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More blatant 'Conspiracy Theory' stuff.

Phil Perry

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Seriously though, our capitalist experiment has failed to topple as was predicted (so far). Maybe we could try a socialist democracy?





In Beyond Democracy by Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman, the authors dissent from the mainstream perspective on democracy and focus on its negatives. After reading this book it would be difficult to ever again view democracy in a positive light. Instead of promoting freedom, democracy takes it away. Book review: Is there an alternative to democracy?



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I thought as much.....

It's all a commonist plot!


Seriously though, our capitalist experiment has failed to topple as was predicted (so far). Maybe we could try a socialist democracy?

HAHAHAHA. . . .Er,. . every time I point out that socialism causes millions of people to die, either by Direct Government action,. . .or inaction so they starve to death,. . I ALWAYS get the same answer. . .: "Oh, . . that was not the right kind of Socialism. . ." Ask the population of Venezuela . . where you can't even buy a toilet roll, and yet their country had and still has, enormous Oil reserves and vast opportunities for tourism, food exports and other means of money generation. . .. how WONDERFUL their Socialist Government is . . . .


Russia ? 20 million people murdered by Stalin ( Oh yes,. . .that is COMMUNISM isn't it ?. . .no difference in fact ) China. . .60 -100 Million murdered by Mao. . .but thats FECKING' Communism again. . . THERE IS, BASICALLY NO FECKING DIFFERENCE. . . .


YES . . .Capitalism is highly flawed,. . .but with SMALL Government, democratically elected by the proles,. . ,. . it CAN survive and a large number of the population can advance themselves, by their own hard work and endeavour, providing that the SMALL Government does not interfere with it . . .NOR continue to import hundreds of thousands of alien beings with no saleable skills nor understanding of the local language nor culture,. . , who will immediately become 100% Nett TAKERS of Government social welfare spending, but will not pay anything back in to the system to prolong it. . .


Of course . . .,a situation like this would rapidly become unsustainable, so, of course, no Government with any sanity whatsoever would allow this to occur . . . . .


Current rant suspended. . . .



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Phil, your rant put such a depressing slant on capitalism - so capitalism is highly flawed.


Capitalism would be nice if we could curb unrestrained government expansion... Well that's never going to happen, is it.


Capitalism would be lovely if only government kept out of our lives, stopped drowning us with over regulation. Well, that's not likely either.


So capitalism can never be lovely?



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NOR continue to import hundreds of thousands of alien beings with no saleable skills nor understanding of the local language nor culture,. . , who will immediately become 100% Nett TAKERS of Government social welfare spending, but will not pay anything back in to the system to prolong it. . .

You've got figures to back that up of course... because as I recall, immigrants per capita in general work harder, create more small businesses and are more productive than Australian-born people in this country.


There will always be a small subset of any minority that sits on their ar*se and lives on welfare. Just as there's a small subset of native-born Anglos who do exactly the same thing. I'd be interested to see which subset, as a percentage of their population, is higher.



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Here are some figures to study Marty. I'm not saying that they report what I see with mine own eyes,. . .but this is from the DWP ( Dept. of Work and Pensions - UK Govt. ) now the Government admit that there are a Million or more ( ? ) UNDOCUMENTED illegal migrants in the UK at the moment, . . ( Home Office spokesman this morning on BBC, so it MUST be true. . .) how they would know this must be extrapolated from GDP and the incredible strain upon our public services, the National Health Service, and the housing market. Have a read, I've only scanned it briefly. I'll post more figures for you as and when I find sources.


'SOME' of our EU migrant workers, such as the Poles as a for instance, are Hard working people. ( the ones I've met anyhow ) some, such as Albanians, run the drugs rackets. . .and Financial scams etc. . Germans and French are usually a definite asset. Scuttlebut says that there are now more French barmen in London that Aussies !. . .But of course this is anecdotal. Somalian folk seem to be the poorest of the migrants, with an 'Estimated' ( not by me ) 80% rate of unemployment. DWP figures lump them in together with 'Africans' so if this is true, this would skew the data somewhat.


