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Bondi stabbing tragedy.

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The NSW Police Commissioner has just confirmed that five females and one male, including the mother of the stabbed baby, have died as a result of the stabbing frenzy in Westfield Shopping Centre at Bondi Junction. Others were injured including a 9 month old baby who had multiple stab wounds to the stomach and has been operated on at the Childrens Hospital. The perpetrator, a man aged between 35 and 40, wearing an Australian rugby league jumper was shot dead by a female police inspector who was in the shopping centre, probably saving mor lives.

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  • red750 changed the title to Bondi stabbing tragedy.
9 minutes ago, Jerry_Atrick said:

Secondly, known to police, but can't release details until they confirm the identifity? WTF, do they take us as fools

That is simply a Coronial requirement. Any death that has to be reported to a Coroner requires that the deceased is correctly identified.This goes back to Norman England where the unnatural death of a Norman was investigate, but that of a naive was not. There were serious consequences to the natives if a Norman was murdered by one of them. Although police might know a deceased person quite well (it could even be a friend of the constable), a formal identification must be made where a relative is found. Coroners don't like inquiring into the death of John or Jane Does, and releasing the body to an unmarked grave.


Having a relative confirm the identity before the police release that identity removes the situation where a close relative might find out via the media. It is also the reason that police will not make the disclosure to the first relative by telephone. Police will always deliver the news in person.


Honestly, it is a very harrowing experience to have to ask a relative to come to a morgue to identify a deceased person. As a constable, you have a duty to the Coroner, but as a human you can't divorce yourself from the pain of the relatives.

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The killer has been identified as Joel Cauchi who is believed to have had mental issues. One of the victims was John Singleton's 25 year old daughter who was ue to get married shortly. Most of the women killed were around 25.

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Last, (and only) time (Very recently) I went into ALDI ,Young women dominated the customers there I'd say above 80%. Today unfortunately, there's a lot of people out there with mental issues and I see no easy FIX for that. I've always said carrying a concealed weapon should be made more difficult. VERY Traumatic for all  involved. Nev

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2 hours ago, facthunter said:

Today unfortunately, there's a lot of people out there with mental issues and I see no easy FIX for that. I've always said carrying a concealed weapon should be made more difficult.

Nev, as you say, there's no easy fix for the mental health problem. There's also no easy fix for the problem of knives being used as a weapon. There's already a ban on carrying them in public, concealed or not, without lawful excuse. As far as concealment goes, it wouldn't be workable to funnel shopping centre patrons through airport type security. Even if they did that, the perpetrator could enter the centre through security then go to the supermarket and obtain a kitchen carving knife.

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The smarter ones would buy it along with some other items. As far as not buying one and just grabbing one off the shelf and stating in the supermarket, it probably wouldn't be such a smart move by the perp. It's a restricted space area and easy to get blocked in an aisle.

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Cauchi advertised escort services


Six people died on Saturday after they were stabbed in a terrifying frenzy at Sydney's Bondi Junction Westfield, sending shockwaves across Australia and the rest of the world. Follow here for rolling coverage as police provide updates on the incident and other details are shared.


The heroic shopper dubbed ‘bollard man’ who was filmed standing at the top of an escalator trying to save other shoppers during the chaos on Saturday has been identified as a French tradie.


A viral scene during the Westfield stabbing rampage showed the knifeman walking up an escalator while the previously unknown man, armed with a metal bollard, confronted him and blocked his path.


“This Aussie man took on the armed attacker in Bondi Junction Shopping Centre, Sydney - putting his own safety at risk to save others,” hailed one woman who shared the footage to X.


Bollard man.




That man has been identified as French construction worker Silas Despreaux, The Sydney Morning Herald reports.


A friend, who had been with him the morning of the attack, told the paper: “He’s OK. It’s a very strange thing for someone… I haven’t had much of a chance to speak to him since, he has been busy with police I think.”


Despreaux has reportedly lived in Sydney for several years, and works for a small, local construction firm.

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He was Bipolar or schizophrenic. (may be the same). No fixed address in Qld or here. Seven copped it for telling porkies. Police briefings commended. No connection with groups. MAY have preferentially targeted women.  That aspect will be investigated. Very traumatising for many no doubt

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They say he grew up in Toowoomba. As far as being a migrant, I don't know whether his parents migrated or not. It's a Maltese name but there's also a lot in France by that name. Some people on social media jumped the gun with some BS that it was an Islamic terror attack, which then unleashed a multitude of anti-Muslim posts. The ironic thing is that the only male killed was an immigrant Pakistani Muslim security guard. He died trying to protect people.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gosh we are bad at taking crazies off the street before they run berserk. I have no good ideas here, on account of how most people, even crazies, ever actually do anything like this.

In the past, they locked people up in "asylums". There is an old one near Ararat " for the criminally insane". Maybe they do need locking up, after all they themselves are protected by this. Any ideas?

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Posted (edited)

oh I would have voluntarily put myself in these institutions at different points in my life.

as would others I know with mental illness.


but instead we get given 10 bulk billed psych appointments a year on the "mental health plan".

which we still have to pay half for out of pocket because bulk billing rates are so low.

we are just really really shit at funding mental health.
everyone knows, no-one wants to do anything as it would suck up so much funding to be done right.

and if its not done right, would be forever a thorn in the side for the party that implemented it.
so the status quo doesn't change

lets not forget that Asylum means safe place.
a mental asylum - is a safe mental place.

maybe the idea of the sanatorium is worth bringing back too.

Edited by spenaroo
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