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Where did COVID-19 come from?


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The official line is it jumped from Bats to humans at a Fish market in Wuhan. How?


A recent research paper published in the Lancet journal (copy attached) concludes the virus is most closely related to bats, however, most bat species in Wuhan were hibernating at the time, there were none available for sale at the sea food market, there is likely to be an intermediate host that has not been identified, no animal there has so far tested positive and probably only a single human was the source.


A report by the Canadian Broadcasting Commission last October that a Chinese scientist, her husband and several students were expelled from Canada in July due to a so called "Policy Breach". They were working at the only level 4 lab of the Canadian Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg and made at least 5 trips to Wuhan China at that time. Details below.




It is thought that they smuggled samples back to Wuhan in China to continue development of genetically engineered viruses. This Lab is only a few blocks from the Wuhan Fish market.


Covid-19 is about 30% different from the SARS virus and could not have mutated from it as there must be multiple mutations which takes a very long time to change by 30%.


It seems that the Chinese Lab stuffed up and one of the scientists contracted Covid 19 & spread it at the Fish market. The reports suggest this is the Whistleblower doctor who eventually died from it. He apparently was one of the students expelled from Canada. The Chinese are silent & won't co-operate with Canada since the expulsion of the Huawei VP last year.


It is entrely possible that the underlying reason is development of biological weapons.


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As a biological weapon, this virus has been an outstanding success. While there have been deaths attributed to it, the number so far pale in comparison to age-old microbial illnesses such as 'flu, measles, malaria etc.


Where this virus has been ultra-successful is in its disruption of the Western economies. The world's stock markets copped 'the old one - two' firstly from the virus fears, and secondly from the oil war. As the Northern hemisphere moves into Summer, there will be less oil used there for heating and electricity generation, so over-production can only lead to lower retail prices (one thinks). The virus, however, has caused major disruption in consumer goods manufacturing and distribution. There's an old saying in Sales, "Nobody makes any money until somebody sells something." If there is no product to sell, the whole system grinds to a stop.


A Totalitarian regime can force its population to tighten its belts. Just look at North Korea. These regimes can weather these economic storms and still retain their power over the people. "Democratic" system leaders cannot do that without fear of being unseated from power.

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Ome in my opinion that hypotheses does not make much sense.

China's economic livelyhood is built on the Iphones, Ipads that the West buys. Bankrupting your customer base is not a winning strategy.

New viruses have always popped up every so often. Whilst there is a level of excessive panic there are also those who fail to appreciate what makes this virus more serious. Although influenza kills many people each year, much of the popualtion has some immunity even though the virus mutates every season. The cov 2 virus (which causes covid 19) is most likely new to humans. It will most likely mutate which could make it less or more harmful.

Although the popular media may not be tottaly reliable there are many reliable sources of information such as CDC or the New England Journal of medicine or the Lancet. This is better than relying on a posts from self proclaimed "experts" on Facebook

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In my opinion that hypotheses does not make much sense.


If you play chess, there are times that you will sacrifice a pawn to open the way for an attack by your major pieces. China no doubt can sustain a short-term loss of an economic pawn in order to win an advantage. At the moment, the Chinese/US trade agreement is the advantage being played for. How better to win than to erode your opponent's economic foundation?

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So where will its foreign income come from? How will its industries survive a period of low sales? What will happen to the new wealthy and growing middle class?


I suspect this js just conspiracy nonsense however the the future will tell. We should definately revisit this idea in a year or so and see what happens. My prediction is the virus will run its course, the stock market will rebound. The Chinese will resume selling the goods we buy and buying the goods that they rely on from the west.

I would be interested in what you predictions Ome

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I would be interested in what you predictions


I agree with your prediction. All this Covid-19 panic is ballyhoo. This time next year there will be something else for the media to hype. Just think. On 20th January 2021 the newly elected President of the USA will be inaugurated. What will the world be like if that person is our mate Donny?

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The fact that Covid-19 got out there is almost certainly a failure of the system at the Chinese laboratory and not at all deliberate. Whether or not the intention was to develop some form of Biological weapon we will probably never know. Covid-19 seems no more or less dangerous than the Flu. It is just new, there is currently no vaccine and the world wide hype has turned it into the ultimate fear of the unknown.

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I agree with your prediction. All this Covid-19 panic is ballyhoo. This time next year there will be something else for the media to hype. Just think. On 20th January 2021 the newly elected President of the USA will be inaugurated. What will the world be like if that person is our mate Donny?



An attitude that flys in the face of the evidence and one that will hasten the spread.

Next year yours and my world is going to look very different

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An attitude that flys in the face of the evidence and one that will hasten the spread.