The largest employer of immigrants i the UK is now ( anecdotally again ) the 'Hand Car Wash' business. . . .Where I live in Cannock, there are 11 of these establishments, with around 15 blokes around your car, working like dervishes but not getting paid much,. .. not at £3.00 per car,. . .the sums don't work. The greatest employer of Muslim migrants from the sub continent, ie, Pakistan and Bangladesh, seem to be employed as Taxi drivers, or working in the Black economy. The rest run Curry houses, Pizza / Kebab shops, lots and lots of which have been exposed as money laundering operations for the local drugs industry. . . .but there are so many of them, especially in totally 'Enriched' cities like Bradford, Rochdale, Leicester, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, and several boroughs of London. . .etc. . .that Mr Plod just hasn't the resources to police it all. Especially difficult when the town / city has a Muslim mayor, as many of them do. . . prosecutions are difficult when there is obstruction from on high. Thanks to Theresa May and her brilliant idea of cutting 20,000 police jobs recently. . . No wonder that Knife Crime and rapes are up no average by 37%. . . But it's OK, the Plod are policing Hate Crimes on social media so that's OK then.





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Our UK Laws are being trashed by a certain subset of a minority. Deliberately blocking traffic on a highway or any road, would result in you or I being forcibly moved immediately, and charged with an offence. HOWEVER,. .. in the UK,. . .the police seem, er,. .'Unwilling' to prosecute our laws. I often wonder why this is. . .this is a regular occurrence by the way, but the MSM do not report it, to promote 'Community Cohesion' you see. . .




Beats me. . .any ideas ?



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1 of the many reasons I left the uk 46 years ago, it was blatantly clear then that we were being taken over , remember enoch powell ,his words ring true ,but the stupid labor dicks(who started the all the problems) woudnt listen and didn't listen all these years ,as an observer from afar it is so clear where they went wrong, we are now seeing similar problems here in Oz from the same stupid leftards (on both sides of the political spectrums) and of course the stupid greenies political correctness gone mad as Dick Smith said in his book ,over population of this great country will cost us dearly, ie more working poor ,more welfare recipients, our elderly pension is a farce, but our pollies retire on obscene pensions plus all the extras, Great Britain, not any more overpopulated and crowded welfare system a shambles and PC gone way over the top, my rant


Cheers gareth



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I only wish that my family situation did not result in my having to return to the UK Gareth mate. I Loved my time in Australia, and still love the place, irrespective of it's current politics.. . I REALLY DO miss the lifestyle. .the culture and the mates I left behind. . . ..can't leave UK now,. .both Daughters are firmly ensconced in good careers and living with really intelligent blokes too. . . Both had toyed with moving across to Europe for a while and sampling the scenery, cuisine and general ambience of Germany and France, since they are both fluent in those languages,. . . but since it is now nearly overrun with persons from an alien culture which will NEVER assimilate into European ideals, mainly due to their ideology, it is no longer safe for white Western females to go out alone. . .night or day in some places. . .this is very sad. . . . So, they binned that idea.


However,. . .for the purposes of tourism,. . there ARE LOADS of places in both countries where you can sample the original culture,. . as the takeover is yet incomplete. One place is Croatia, where my mate Steve bought an old vineyard, which used to grow Olives for the production of Olive Oil. He resurrected the place, and using machinery ( ? ) well, presses, over 100 years old, is now employing many locals to collect end pricess his own brand of Oil to supermarkets and other outlets there . . .he said "I only wanted a quiet place to write my historical books and have a quiet life " . .


But locals persuaded him to start up again.. .I flew into a strip around 15 clicks away 5 years ago, just as he was starting the business up. . . .Magic place, . . lovely local folk and NO 'enrichment' by aliens. . . ( Thus far ) Croatia is a lovely place, with a lovely stretch of coastline, filled with olde worlde fishing communities and bloody Terrific seafood !


Had a meal with Steve, and his Lovely Lady Alicia,. . .cost me £7.50 Sterling for the lot.. . .we ate that much we could hardly walk. . .7 course meals ! . . . . Might have gorn up a bit now as I've noticed that there are tourist adverts for it in the local travel agents. . . . once the big hoteliers move in,. . well,. . that's another lovely place fecked innit ?



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Capitalism equals small government. Very funny. Tory governments serve the top end of town, who in turn fund them (because they can and it pays off.


Individual freedoms and privacy have never disappeared so fast as here in the last few years and with no end in sight. "WE" know where you live and who you are talking to.


Free speech means the MSM can say what they like. (print known lies) and others have no real access. to a platform. to redress the imbalance.


Access to justice without lots of dough, forget that too. Doesn't happen. It's out of reach of the "ordinary " mortal.


Education? IF you don't send them to Private schools you are accused of not doing the right thing by them. A form of child abuse? Perhaps they will sue you in later life.


