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Why Muslims want to come to Australia.

old man emu

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The Muslim month of fasting and prayer, Ramadan, started on 6 June and ended on 6 July. During Ramadan, Muslims fast during the hours of daylight, meaning they are allowed no food or drink at all.


In the Northern Hemisphere, Ramadan is a summer month. On 6 June, sunrise at Mecca is 5:00 am and sunset is 7:00 pm, making for 14 hours of fasting. However, in Sydney, sunrise is at 7:00 am and sunset is at 5:00 pm, which is 10 hours.


Therefore, observance of the fasting rules is easier in Sydney than Mecca. Is it any wonder that our Islamic brothers prefer to live here?





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There are a lot of jobs where the environment is hot and you have to keep hydrated. I know in mining many Muslims ignore the Ramadam rules, because they would get ill if they didn't and create an OHS headache for the employer. So it is easier to run a mine here than in the northern hemisphere!



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Then those of the Islamic faith who have migrated to Sweden, and been sent to migrant reception centres on the Arctic Circle should be fine,. . . very short daytime and Loooong periods of darkness. . . . the only downside would be aclimatisation from +44C in and around Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, etc. . . will have some severe alteration in lifestyle to make, when the temperatures drop to the same numbers but in the negative sense.


When I moved from the UK to Australia, it took me and my New Wifey around four to five months to adapt to the pleasantly warm climate there. . .we arrived at 23:30 local time on Feb 17th. . .and the OAT was warmer than anything I'd experienced since a trip to Baghdad with my Father in 1963, when he did a deal and sold some metal spinning tooling to a company there in Iraq, to manufacture their own aluminium saucepans. . . .He also conducted the toolfitting and operations training,. .. as I tagged along. . . .some nice ladies, who were NOT dressed in black bags by the way. . .took me into their charge and bought me sweets and cakes and pop down in the town Casbah. . . . twas a lovely place then just like I imagined the Arabian nights, but without any Arabs. . ( I think ) This, I'm sure, Predated Mr Saddam. . . . .


That WAS bloody hot, I tought I was going to melt. . . but in those days, centigrade / Celsius was not used,. . .I think Dad mentioned that it was around 138F during the daytime, for the 3 days we were there. . .a bit cooler at night, and I remember the huge ceiling fans in the hotel rooms and restaurant. . . .Only other recollection was that there seemed to be a lot of military personnel everywhere . . . Hence the phrase Dad taught me later, when faced with any argumentative youngster,. . . 'Listen mate,. . .I was in Baghdad,. . .when you were still in Dad's Bagh. . .



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  • 1 month later...
There are a lot of jobs where the environment is hot and you have to keep hydrated. I know in mining many Muslims ignore the Ramadam rules, because they would get ill if they didn't and create an OHS headache for the employer. So it is easier to run a mine here than in the northern hemisphere!

During the last Ramadan, a london train was derailed due to overspeed on a bend. the train remained upright, and there were no reported injuries. The driver admitted that he was fasting and had not ingested food nor drink for over 13 hours prior to the incident. Some religious regulations need a little more flexibility in the modern idiom where jobs such as these are concerned but did not exist in the 7th century.



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  • 6 months later...

Yeah... nothing like the totally cohesive christians. I mean the catholics, protestants, baptists, 7th day adventurists, evangelists, anglicans, copts, russian orthodox, greek orthodox, and dozens of other sects all totally agree with each other...



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They all pray to their god to strengthen their arm before going into battle. Use the term "godless" to justify killing the other side. Godless seems like the first step to sanity to me, if you want a sensible dialogue. IF someone has God's ear he's not likely to listen to anyone else. Nev



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A reformed drug abuser brain damaged, born again Christian, oilman. Swore that going into Iraq had nothing to do with OIL Known as Baby Bush by Saddam who he couldn't even have hanged properly. Probably heralding the beginning of the major unrest in the ME. A major strategic mistake based on lies. OK for Haliburton and nothing else. Nev



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A reformed drug abuser brain damaged, born again Christian, oilman. Swore that going into Iraq had nothing to do with OIL Known as Baby Bush by Saddam who he couldn't even have hanged properly. Probably heralding the beginning of the major unrest in the ME. A major strategic mistake based on lies. OK for Haliburton and nothing else. Nev

I saw a Youtube flic last evening, with a Pentagon spokesman OPENLY makng a statement in 2001, and Listing planned wars in Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Iran. . . . .the last one on the list hasn't quite happened yet. . . but they keep on 'sparring' in the Arabian Gulf on a regular basis. . . . of course,. . none of this has anyting to do with PoliticOil . . .And on another tack. . . Trumpy has just agreed the sale of F-15 aircraft to Bahrain. . .another beacon of Islamic peace and love in the ME. . . .



