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Only in Texas


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Way back in 1997, I had the pleasure of spending 2weeks for work in Dallas, TX.. Sadly, I think they had shot JR by then, so I never got to meet him. This was part of my first client visit since leaving Australia in late '96. Coincidentally, '96 was about the first season in Australia they ran the US reality TV show, COPS. And true to the show, the highway patrol were all big-beefers. I got talking to one on the first day I arrived and asked him what he thought about the gun laws in the US. He genuinely shook his head and despaired for both his country, his state, and his city. The city of Dallas that day passed a law allowing (yes, allowing) people to carry concealed hand guns in shopping malls. His words were almost literally, "How are we supposed to enforce the law and protect our citizens when we do this shi..."..

Edited by Jerry_Atrick
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The USA is ranked 19th for happiness in a 2021 survey. This survey has a score range of zero to 8. The USA's score is 6.95. Australia's is 7.18. For some reason, Finland is a clear leader at 7.84. The unhappiest poor bastards live in Latvia, with a score of 6.03. The world average is 6.7. Here's the UN report analysis https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/Appendix1WHR2021C2.pdf

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I was last in Texas about 10 years or so ago. What you see on TV are the extremities of society; although there are probably more of them than you like. In the big cities I have been to - Dallas and Houston - they are more or less similar to other major US cities.. A lot of people who are very nice, out to have a good time, and are inquisitive of Aussies and Brits, especially.  But, like all US cities, they have their underbelly, which sadly involves excessive drugs and gun-related violence.


Yes, they are a little more parochial than other states, but I can think of at least one state in Australia that is like that, too.


But, I have to say, the sights of some of those southern gals in their shorts, stetsons, and boots - resplendent with that southern drawl - can be a very tempting proposition...


It will be interesting to see what the impact on Texas will be of the Californians moving in their droves to Texas to find cheaper and less bureaucratic corporate and private lifestyles. A US company I worked for, which was headquartered in San Francisco, moved their HQ to Atlanta, GA to escape spiraling costs.. I would take Dallas any days.. And as for Philadelphia - at least in Dallas and Houston, you can work out clearly the areas to remain clear of.


The problems epitomised in Texas are everywhere in the US... They just make more of a show about it.

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Just now, old man emu said:

The USA is ranked 19th for happiness in a 2021 survey. This survey has a score range of zero to 8. The USA's score is 6.95. Australia's is 7.18. For some reason, Finland is a clear leader at 7.84. The unhappiest poor bastards live in Latvia, with a score of 6.03. The world average is 6.7. Here's the UN report analysis https://happiness-report.s3.amazonaws.com/2021/Appendix1WHR2021C2.pdf

Darned right OME.. Finland seems to have a very community minded culture at all levels of society - Even Nokia paid their taxes! Their education system is held up as being the best in the world - focusing on the child rather than trying to achieve passes.. They are not allowed to disclose performance of single schools - and teaching is a respected profession where, like medicine or similar occupations in western countries - you really have to want to be one to make it; it isn't what you do when you can't progress in your chosen career.  And it is one of the highest paid professions in Finland, too.


I suppose a culture that invests in its people from an early age will have values that conspire to make it happy.

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If everyone carrying guns is the answer ,Just exactly WHAT was the question.? The statistics tell you the extent of the effect. (How many die)  The' I've got my right to defend myself against MY Government which I and other s ELECT,  supposedly Democratically... Perhaps WE should be more CAREFUL How the Government are chosen and how they behave.. OR do we have NO real government and have armed gangs like so many parts of the current world. and people telling deliberate LIES to provoke the mentally Unstable into more extreme actions and DIVIDE society for political gain. CAN the rest of the World COPE with where the USA are headed? and should they HAVE to.? Nev

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Nev, your concern is valid but your argument is flawed. Flawed because it is based on logic and backed by facts. The problem to which you refer is caused by a combination of ego, ambition, insecurity, and emotion. Humans make most decisions based on emotions, coloured by ego, ambition and/or insecurity. Then they try to create a belieable argument to justify (legitimise?) an illogical emotional decision such as collecting deadly weapons.


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But does Switzerland allow people to carry hand guns in schools, shopping centres and in the streets? Do they allow public to buy assault rifles? Do they allow people the have multiple weapons of choice and keep them loaded, around the house, handbag or glovebox?


I take your point that proper education and a safer culture makes a big difference in outcomes, but I think that the lower gun death rate in Switzerland is probably not, of itself, justification for everyone having guns

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