Live on an age pension here?. If you have the skills to do that you should have been running the country. Nev



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the same stupid leftards (on both sides of the political spectrums) and of course the stupid greenies

The worst that a "leftard" will do is try to make the world a better place for the average punter. Your "rightard", on the other hand, stupidly props up the side of government that rewards billionaires and kills the environment.


I know which side I prefer.



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47 years in this great country(we wont include Tasmania they are a lost cause) and every time the leftards were in down went the economy and My standard of living,rightwards got in my standard of living went up, I employed more staff times were good again.If leftards are in we get a downward spiral again, but all they do is spend spend , I am your average punter and labor in uk and oz are backward thinking I suppose if you live in the apple isle with its woeful employment rates and tendancy to be over the top greeny ,what can I say I am glad the years that I have left I wont see the total demise when both sides of pollies wont see the problems that they are bringing in and espousing



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Jeeeze. . .that sounds serious. . .wish they'd get their spelling right though,. . it isn't hard . . .unless their eyes are bulging and they're on steroids I guess. . ..

Australia is working on it as we speak - we have the motor vehicle industry off the government teat - the last Australian car manufacturer has produced its last car. We have some ways to go as mining who still wants to dig it up for free using cheap foreign labour transfering it off shore via tax havens and booking the lot tax free and borrowing money on the cheap from Australian governments. I think we are being suckered again.



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Here are some figures to study Marty. I'm not saying that they report what I see with mine own eyes,. . .but this is from the DWP ( Dept. of Work and Pensions - UK Govt. ) now the Government admit that there are a Million or more ( ? ) UNDOCUMENTED illegal migrants in the UK at the moment, . . ( Home Office spokesman this morning on BBC, so it MUST be true. . .) how they would know this must be extrapolated from GDP and the incredible strain upon our public services, the National Health Service, and the housing market. Have a read, I've only scanned it briefly. I'll post more figures for you as and when I find sources.

'SOME' of our EU migrant workers, such as the Poles as a for instance, are Hard working people. ( the ones I've met anyhow ) some, such as Albanians, run the drugs rackets. . .and Financial scams etc. . Germans and French are usually a definite asset. Scuttlebut says that there are now more French barmen in London that Aussies !. . .But of course this is anecdotal. Somalian folk seem to be the poorest of the migrants, with an 'Estimated' ( not by me ) 80% rate of unemployment. DWP figures lump them in together with 'Africans' so if this is true, this would skew the data somewhat.


The largest employer of immigrants i the UK is now ( anecdotally again ) the 'Hand Car Wash' business. . . .Where I live in Cannock, there are 11 of these establishments, with around 15 blokes around your car, working like dervishes but not getting paid much,. .. not at £3.00 per car,. . .the sums don't work. The greatest employer of Muslim migrants from the sub continent, ie, Pakistan and Bangladesh, seem to be employed as Taxi drivers, or working in the Black economy. The rest run Curry houses, Pizza / Kebab shops, lots and lots of which have been exposed as money laundering operations for the local drugs industry. . . .but there are so many of them, especially in totally 'Enriched' cities like Bradford, Rochdale, Leicester, Bristol, Leeds, Manchester, and several boroughs of London. . .etc. . .that Mr Plod just hasn't the resources to police it all. Especially difficult when the town / city has a Muslim mayor, as many of them do. . . prosecutions are difficult when there is obstruction from on high. Thanks to Theresa May and her brilliant idea of cutting 20,000 police jobs recently. . . No wonder that Knife Crime and rapes are up no average by 37%. . . But it's OK, the Plod are policing Hate Crimes on social media so that's OK then.



Having the Albanians running the UK Drug Cartels would enable honest Poms, who would otherwise run these Cartels, to engage in real meaningful work.



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Having the Albanians running the UK Drug Cartels would enable honest Poms, who would otherwise run these Cartels, to engage in real meaningful work.

Bloody foreigners... coming over here and taking our jobs. (2 seconds later...) Bloody foreigners, all they do is sit around on the dole...



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The worst that a "leftard" will do is try to make the world a better place for the average punter. Your "rightard", on the other hand, stupidly props up the side of government that rewards billionaires and kills the environment.

I know which side I prefer.

Socialist Utopia Marty ?. . .well,. . .it would be nice if someone could actually figure out a way to make it work for the majority of the population. . . it doesn't seem to have a good rep Geo-historically. Nice thought though, maybe one day. . . . .bit of a shame that no one has come up with some sort of centre ground, which everyone could agree with and happily adopt. All we seem to get in Western societies is extremes. . . both Port & Starboard.. . .run by 'Invisible' maniacal admirals with more money than morals. . .



