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old man emu

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Everything posted by old man emu

  1. It's a trail marker erected by the Ministry for Silly Walks
  2. And I thought I was doing it tough rearranging my Tupperware cupboard.
  3. My friend who works for Ericsson in Sweden tells me that they are going to lay off 2500 employees because of the use of AI. My friend is a project manager. I wonder how AI can handle the inevitable unseen problems that arise with every project.
  4. In my neck of the woods it's been dry for the first quarter of this year, just the occasional isolated storm. I see that the grain farmers have been ploughing, but I haven't lived here long enough to know when sowing begins. I suppose they will have to wait until they get a good fall and then hope for follow-up rain.
  5. Check out my thread in the Health forum. It identifies an alternative to prunes.
  6. Can it let you know if your are going to score tonight?
  7. Jerry's put a full stop to that.
  8. The autumn equinox has passed and the nights are getting longer. Now I'm getting to sleep for eight hours before the kookaburras herald in the rising sun and wake me.
  9. What's the point of Public Holidays when you are retired?
  10. Since there didn't seem to be predators that would prey on large animals like roos before dingoes and then dogs came along, you have to wonder why and how roos learned that technique. Is it an application of a fighting method used between bucks?
  11. So did Bobby Limb.
  12. You've got to wonder about our bio-security when from the way distant past, birds have been migrating back and forth between Australia and Asia.
  13. I've got a muck filter on the inlet and a mozzie screen on the overflow outlet. The neighbours are graziers and the local birds have enough trees that they don't need to use the roof.
  14. It's not torture if you open the window first.
  15. And the other side has no respect for the presidency while Biden is POTUS. My sincere apologies to Pagliacci, The Great Grimaldi, Chaplin, the Marx Brothers, Bozo and even Ronald.
  16. For the past two years I have had my desk placed with a window behind it which meant I had to cover the window to cut down the glare. Also, the place is a construction zone and where restorations haven't been done there are gaps through which the accumulated dust of Ages is blown by the persistant winds. As well, having the lights on at night attracts a myriad of tiny insects, making for ideal conditions for Daddy Long Leg spiders to spread their webs to partake of a smorgasbord. So yesterday I acted. I moved the desk and computer hardware and peripherals away from the window. I had a hutch against one wall and it was looking like it was in an abandoned back shed.So I unloaded it and dusted and polished it before moving it to its rightful place in the kitchen. I de-webbed the walls and swept up the accumulated mouse droppings. (The place has been abandoned through several mice plagues.) I refixed the skirting boards to cover the routes the mice had been taking to get into the wall frames. I removed the beach towel that I had been using to cover the window. Then I grabbed a thin screwdriver and broke up the dirt which had accumulated in the track of the sliding window and vacuumed it away. Then I set up my desk so that the wall is at the back of the monitor, and I have a panoramic view across the paddock to the highway. I just have to get my sister to move her horse float so I can see who's coming down my driveway. Today I just have to move another bookcase, which at the moment is acting as my cooking area for the kettle, microwave and airfryer. Rearranging the desk and removing the towel from the window has made the room appear so much bigger. Doing a thorough cleanup has made the place look less like a homeless person's squat and brightened my spirits. So it's time to stop talking and get cracking on finishing the cleanup and then back to the reno.
  17. A unintended consequence of the housing shortage. Australia's population was 26,821,557 people at 30 September 2023. The quarterly growth was 172,700 people (0.6%). The annual growth was 659,800 people (2.5%). I wonder when the Federal Government, no matter whether Left or Right, will wake up to the fact that you can't increase the population at that sort of rate without making the place look like a Gazan refugee camp. At the same time nothing is done to create worthwhile employment. The unemployment rate increased to 4.1% in January 2024, the first time since January 2022 that the unemployment rate has been above 4.0%. To me being employed means an income-producing job that engages you for the greater part of, say, 40 hours per week. To me, one or two hours' employment per week doesn't count as being "employed".
  18. When I put in my little 400 litre drinking water storage, made from two plastic olive barrels, I gave them a good coat of the same paint that I was using for the wall behind them. I figured that the UV light would have to destroy the layer of paint before it got to the surface of the barrels. I also painted all the PVC rainwater pipes.
  19. Actually, there were only six kangaroos.
  20. Which "her" are you referring to?
  21. Since FDR at least, the presidency of the United States has been highly respected throughout the rest of the World, but Trump has reduced that level of respect to that reserved for a Barnum and Bailey clown.
  22. In more refined circles, we refer to an exiting via the window as defenestration. A word invented for one incident: the "Defenestration of Prague," May 21, 1618, when two Catholic deputies to the Bohemian national assembly and a secretary were tossed out the window of the castle of Hradschin by Protestant radicals (the pair landed in a trash heap and survived). It marked the start of the Thirty Years' War.
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