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Vapping how it can destroy you


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Any advice from anyone that's addicted to vapping. I've almost given up twice but my partner vaping gets the better of my urge. Nicotine cheweys are great and fight the urge but drinking and going out is a disruption. I would like to know if anyone is in the same page or has been. I know I need to give up as I am vaping so much sometimes every 15 minutes and to make this worse dad just beat lung cancer and I feel terrible not having the will power to stop. Sorry I should add it's more addictive to cigarettes and gives you breathing problems within a few months

Edited by Hopeful2022
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Hi @Hopeful2022, and welcome to the forums.


I have been reading recently about increasing medical issues associated with vaping, especially amongst younger males. However, the current research points to vaping nicotine rather THC based products as being comparatively safe: https://yorkshirecancerresearch.org.uk/news/the-truth-about-vaping and https://www.athra.org.au/



Of course, not vaping is better for your health..


There are numerous alternatives. While I have never smoked or vaped in my life, my mother was a keen smoker.. After various different attempts including traditional medicine, hypnosis, etc, she had success with acupuncture.


Best of luck - we all need support for things that are hard for us to do.



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Welcome to the forum, Hopeful2022. It must be a terrible thing to have an addiction such as you and your Dad have. I am personally very fortunate that I do not have an addictive nature, and have never smoked, and never felt any inclination to smoke anything.

Perhaps it was because I had asthma badly as a child and into my teens, that I knew I couldn't afford to damage my lungs - but the simple fact was that I got no pleasure from trying a few puffs with mates, as a kid and as a young teenager.

But the social pressure to smoke in earlier decades was enormous, and it took someone with huge strength of character to resist the constant pressure to smoke, particularly in social situations.


My de facto smoked moderately as a younger person, but gave it up about age 30 (she was 39, and I was 41, when we got together). She regrets ever having smoked, and says she has almost certainly damaged her lungs. She gets bronchitis and other common respiratory complaints, much more often than I do.


But she rightly points out that the pressure to smoke is not just the addiction, it is a pyschological pressure as well, and your brain is constantly trained by subtle psychological pressure, to recognise that smoking equates to pleasure.

Accordingly, you need psychological help to stop smoking, and that can come from hypnosis treatment for smoking addiction. My partner underwent a stop-smoking hypnosis course, and she says it is the only way she could stop smoking.

It was very effective for her, and she never touched another cigarette again after she took the stop-smoking hypnosis course.


I'm not sure if you can find anyone in your area that does this type of treatment - but I can recommend it, and it is a proven course of treatment. I would like to suggest that you seek out one of these courses and try it, even if it means travelling for you. You may be one of the small percentage that finds the stop-smoking hypnosis course doesn't work for you - but it works for a very large percentage of people, even hard-core smokers such as yourself. Good luck.


https://stop.quitsmokinginstantly.com.au/wa1?utm_source=google%ads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=(Aus - Mat) Perth - Phrase Match - new structure&utm_content=Search%Campaign&utm_term=hypnotist smoking&device=c&network=g&creative=523733468541&matchtype=p&gclid=CjwKCAiA1JGRBhBSEiwAxXblwRjYRKR83uWi-tXOa7ZTlHoo7pR4zQM8hqcK-QTX6GDHr8RpUojz8xoCC8QQAvD_BwE

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Addiction to smoking is an addiction to nicotine. Before the invention of vaping, the most common way people ingested nicotine was as a part of the smoke from the burning plant material. It is the many other components of that smoke that cause the damage to body tissues. The other common "recreational" drug, methamphetamine, is consumed in an unknown mix of other substances. Where both chemicals are used in controlled dose amounts, the dangerous other substances are not present.


Vaping is a more socially acceptable means for people who want to continue to using nicotine. The first benefit is that vaping does not produce smoke. Second hand smoke carries the dangerous materials from person to person. That smoke produces unpleasant odours as well as causing irritation to people's respiratory systems to varying degrees. The smoke also damages the surfaces it falls on. Secondly, the air exhaled during vaping consists of water and flavour chemicals. These chemicals are substances that have pleasant aroma, usually fruity.


Most vaping devices consist of four different components, including:

  • a cartridge or reservoir or pod, which holds a liquid solution (e-liquid or e-juice) containing varying amounts of nicotine, flavourings, and other chemicals,
  • a heating element (atomizer).
  • a power source (usually a battery).
  • a mouthpiece that the person uses to inhale.






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E-cigarettes are an invention that no-one really needs, and no-one ever asked for. They do very little to cure smoking addiction. Hon Lik, the Chinese inventor who invented vaping and the e-cigarette, invented it to try and reduce the effects of smoking cigarettes, after he saw his own father die from lung cancer caused by smoking. He was a 3-pack-a-day man. Unfortunately, his invention effectively did nothing - Hon Lik now vapes, and still smokes cigarettes as well.



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I don't see an addiction to nicotine itself as an horrendous thing. It doesn't result in violence. It is not such a strong destroyer of one's organs. Therefore, I can't see a problem with ingesting nicotine by vaping. Having family who vap, I find it results in much more sociable gatherings as people are not popping outside for a puff. The vaping solution of nicotine and flavourings produces a not unpleasant aroma, and there are many different flavours available to add to the enjoyment of the act for both vapers and non-vapers.


