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Etymology ain't nothin' to do with insects

old man emu

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DNA is not a problem in that part of fire investigation because, like all carbon-based molecules it burns. She might be looking for the remains of an electrical component. If she should detect the smell of fuels ( accelerants) she would collect about 4 litres of ash into a sealed tin to send to the lab for spectrochemical analysis to determine the type of accelerant.


Crime scenes where victims and offenders have moved about are the places where contaminations suits might be worn - depending on the crime. 


When I joined up, one of the application processes was to have one's fingerprints taken. We were told that the prints were used as practical teaching aids for trainer F/print examiners. But I'm sure that they were first used to see if an applicant had a criminal record. I don't know if the recording system for names has changed, but when NW Police went over to computerized record keeping, everyone who interacted with police, wither as victim, offender or witness was given a ID number. If the person had never been fingerprinted - a victim/witness/first offender - the number was in a certain format - probably a sequential numbering. That number stays with a person as long as the database exists. However if someone has been fingerprinted, the format of the number is different - a different set of sequential numbers. So, if a Constable in NSW does a name check on me, the number coming back should cause the constable to delve deeper into my recorded history to see why I had that type of number. My ID would be associated with hundreds of entries, simply because I was involved in some way with the report - usually as arresting constable.


Just before I retired, digital recording of fingerprints wa introduced. So if a person was charged, they would be fingerprinted and those prints compared to existing records. That was good because if the report came back that the person was wanted in any way, you already had them locked up in a holding cell while you were processing the current charge. 

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