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Atheist knowledge

Gnarly Gnu

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Why all these defensive posts about people who invoke God when they say they are atheists.I smell a little self doubt.

Not just defensive, just pointing out the logical flaw.


The atheists who wrote that rubbish, and confirmed they didn't really understand what atheism is.

It is hard to comment without knowing which comments you are referring to, an example would be great.



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Totally agree, that's what I've been trying to get across.

Perhaps it would be good to be specific and determine which non-atheist atheists you are referring to. A non-believer is just that.


No more, no less. Give us an example please.



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I've changed my attitude !


I would never have believed that this thread would be heading toward two thousand (circular) posts !


At last we have something more polarising than the great Jab debate.

Everyone needs somewhere to have philosoph... er, solve the big questio... er... talk sh1t.



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I think I've got a idea to solve the Jab 'problem' ...... which some BELIEVE exists, and others don't.......


I'll put a fish sticker on the back of all the Jabs that I see. Then we'll get statistical proof of Theist intervention AND a solution to the Jab uncertainty.


To hedge my bets, maybe I should also put a THOR sticker on them too.



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Over 1,500 posts and given the division between aethiests and those of a religious persuasion are and remain in the class of unfalsifiable claims I just ask ... Where's the flying spaghetti monster when you need him?

Not sure what you mean, but only a few believe that their belief is the only correct one, and any others shouldn't be tolerated.



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Not sure what you mean, but only a few believe that their belief is the only correct one, and any others shouldn't be tolerated.

My goodness - my understanding of seveal of the major religions is that belief in their version as the only true one IS the central tenant.


But what I meant was to call on the Flying Spaghetti Monster (other deiety and beliefs are available and equally as provable) to bring peace and good will at this end of year.


Enjoy your break from work if you're having one.



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IF you are really comfortable with your chosen god, why do you need to kill those who don't believe in the one you do. I reckon I'd walk around with the biggest smile and just feel sorry for the less enlightened/ notchosen/un lucky, poor bastards who are really going to do badly later. Nev



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  • 2 weeks later...
. . . but only a few believe that their belief is the only correct one, and any others shouldn't be tolerated.

They all believe that they are the only correct one and Islam is totally intolerant. Many Muslims do tolerate other faiths and the three Abrahamic faiths of Islam, Judaeism and Christianity lived peacefully together in Southern Spain until the Catholics put an end to that. Even though many Muslims are enlightened and tolerant, their religion, Islam is not. It demands conversion or death of infidels. It demands execution of anyone who chooses to step away from Islam and most of us on here have written more than enough to be sentenced to death for blasphemy. In countries that are ruled under Sharia Law, tolerance is not an aspect of the culture.


I wonder how tolerant Christians would be if they ruled with the absolute power they had for many centuries? Would we see executions for blasphemy that only ceased in the UK in the 18th Century? Left to the Bible Belt in the USA, that is not out of the question. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition is a way of life for those wackos.


Incidentally, for those who doubt Evolution as a Scientific theory, you will no doubt be delighted to know that the UK has banned teaching of creationism as Science. At the same time in the USA, the bible loonies are trying to get a law passed in Missouri that would require schools to notify parents that evolution theory was going to be taught on a particular day. God fearing yanks would not want their children exposed to that sort of science porno.



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They all believe that they are the only correct one and Islam is totally intolerant. Many Muslims do tolerate other faiths and the three Abrahamic faiths of Islam, Judaeism and Christianity lived peacefully together in Southern Spain until the Catholics put an end to that. Even though many Muslims are enlightened and tolerant, their religion, Islam is not. It demands conversion or death of infidels. It demands execution of anyone who chooses to step away from Islam and most of us on here have written more than enough to be sentenced to death for blasphemy. In countries that are ruled under Sharia Law, tolerance is not an aspect of the culture.

I wonder how tolerant Christians would be if they ruled with the absolute power they had for many centuries? Would we see executions for blasphemy that only ceased in the UK in the 18th Century? Left to the Bible Belt in the USA, that is not out of the question. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition is a way of life for those wackos.


Incidentally, for those who doubt Evolution as a Scientific theory, you will no doubt be delighted to know that the UK has banned teaching of creationism as Science. At the same time in the USA, the bible loonies are trying to get a law passed in Missouri that would require schools to notify parents that evolution theory was going to be taught on a particular day. God fearing yanks would not want their children exposed to that sort of science porno.

My thoughts exactly - the only reason christianity is tolerant these days is because of the separation of church and state. It certainly wasn't tolerant when it had secular power as well as religious, you wouldn't want to be an atheist in the Middle Ages for example.


Normal people whether religious or not are generally tolerant and for the most part good. It's only when the wackos get power and try to force their views on the populace that it goes bad. Which is exactly why everyone of sense needs to fight to retain a clear and total separation of church and state.



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