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But they do not want to kill you for disagreeing

There are a number of cases in modern times across various countries which demonstrate this is not necessarily true. Also Christians certainly used to fairly routinely kill non-Christians as little as a few hundred years ago, and the Bible does advocate it at various times. Thankfully the majority of Christians have moved on from those days but those views still do exist.


The muslims I've met have no interest in killing you for disagreeing or being of a different faith. Otherwise I'd be dead quite a number of times over. However the extremists being bred at the moment certainly have regressed to the "kill them if they disagree" viewpoint.



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Yeah... nothing like the totally cohesive christians. I mean the catholics, protestants, baptists, 7th day adventurists, evangelists, anglicans, copts, russian orthodox, greek orthodox, and dozens of other sects all totally agree with each other...

Why is it that in every Muslim Bash thread all over the internet that someone always has to dive in and compare the "Bad Christians" or other religions?


All religions are ridiculous or worse, they don't make the Muslim/Islam ridiculousness any less so, and I have no idea what you/they are trying to achieve with your moot point attacks.



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Why is it that in every Muslim Bash thread all over the internet that someone always has to dive in and compare the "Bad Christians" or other religions?

All religions are ridiculous or worse, they don't make the Muslim/Islam ridiculousness any less so, and I have no idea what you/they are trying to achieve with your moot point attacks.

Why bash them in the first place?


Yes there are islamist terrorists. We all know this. In Australia they have killed, lets see, about 3 people in the last 100 years.


Domestic violence offenders kill a lot more. Most of the offenders are men, I'm a man, that puts me in a category that needs bashing?


Whenever I see a muslim-bashing thread or post I feel the need to offer perspective.



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Why is it that in every Muslim Bash thread all over the internet that someone always has to dive in and compare the "Bad Christians" or other religions?

Because the free speech which allows someone to comment on Muslim bashing threads doesn't grant them automatic immunity from criticism for hypocrisy, inconsistency, or illogical arguments.



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#Malmö, #Sweden,


Won't be long now folks. . .. these immigrants are given EVERYTHING free of charge. . .regular FREE money, FREE housing accomodation. .FREE education,. . .free lessons in the Swedish language.,which most of them don't want to know about,. . .as they have their own language, . . .and yet. . . . .they still do this Every night of the week. I have Sweedsh friends who have been forced to leave their homes and resetttle in England, as they do not feel safe in their own homeland, and their kids can't go out anywhere, without the constant fear of rape. . . Female nor male, . .. without running the gauntlet of Muslim immigrants.


It's just a matter of time if your Polliies don't get a grip. . . .dress it up however you like. . . .'It won't a happen here'. . .'all my muslim mates are great and they are Moderate muslims. . . .I've known some of them for years'. . . they mean us no harm. . . .


Not working elsewhere for some odd reason. . .



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...their kids can't go out anywhere, without the constant fear of rape. . . Female nor male, . .. without running the gauntlet of Muslim immigrants.

You think that's slightly melodramatic Phil?


No-one goes out in Sweden anymore, because they're all too frightened? So....if I went to Sweden tomorrow and walked down the streets of Stockholm in the evening, they would be deserted?


Reproduced from the Government Offices of Sweden (note: does not apply if you think it's all a Swedish Government conspiracy)


Claim: Sweden had its first islamic terrorist attack not so long ago"


Facts: The only known attempt at such an attack was in 2010. No one was killed but the attacker.


Claim: "There has been a major increase in the number of rapes in Sweden."


Facts: The number of reported rapes in Sweden has risen. But the definition of rape has broadened over time, which makes it difficult to compare the figures. It is also misleading to compare the figures with other countries, as many acts that are considered rape under Swedish law are not considered rape in many other countries. For example: If a woman in Sweden reports that she has been raped by her husband every night for a year, that is counted as 365 separate offences; in most other countries this would be registered as a single offence, or would not be registered as an offence at all.


