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One Nation show their true colours


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This article from Annabel Crabb says it perfectly.


One Nation duo's response to NRA sting gives us a rare look into the secretive party


What a bunch of ar$eholes. I've always thought their supporters were thick, but you'd have to be clinically insane to vote for them now.


PS... Just watched part 1 of the doco. If you want to see these scum in action, check it out...


How to Sell A Massacre: Part 1



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Yes, you're right, the ABC is usually closer to the truth than any other news organisation in Australia.


But just in case you don't believe the ABC you could go look at the Murdoch press, I think even they covered this embarrassing moment of PHON(ey)'s.



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One Nation had it right about population growth and immigration. To me, that was so good that I could overlook other things. Fortunately, we now have a sustainable australia party which is respectable and a few of us actually vote for it.



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Bruce .. Please explain how the Pauline show is "sustainable" They implode every time because of the "characters" that get with her and the Cause she adopts. Last time it was the Chinese, immigrant threat. Now it's Muslims to hate. The money paid for getting votes beats doing Fish and Chips.. The new "show" is the GUN Nation.NRA alliance party. Nev.



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Nev, the Sustainable Australia party is a completely different lot to the Pauline Hanson party. They are very respectable, try and google them up.


But, I still remember when the Greens had a sustainable population platform, which they abandoned when they were accused of having something in common with One Nation.


And, I still remember how wickedly Pauline Hanson was treated, gosh they jailed her on trumped up nonsense.



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Yeah, the established crooks took exception to the 'new kid on the block'. They made an example of her.


A bit like how the mafia might react when a new bunch of crooks come to town. But that, in itself, doesn't make PHON good.



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She was eventually released from Gaol early. T. Abbott was the person who put her there and the money used was the subject of some (limited) enquiry. Now the LNP fall all over her and copy some of her policies. She gets a lot of "protest" votes in QLD but has always failed because of the antics of people close to her and infighting. Nev



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It would be interesting to see a comprehensive list of who donates what to which parties.This news article is about the Pharmacy Guild of Australia donating $15,000 to One Nation as well as Katter’s Australian Party, Labor and the Liberals. No donations to the Queensland Greens though.


Pharmacy Guild of Australia defends making $15,000 donation to One Nation



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The pharmacists are going to push the pollie’s because they control the drugs available to doctors. What I was prescribed as a kid is now considered an alternative medicine and therefore no use. Only because the pharma companies don’t have any money to make from cod liver oil.



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The pharmacist does not control what a doctor prescribes! If your doctor decides that cod liver oil will benefit you, he can put you on it.


I suspect that the issue is one of trying to get the ear of the government in the same way as all other lobby groups do.


At present all Australian pharmacies are owned by a qualified pharmacist. I think this is a good thing.


At present your last check that your doctor's prescription is not going to harm you, comes from your pharmacist. Believe it or not, doctors sometimes get it wrong. Not often, but do you want to be that person? Doctors are specialists in diagnostics, pharmacists are specialists in medication, their effects, and their interactions with other drugs or conditions. Ideally, they work together. The pharmacist is legally obliged to verify that the doctor's prescription makes sense. I've heard numerous examples of 'last minute saves'.


For a while now, there has been a push to allow supermarkets to sell prescription drugs. If that happens, medication dispensing might be made cheaper by selling through Colesworths (or similar) supermarkets, we may lose that invaluable last check before receiving our medications. Worse, still, since the business would not be owned by a pharmacist, we risk having the money making imperative (ie accountants) driving the business, rather Medically trained individuals who generally value patient benefit.


Another front that pharmacies try to protect, is the PBS system. We are all expecting that PBS drugs will be subsidised by our government. Many people simply can not afford to pay the full price of many drugs that are keeping them alive. some such drugs would cost thousands of dollars, but PBS brings them down to just a few dollars. If we go down the American model, many people are likely to suffer.


How do we expect our pollies to know that we want to keep these safety nets?


I don't like the idea of bribes, and political donations are (to me), little more than that, but it is the only way that lobby groups get noticed by those in power. It seems to work for the coal lobby!


This is just my take on it.



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The pharmacist does not control what a doctor prescribes! If your doctor decides that cod liver oil will benefit you, he can put you on it.

I suspect that the issue is one of trying to get the ear of the government in the same way as all other lobby groups do.


At present all Australian pharmacies are owned by a qualified pharmacist. I think this is a good thing.


At present your last check that your doctor's prescription is not going to harm you, comes from your pharmacist. Believe it or not, doctors sometimes get it wrong. Not often, but do you want to be that person? Doctors are specialists in diagnostics, pharmacists are specialists in medication, their effects, and their interactions with other drugs or conditions. Ideally, they work together. The pharmacist is legally obliged to verify that the doctor's prescription makes sense. I've heard numerous examples of 'last minute saves'.


For a while now, there has been a push to allow supermarkets to sell prescription drugs. If that happens, medication dispensing might be made cheaper by selling through Colesworths (or similar) supermarkets, we may lose that invaluable last check before receiving our medications. Worse, still, since the business would not be owned by a pharmacist, we risk having the money making imperative (ie accountants) driving the business, rather Medically trained individuals who generally value patient benefit.


Another front that pharmacies try to protect, is the PBS system. We are all expecting that PBS drugs will be subsidised by our government. Many people simply can not afford to pay the full price of many drugs that are keeping them alive. some such drugs would cost thousands of dollars, but PBS brings them down to just a few dollars. If we go down the American model, many people are likely to suffer.


How do we expect our pollies to know that we want to keep these safety nets?


I don't like the idea of bribes, and political donations are (to me), little more than that, but it is the only way that lobby groups get noticed by those in power. It seems to work for the coal lobby!


This is just my take on it.

You're exactly right there. Qualified pharmacists are the last line of defense, and doctors do sometimes make mistakes in prescribing.


My wife's a pharmacist. I showed her that article... her response was "owners are all LNP supporters anyway!" (Maybe a gross generalisation, but she's worked for a few.)


As for political donations, my view on it is they should be banned completely. "Lobbyist" is not a valid profession.



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Yes they were drunk when meeting and discussing here in Australia, at meetings to plan trip to America. Drunk booking tickets, drunk having meetings at gun lobbyists, drunk asking for money from NRA.


Drunk on power and treason.


Naturally that means in innocence.


Pauline and co have trouble with spelling and meaning. What they mistook for reasonable actions.


They forgot to add the T from the Tea party.


Yes that's reason with a Trumpet........., or Treason to the rest of us.



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