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From other site: New Fed Cabinet/the homeless...

Old Koreelah

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Even more thread drift... Should the homeless expect someone else to house them?


Habitat for Humanity is a global movement helping people build their own homes. I've helped build a couple in my district. They need not be McMansions; the small house movement is one reaction to the ridiculous McMansions trend.


It's time Australia got over our love affair with detached houses; the blocks are getting so small that there's no backyard for kids. We could learn from other cultures and build medium-density housing with shared facilities, so several generations can live nearby. And while I'm having a rant, why should old folks homes have to hire a bus so the elderly can have a rare trip to see a few little kiddies, while those same kids' parents are struggling to afford daycare? What a clever country...



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I think that the media, enthusiastically assisted by others who are captivated by their own privileged position of power and money, make up a lot of these stories. The constant meme regarding 3d printing of guns seems to me to be overblown hyperbole. Truth is that a plastic gun would be as useful as one fabbed out of wood. The simple fact is that guns don't work without ammo. Try 3d printing a nato round! (Sales of ammunition are at least as tightly controlled in the world that I inhabit as the guns needed to project them)




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You can't build an el cheapo. easily legally. Years ago you could build a1/2 house and add the extra later. There's no escape from the minimum size / and specifications which has to meet more and more standards as time passes. Caravan parks were used by services and other people who retired with inadequate pensions at their mid 30's. as a place to live. Councils now close them up if they can.. You don't see the "permanents" as much in the country towns now.. Many of those places are quite comfortable with nice gardens etc. While you actually don't need much if you are fair dinkum there's no way to get one set up easily. You could go and live among the aborigines (if they would let you) on the wrong side of town. It's ALL Bull$#1t really. I would rather live in the sticks than the sort of Gloria Somes near Penrith and such places with the cost of that stuff taking half a lifetime (if you are lucky) to pay off. and socialising at the compulsory barbeque. when it's your turn to compare how well off you are compared with the next bogan. with running amok kids. like yours. As the song goes Little boxes, ticky, tacky all in a row .Nev



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What's worse is that it'll go the way of England & Ireland. Developer buys (or is given) a few acres of land, and produces 100+ houses - all with their own postage-stamp sized yards - all exactly the same. Makes me wonder how the residents identify which house is theirs, they're so similar.


Time for some smart architecture. Cross-laminated timber is now comparable in strength to steel and reinforced concrete, so medium-high density apartments could be made with a lot less embodied energy. Add shared green spaces & facilities (eg BBQ's, pools), sensible heating/cooling using shading, plants, cross-ventilation etc - it can all be done. Personally I wouldn't like city living but that's just me - millions of people do apparently.



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A few years ago there was a big backyard in suburban Adelaide with about 6 caravans in it.


The inhabitants were old men, probably some alcoholics among them. The news showed the local council towing the vans away , and when the guy in charge was asked where the old men were going to sleep that night, he said that it wasn't the council's problem where they slept.



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You can't build an el cheapo. easily legally. Years ago you could build a1/2 house and add the extra later. There's no escape from the minimum size / and specifications which has to meet more and more standards as time passes. Caravan parks were used by services and other people who retired with inadequate pensions at their mid 30's. as a place to live. Councils now close them up if they can.. You don't see the "permanents" as much in the country towns now.. Many of those places are quite comfortable with nice gardens etc. While you actually don't need much if you are fair dinkum there's no way to get one set up easily. You could go and live among the aborigines (if they would let you) on the wrong side of town. It's ALL Bull$#1t really. I would rather live in the sticks than the sort of Gloria Somes near Penrith and such places with the cost of that stuff taking half a lifetime (if you are lucky) to pay off. and socialising at the compulsory barbeque. when it's your turn to compare how well off you are compared with the next bogan. with running amok kids. like yours. As the song goes Little boxes, ticky, tacky all in a row .Nev


Great post Nev. Rather than give you a "like" I think that you deserve one of Phil Adam's Koala stamps for this.



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So the homeless can't afford mortgages, even for "ticky tacky houses all in a row". Councils don't want them in caravans. Many of our mental health institutions were closed (freeing up lots of juicy real estate for redevelopment) so where do people with ongoing problems live? Different levels of government pass the buck.


Some rural areas allow medium density communal housing.



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Either out of sight or just go away and we will pretend the problem is not there. and still get the "Tidy Towns "award . No wonder they sometimes do "antisocial " things.. A" fine' for a well off person is an annoyance . For a person who is of little real means it may be a life and death matter.Nev



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The place the homeless and mentally I'll, disabled go is obvious. A growing private industry- jail. 50% or more in the can have a intellectual disability. We actually have falling crime rates and at the same time building new jails and swelling the jail population. Unless you are rich , bail is normally refused and 18 months before your trial is common. If you are innocent, tough. We also no longer employ teachers to educate and rehabilitate. That would be too bleeding heart progressive, and save heaps of money and wasted lives.


Naturally the preferred model is privatised and costs over a million a bed to build new. The winners are Geo group and Serco, those nice folk we have run off shore detention camps.



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There was a mental case in Port Augusta jail who would wander around most of the day with poo in his pants , because he didn't have the ability to know any better. He may still be there for all I know. My informant said he was too inoffensive and childish to be violent.


The only good reason for incarceration is to protect the public from dangerous people.


South Australia had a thinker in residence who said exactly that about ten years ago. She said that all other offenders can be punished in other ways.


The cabinet actually agreed with her, but they reckoned the public liked incarceration so they didn't change anything.



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Used this method on my kids...both are great now..my son(the one I had the main trouble with doing that stuff) lives and works in China in quite a high up position in education. My daughter has 2 kids and 2 jobs and her husband has a good well paid job...so quite proud of how both have turned out even though there was some "teenage" issues



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@storchy neil - bluddy good question - and while the method worked for @Kyle Communications, it doesn't always work.. I am not going to go into details but for a small population, it is not an option for some. Which is a bluddy shame as it put the spanner in the down under move works. Took us a little while to work out it was about redirecting the "creative" energy...



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well ill be stxxxx 10 year old grand daughter was taken into a paper shop by her other grand father and told to get any book that she wanted any book at all well she walk around and picked up a book and asked the other pop could she get this one yep says pop when he went to pay for it he asked did she want it yes she said it was a bloody naplan book educational


this is bit hard to do any thing when the 14 year old bashes into his mother as stated on 60 minutes neil



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Should the homeless expect someone else to house them?...

I`m not sure they should expect it but I do believe that it`s an absolute disgrace that in this great country of Australia, there are so many homeless people living on the streets and the age of the homeless is getting ever lower.


Lots of us can't cope; why? This bloke has an answer

Yes! I believe it is the first and biggest part of the answer!





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