masters in the good ol" US o f A. Unfortunately we elected our politicians also (of all parties) and we are getting what we elected, right or wrong. As someone said, lube up and bend over, here it comes again...



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So why does the USA deserve better?


They put him and Hillary up for election, that tells us what the caliber of political candidates is.


The sad thing the rest of the world seem to be in the same boat.


At least we can look forward 3 years to when Oprah Winfrey may be a candidate. I wonder what makes her stand out as a possible politician, but maybe she is the USAs answer to Maxine McQueen, who got in for one term in a landslide, just to get rid of little Johnny Howard.



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Yes, I know it's winter in the northern hemisphere at the moment, but almost irrespective of the weather, it's a bit unusual how often both the Donald and Kim Jong Un appear in dark overcoats. Concealing flak jackets/bullet-proof vests?[ATTACH=full]2946[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]2947[/ATTACH]

That might be part of it, Peter. But I think it's just big coats and bad haircuts. They'd make a lovely couple.



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So why does the USA deserve better?They put him and Hillary up for election, that tells us what the caliber of political candidates is.


The sad thing the rest of the world seem to be in the same boat.


At least we can look forward 3 years to when Oprah Winfrey may be a candidate. I wonder what makes her stand out as a possible politician, but maybe she is the USAs answer to Maxine McQueen, who got in for one term in a landslide, just to get rid of little Johnny Howard.

Oprah for President just highlights the fact that the President in the U.S. is just a puppet of the machine. She would have to go from being a very popular television host, to ordering conflicts that cause the deaths of many civilians, including large swaths of women and children. That's just part of the deal. I'm not sure if Oprah's conscience would fit with the American goal of world dominance at the expense of so many lives. Perhaps it could be all papered over with all this rah rah patriotic BS that normally justifies being the world bully, but I think she'd be a lot happier sticking to television. She might have ideals, but that means jack sh*t to the faceless men that really run the U.S..


Jimmy Carter is usually written off as a failed President, but one thing he is very proud of is the fact that not one U.S. bomb was dropped on foreign soil during his Presidency. Now it's just the norm, and Oprah would have to drop many, many bombs. TV is a better option for her.



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We can talk about Trump, but let's not forget, Australia did voluntarily vote in Tony Abbott and on a relative scale is probably not much less madder that Trump. By definition, democracy is the implementation of the will of the majority of the people and unfortunately the carp that the press feed the gullible majority (on both sides of politics) coupled with the dearth of any quality and visionary leadership will result in as much, if not more volaity in politcs as the weather.



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Kevin Bloody Wilson... his credentials for foreign policy are well established (listen to the lyrics of "The Pubic Hair Song")

No I'm not interested. BTW I thought by changing my middle initial to a G meant I was anonom.. anoim.. annonnim ....anoyim...... dunno.



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...How did we vote Tony Abbot in. Our system lets us vote for a local member, we do not get to vote for who will be PM, unless we are in his electorate.

True, Yenn, but our political system is constantly evolving (the constitution doesn't even mention political parties...) Voters are constantly being reminded which party leader their local candidate supports.



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True, Yenn, but our political system is constantly evolving (the constitution doesn't even mention political parties...) Voters are constantly being reminded which party leader their local candidate supports.

You're right there, Old Koreelah. Constitutionally, parties are about as relevant as what specials Woolies have on this week. It's all about a parliament of elected members. Our constitution is bare bones which is probably why a lot of politics and governance relies on convention and not law. For example, it's convention that the party with the majority in the house of reps has their party's parliamentary leader put up as PM. There's nothing in the constitution that prevents said party from nominating someone from the opposition to take the role. So the Liberal/National Party coalition could win the majority of seats and nominate a Labor back bencher for the position of Prime Minister. In theory.



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The Americans vote for a president separately. We don't nor should we. The party or amalgamation of elected people that can form a government should chose their leader. Anything else could be unworkable. Nev

Yes, the problem usually exists in the makeup of the party itself. Abbott became PM because of the hard-right rump of the LNP. It's especially hard when the party has a broad membership - in the case of the LNP, everyone from "small-l" liberals and free marketeers to socially conservative nut jobs. The ALP isn't immune either, that has Left and Right factions, and ranges from pretty much the same liberals as the LNP to union boss head-kickers. Pretty much means that if you're voting for a party on some policies, there's also bound to be some you don't agree with.


But then again that's the nature of the beast. The only "pure" parties in the ideological sense are usually single-issue types which would not be capable of running a meat raffle, let alone a government. I do have some hope for the Greens but even they are not yet capable of running the country. I wouldn't mind seeing a Labor/Green coalition.



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