Claim: "Refugees are behind the increase in crime, but the authorities are covering it up."


Facts: According to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention's Swedish Crime Survey, some 13 per cent of the population were the victim of an offence against them personally in 2015. This is an increase on preceding years, although it is roughly the same level as in 2005. The Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention has conducted two studies into the representation of people from foreign backgrounds among crime suspects, the most recent in 2005. The studies show that the majority of those suspected of crimes were born in Sweden to two Swedish-born parents. The studies also show that the vast majority of people from foreign backgrounds are not suspected of any crimes. According to the most recent study, people from foreign backgrounds are 2.5 times more likely to be suspected of crimes than people born in Sweden to Swedish-born parents. In a later study, researchers at Stockholm University showed that the main difference in terms of criminal activity between immigrants and others in the population was due to differences in the socioeconomic conditions in which they grew up in Sweden.


Claim: "The high level of immigration means that the system in Sweden is on the verge of collapse."


Facts: No. The Swedish economy is strong. Despite the high costs of immigration, Sweden recorded a public finance surplus in 2015, and the forecasts indicate that the surplus is set to grow until 2020.


Claim: "Muslims will soon be in the majority in Sweden."


Facts: No. The Muslim faith communities have approximately 140 000 members. This is about 1.5 per cent of Sweden's population.


It's a bit like Pauline Hanson claiming Australia is in danger of being swamped by Muslims, when the fact is that they represent just over 2% of the population. When someone thinks that 2% is "being swamped", it's time for them to have a lie down and pop a valium.



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Whenever I see a muslim-bashing thread or post I feel the need to offer perspective.

Where's your "perspective" in the Christian bash threads?


Actually you are quite happy to do a bit of religious bashing of Christian or Catholic etc religions, but jump in to defend Muslims every time they are mentioned, why is that?


Domestic violence offenders kill a lot more. Most of the offenders are men, I'm a man, that puts me in a category that needs bashing?

There you go again, not putting up an argument for Muslim immigration and reasoning for their non-integration, or segregation, just making out that their culture is excusable because there are other's as bad.


.. and I am just as happy to express my disgust at domestic violence, and bash ridiculous god worshiping of all religions, as I do, as you do, except apparently if it's Muslim based.


.. and this happens to be a Muslim specific thread, that you knew was going to end up with various comments, but you came here anyway.


Why bash them in the first place?

One of many personal experiences, 2 months ago I was at Wellington Point Brisbane in 38 degree heat for a swim.


So was the Muslim guy with his 2 young kids all in their T shirt and shorts, and there was the wife in her full black burka in 38 degrees ... I find that spousal abuse, degrading to the woman, and against the culture norms that I grew up with in Australia.


I have never seen an Asian, Greek, Italian, Polish, Slavic, Russian, etc woman get treated like that.


Ignore the rest, as you would anyway, but make an effort to watch the news special from 10.00 through to 20.00, note the interaction at 15.12 ..



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Question for you Marty, I have mentioned it before but you possibly missed it, even though it was a part of a post you replied to otherwise ....


There would without doubt be a higher acceptance of "Refugees" into Australia per capita in Tasmania than anywhere else, along with low population density, land and houses available cheaply.


I then proffer that all Muslim and Nigerian Refugees be settled in Tasmania.


How do you sit with that idea?



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Where's your "perspective" in the Christian bash threads?Actually you are quite happy to do a bit of religious bashing of Christian or Catholic etc religions, but jump in to defend Muslims every time they are mentioned, why is that?

Show me the christian or catholic bashing thread and I'll jump in and say that muslims, hindus and jews are equally silly.


There you go again, not putting up an argument for Muslim immigration and reasoning for their non-integration, or segregation, just making out that their culture is excusable because there are other's as bad.

Well apparently (and I'm not an expert here) but there's a bunch of different types of islam, most are pretty benign, like most other religions, and only the hardcore wahabi-type one out of the middle east breeds the type of violence that everyone is afraid of. As for culture, that's an entirely separate thing. I could say, for instance, that I think FGM is an evil practice that should be stamped out. That's a cultural practice rather than religious.


.. and this happens to be a Muslim specific thread, that you knew was going to end up with various comments, but you came here anyway.

What, you have to agree with everyone on the thread to post? Does it spoil the fun of the bash-in if someone comes along and uses logic?