Next year yours and my world is going to look very different


Red I agree with your post with one minor change, I would say the world COULD look very different rather than will. The fact is the best experts in this field are unsure. It is correct that we take this illness very seriously. Human existence has no gaurantees. When it comes to new bacterial infections we are one or two antibiotics away from verry bad things. Viral infections such as SARS- CoV-2 which causes Covid19 is serious. Many people have suggested that covid 19 is less serious than the common flu . The notion being that over one flu season more people die than in 2 months of covid. The fact is that we cannot yet judge the severity because covid is new.

Another point that people miss is that it is not a case of either you get a mild case or you die. What ever the fatality rate for your cohort (age or prexisting conditions) there is s larger number who end up in intensive care but ultimately pull through.

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The hype is now so intense and it seems many governments have not taken the risk seriously enough, a pandemic has now been declared and new predictions are quite concerning. e.g. Germany now believes 70% of its 83 million people will become infected. The difference between Covid-19 & the Flu is that we just don't know. Things will get worse but by how much. Again we just don't know. Will the stimulus packages work or will this eventually be known as the great 2020 depression. I hope not.

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One thing we do know is that there are too many people on this earth.

When I was a young bloke living on a farm in England, we used to have a couple of cats. 6 months later we had 6 cats, then 6 months later 20 cats, after a couple of years we had heaps of cats, then bingo, cat flu used to reduce the numbers to 2 cats. Start again. That is nature at its best and we cannot expect it to ignore us.

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The official line is it jumped from Bats to humans at a Fish market in Wuhan. How?


A recent research paper published in the Lancet journal (copy attached) concludes the virus is most closely related to bats, however, most bat species in Wuhan were hibernating at the time, there were none available for sale at the sea food market, there is likely to be an intermediate host that has not been identified, no animal there has so far tested positive and probably only a single human was the source.


A report by the Canadian Broadcasting Commission last October that a Chinese scientist, her husband and several students were expelled from Canada in July due to a so called "Policy Breach". They were working at the only level 4 lab of the Canadian Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg and made at least 5 trips to Wuhan China at that time. Details below.




It is thought that they smuggled samples back to Wuhan in China to continue development of genetically engineered viruses. This Lab is only a few blocks from the Wuhan Fish market.


Covid-19 is about 30% different from the SARS virus and could not have mutated from it as there must be multiple mutations which takes a very long time to change by 30%.


It seems that the Chinese Lab stuffed up and one of the scientists contracted Covid 19 & spread it at the Fish market. The reports suggest this is the Whistleblower doctor who eventually died from it. He apparently was one of the students expelled from Canada. The Chinese are silent & won't co-operate with Canada since the expulsion of the Huawei VP last year.


It is entrely possible that the underlying reason is development of biological weapons.


I somehow doubt if the virus was spread from animal to human.

Why now after all the years eating the same foods? I wonder if there was a laboratory somewhere which accidentally released this virus.. You will never ever know as the Chinese tell you nothing except lies..

I'm meant to be flying back to Scotland in May.. Via Brisbane and Dubai to Edinburgh.. Fingers crossed I will be able to..

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It is obvious that China did not produce or spread the virus. If there was the slightest amount of evidence to that, the US would have raised it some time ago. As for the Chinese telling us nothing but lies, I am certain that there are others with the same behaviour.

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General rule of thumb people: you will not learn about a real conspiracy on some tinfoilhat.com website. Most international conspiracies run their course and THEN you learn about them. Things like the CIA overthrowing the Guatemalan government in the 50's for instance. Or the RAF napalming Kurds in the 1930s. Quite often you only hear about it once the official secrets Act has lapsed on that particular episode.


A notable exception would be the Iran Contra scandal or the Watergate incident.

If there is a genuine government conspiracy of any sort going on, you can bet the news won't break first on FB or tinfoilhat.com...

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even the CIA bank of "Nugent Hand".

The English Pope.


The English Republic.

Lots more for later.



I mentioned actual conspiracies that history have shown to have happened. This Nugent Hand thing obviously has to remain in tinfoil hat territory

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I don't believe for one minute that the Chinese released the Covid-19 virus on purpose. Accidentally - highly likely.


What is unique about this virus is that the Chinese are highly susceptible to respiratory viruses - along with many other nations where heavy smokers still make up a very high percentage of the population.


I can recall travelling through France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece a few years ago, and being appalled at the level of smoking. It was impossible to have a meal without being covered in cigarette smoke in all these countries.


Notice how the Covid-19 virus is having only a small impact on South American and African nations. Surprisingly, these two countries have a low level of smokers.



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