Do they assist in removing the associated health dangers of inhaling smoke? Of course they do. That is their greatest benefit. Do they assist in breaking nicotine addiction? Yes and no. Does nicotine infused chewing gum break the addiction? It doesn't resolve the problem of chewy on your boot. Do transdermal patches work? As for any addiction, alcohol, gaming or drugs, the addition can only begin to be overcome if the subject makes a commitment to overcoming it, by whatever means are available.

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Am I the only one? Sorry, I've never seen the need to smoke, drink, vape, take drugs other than those prescribed by my doctors, gamble or get tattoos. I can't remember how many years ago I had my last Coca Cola. Give me a 75c bottle of fruit flavoured zero sugar mineral water and I'm happy. The occasional iced coffee goes down well, too. My only addiction was aviation, but I had to give that up because I couldn't pass the medical, and my bank balance couldn't stand the strain.

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I don't see an addiction to nicotine itself as an horrendous thing

OME, I would think that the 430,000 who die annually from smoking-related diseases, just in the U.S. alone would tend to disagree with you. Smoking in any form results in horrendous health problems, some of which don't kill you by themselves (gangrene in feet and toes due to restricted blood circulation) - but the majority of adverse health effects from ingesting smoke particles of any kind, certainly does kill you - very painfully and very slowly.


There is peer-reviewed research available now, that shows that vaping causes lung damage in the short term. The long term effects have not been studied, but the signs are there that e-cigarettes are not as benign as many would make out.




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the socially gethering at the movies in the OLD days, were the progector light illuminated the smoke over our heads, was a Big loss to some.

Today we / l woulde,nt go there.

Nicotine parches gum or e smoke, only reinforces the need for more, & will Not cure anyone.

Alcoholism won,t be cured by giving a drink a day to anybody 

How to stop !.


A need for a prop to make You dicide If You really need it.

X smoker, adicted to whatever the hospititle give you for quieting you down, 5 years for me.

Cold Turkey IS GOOD.



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2 hours ago, onetrack said:

I would think that the 430,000 who die annually from smoking-related diseases, just in the U.S. alone would tend to disagree with you.

I was making a distinction between taking in nicotine alone and taking it as a component of smouldering plant material. I agree that inhaling smoke is a bad thing and shouldn't be done. The harmful effects of cigarette smoke and their deleterious consequences are both well recognised and widely investigated. However, and based on the studies carried out so far, it seems that e-cigarette consumption is less toxic than tobacco smoking. This does not necessarily mean, however, that e-cigarettes are free from hazardous effects. Indeed, studies investigating their long-term effects on human health are urgently required.


Fig. 2

Vaping is something new. The range of e-liquid flavours available to consumers is extensive and is used to attract both current smokers and new e-cigarette users, which is a growing public health concern. the long-term effects of all flavour chemicals used by this industry (which are more than 15,000) remain unknown and they are not usually included in the product label. Furthermore, there is no safety guarantee since they may harbour potential toxic or irritating properties.


Since the object of smoking plant material or vaping is to absorb nicotine for is pleasurable effects, despite its rapidly causing addition, perhaps we should absolutely ban these forms of administration, but allow it in the forms of chewing gum, and possibly a similar lozenge style format, or as patches. That way users would be saved from the collateral damage of the nasty chemicals associated with plant material or vap mixtures.

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I'm someone who's done both.  Used to be a pack-a-day back when they cost $60 for a carton.  Gave them up, then slipped, then gave up, then didn't, then finally started vaping.  It may be better for you than smokes but it's not great for your lungs.  Haven't had a puff of either for several years now, and unless something really devastating happens I won't again.  
I think my lung capacity has reduced due to my smoking / vaping history.  It ain't good for you.


Having done it, I'd never look down on someone having a smoke.  It is addictive, and unless you've been addicted you really can't understand the need. 


Hopeful, all the best, give it away if you can, but first and foremost look after your own mental health.  Work out what's best for you.

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Speaking as an ex smoker (of cigarettes), it took a couple of years to fully feel my liungs working, and for my sense of taste to return.


However, I remain a tobacco addict. If know that if I take one cigarette tomorrow, I would need to finish the whole pack.


And I haven't smoked a cigarette for over 30 years!


OME, it is not only a chemical addiction to the niccotine. For many, it is a social addiction reliant to self image and social acceptance. Combined, they are very powerful forces indeed.

Not everybody has the guts to confront it and stop it in it's tracks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was a chronic heavy smoker and gave it up a few times relapsing under stress. Eventually I went 100% cold turkey not yielding once as I knew I would be gone if I did. I can't remember when I  actually stopped but I test myself for Oxygen most days and get 98% and have good sense of smell and taste and certainly would not want to lose those senses..IF you want to ENOUGH you will STOP. I've many friends who have died from Lung Cancer and wouldn't wish it on anyone. I like to think if I can do it anybody CAN. The desire does stop  eventually. Today I can't stand cigarette smoke or a room/car where somebody has been smoking. I feel mortified when I think of those who I blew smoke all over in years past Nev

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Just saw a doco about ' why ' the Germans were so blooodi good !.

They were given speed tablet,s !,  it took the allies a while ( after Dunkirk ) to give some to the allied airmen &  troops.

Monties El Alamain they were given mass dosage  of ecstasy. So they could march for 48 hours, catching the Germans off guard. 

Something l have never heard about in my history. 


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