One of many personal experiences, 2 months ago I was at Wellington Point Brisbane in 38 degree heat for a swim.


So was the Muslim guy with his 2 young kids all in their T shirt and shorts, and there was the wife in her full black burka in 38 degrees ... I find that spousal abuse, degrading to the woman, and against the culture norms that I grew up with in Australia.


I have never seen an Asian, Greek, Italian, Polish, Slavic, Russian, etc woman get treated like that.

Two points there... firstly, do you know she was being forced to wear it, or was it her choice? I agree the full burka is one of the silliest pieces of clothing ever invented, but if the woman WANTS to wear it then who are we to tell her she can't.


Secondly, aren't most burkas worn in places like the middle east, where 38 degrees is not uncommon? Perhaps they're good in the heat.


If a woman IS being forced to act a certain way or do anything against her will, then yes, that's abuse and should be stopped. We have laws about that. When I see nuns walking around, or those women who wear long dresses & headscarves, or an old Italian grandmother all in black, I don't automatically think "she's not wearing that by choice, some prick is forcing her!" - not sure why we seem to assume differently about burkas.


Bex... I feel strongly about any ar*sehole who tries to kill innocent people. When the cops shoot down an IS attacker I think "good." When the cops shoot down some nutter who's killed his girlfriend and comes at them, I think "good." I wish the cops had shot Martin Bryant.


What I have a problem with is knee-jerk reactions where a 1.6 billion people are tarred with the actions of a few thousand, where all they share with that subset is a religion - and the interpretation that tiny minority put on that religion is vastly different to the rest. We can dance around all day quoting each other's posts but it's a bit wearing isn't it?



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Yes, it probably IS ‘slightly’ melodramatic.


Since any point of view will always be ‘supported’ by the author(s) own ‘Facts’. Although I am completely aware that where there is an ‘agenda’ one has to wonder if such agenda is designed to be malicious.


Government ‘statistics’ will be either discounted as deliberate dis-information or ignored completely for narrative reasons best known to the aforesaid author(s) Outright ‘Racism’ perhaps ?. . . or ‘Xenophobia ? or even at the lower end of the scale, a deep seated fear of seemingly rapid large scale immigration from countries having a completely different idea of the cultural values of the host ?


The majority of recent incomers to Italy, Germany, France, as well as Sweden; have had no education of the language of the host nation, nor what has been traditionally understood as acceptable behaviour, ie, how to interact in what would be considered an acceptable manner with the indigenous population, with particular regard to the Female members of the population.


The Swedish Government bend over backwards to accommodate the immigrants, offering them free housing, generous financial benefits as well as schooling in the language and culture, and tether this to whatever state benefits that they are paid, however the take up on these courses is not as good as they had hoped, and if an immigrant refuses to attend, his benefits are not stopped.


This information is anecdotal, and directly from a male Swedish teacher that I know personally through contacts over many years on HF amateur radio; the authorities would deny this vehemently, along with the ‘story’ he recounted with regard to female school students who are advised by their respective school authorities, to dress very modestly if they have to pass near to an immigrant / refugee reception centre to and from school. . . .


Accordingly, as with all anecdotal information, you can accept / reject it as hysterical scaremongering if you wish.


I have several friends living in Sweden, some of them Brit expats and guest workers. Also in Germany, and even more in France, from whom I receive various ‘anecdotes’ none of which will ever be reported by even their local media, who are under strict control, let alone the UK msm.


Two days ago, I received a short video clip from a friend, showing three petite Swedish female police officers attempting to arrest a migrant, and all three were injured and their police car damaged. They are not regularly armed. I am quite happy that this is ‘real’ as I trust the source.


Reproduced from the Government Offices of Sweden (note: does not apply if you think it's all a Swedish Government conspiracy)





Insofar as my own personally received information is concerned. . . the jury is still out on that part. .


Perhaps it’s only ‘Partly’ an Official conspiracy, designed ‘To preserve Community Cohesion’ A popular term used by the ‘Authorities’ in many UK towns and cities to discount and distract attention from the industrial scale rape of vulnerable underage girls.. . .which has been going on for a long time and is ongoing, with a very occasional published prosecution


Whilst I don’t agree with your intimated conclusions some of the time, I DO appreciate the fact that you made the effort to research and reply in detail Dutch.



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