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Anyway,. . let's lighten the mood with some racist humour ? ?




I was working in Bournemouth yesterday . . .an old, traditional British seaside resort. . . I saw at least fifty white indigenes there, although some of them may well have been Eastern European. . .hard to tell these days. . .I asked directions when my satnav had obviously caught the 'Flu. . . After several 'asks' . . .fortunately, a little old African Lady knew exactly where I needed to go. .. she said that she lived near there and I said hop in,. . she showed me the way and then left, but she left some shopping in the back of my car. . . .!


***Edit*** I don't intend for tis comment to be in any way Waaaaaycist,. . .I have inspected the foodstuffs in the nice Lady's shopping bag,/ /which I have no possible way of returning. . .and when I figure out what everything is,. .I'll get Small Daughter t cook me something using the ingredients. . . .I have not spoken to her yet, but she cooks fresh stuff every day and she and her partner never eat the same foods day to day and cook everything from fresh ingredients. . .She will, in all likelihood, know what this stuff is for. . . I shall report at a later date . . .YAY !


( I saved the nice Lady at least Ten Quid in a taxi, so I don't feel too bad about the deal. . .)



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Socialist Utopia Marty ?. . .well,. . .it would be nice if someone could actually figure out a way to make it work for the majority of the population. . . it doesn't seem to have a good rep Geo-historically. Nice thought though, maybe one day. . . . .bit of a shame that no one has come up with some sort of centre ground, which everyone could agree with and happily adopt. All we seem to get in Western societies is extremes. . . both Port & Starboard.. . .run by 'Invisible' maniacal admirals with more money than morals. . .

Not a socialist utopia Phil - but unfettered free market is not the solution for everything. We're already forgetting the failings of the banking system in 2007 - after our Labor party brought in regulation to protect people from the risk of market crashes, the subsequent right-leaning government started dismantling them. At the moment almost 50% of all property loans in Australia are interest-only, which means they're mostly people speculating in the housing market and artificially pushing up prices.


When executives of large companies get bonuses in the millions even when the company loses money, and members of state and federal governments fall over themselves to give away the farm to dodgy coal mining companies (heard about Adani?) then I'm afraid that the "free market utopia" is revealed as a sham.



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Russia ? 20 million people murdered by Stalin ( Oh yes,. . .that is COMMUNISM isn't it ?. . .no difference in fact ) China. . .60 -100 Million murdered by Mao. . .but thats FECKING' Communism again. . . THERE IS, BASICALLY NO FECKING DIFFERENCE. . . .

Phil, I'm not sticking up for Uncle Joe; he was a complete tosser. But are you quoting 20 million deaths in peacetime or including WW2 figures as well?


Bearing in mind anywhere between 20 to 30 million Soviets died in the war. They accounted for about 80% of Germany's losses; we mopped up the remaining 20%. So their wartime losses were enormous, and only a certain percentage of those are due to Stalin's policies. I don't know the figure for his peacetime legacy of deaths, but it was a lot.


Cheers, Willie.



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Not a socialist utopia Phil - but unfettered free market is not the solution for everything. We're already forgetting the failings of the banking system in 2007 - after our Labor party brought in regulation to protect people from the risk of market crashes, the subsequent right-leaning government started dismantling them. At the moment almost 50% of all property loans in Australia are interest-only, which means they're mostly people speculating in the housing market and artificially pushing up prices.

When executives of large companies get bonuses in the millions even when the company loses money, and members of state and federal governments fall over themselves to give away the farm to dodgy coal mining companies (heard about Adani?) then I'm afraid that the "free market utopia" is revealed as a sham.

Marty, I think Phil has a good point about the middle ground thing. Unfortunately it's never really materialized. The right side, at times, has given us stability and a few economic good time bubbles. The left has given us better working conditions, universal health care and other social conditions.


There's an old joke about the problem with socialism: sooner or later, you run out of other peoples' money. But the theory could work if individuals, companies and corporations didn't make a national sport of tax dodging, as that system relies heavily on big spending backed by high taxation revenue. People could argue that the right side is an 'every man for himself' mentality. I don't know what the answer is - in my adult life, I've voted for almost every party in the country, from left to right (except for the Sex Party; didn't think it was worth the trouble as I don't seem to get any anyway), but no matter who we vote for, things don't seem to get any better.



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(except for the Sex Party; didn't think it was worth the trouble as I don't seem to get any anyway), but no matter who we vote for, things don't seem to get any better.

Even if the Sex Party got in, they probably wouldn't keep their erection promises...



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