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old man emu

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Everything posted by old man emu

  1. Yes you do because you have to raise the ships from MSL at each end, up to the lakes which they can sail across.
  2. You know that you are going to get a soaking when there is no wind and the rain is falling vertically.
  3. The southbound approach the Marulan Checking Station on the Hume Hwy
  4. And it appears that a lack of rainfall, caused by what your like, is threatening to make it unnavigable due to dropped water level. I think the water levels in the cut channels is OK, but the level in the associated lakes is falling.
  5. Yeah, he's a bit of a twit,but you have to remember he's a Pom.
  6. I think that the point of the video was to have a chuckle at the thieves, nothing more.
  7. Don't forget your Driver's duty book and to call in at all checking stations whether you are loaded or not. I forgot to call in and it cost me $1600.
  8. I feel sorry for the kids who do not have any physical or mental disabilities. It must be horrible to be scorned by the rest of the school population as a minority. OK. Not PC but wasn't meant to offend. It was a joke, Joyce!
  9. I thought it was amusing that the owner could track her car via an app and let the police know how much endurance it had. That PIT technique is the euphemistic way of saying "ramming"
  10. Posted here, but could also go in the Funnies.
  11. Wearing one of those could be the new attire for equestrian events.
  12. That's if it managed the pull out of the River Lett at Hartley.
  13. That's one tree. Think of the thousands of native trees cut down in areas where housing developments spread over the land, destroying everything like an algal bloom does to aquatic environments.
  14. As with all artificial substances that we have been putting in our food since 1950, the adverse effects of long term ingestion are still unclear. Questions are being asked about the sweetener, aspartame. The International Agency on Research into Cancer (IARC) classifies aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B), based on limited evidence it might cause cancer (specifically liver cancer) in people. IARC also notes there is limited evidence for cancer in lab animals and limited evidence related to possible mechanisms for it causing cancer. Early days yet. It is a case of caveat emptor, but it is very difficult for the majority of people to prepare their food from basic ingredients due to over-active lifestyles. Not being sexist, but people ate more healthily way back when the wife was not forced out to work in order to support the family, and could have the time to obtain fresh produce and assemble it. At least today there is a multitude of recipes so that fresh produce doesn't become meat and three over-boiled veggies.
  15. As I was preparing a leg of lamb for Easter Sunday lunch, I recalled that Americans don't like to eat lamb. They think it's too fatty. I find hat ironic , considering their usual foodstuffs.
  16. I got a good fall, but I don't have a gauge. Some heavy showers that got the drains running. Then it was humid for the rest of the day. Now it has cleared up and everything looks clean and bright. My drinking water tanks were topped up, although they were not down too far. You can only drink so many cups of coffee and tea per day. I'm looking out my window and the grasses look fresh and keen to do a bit before the chill of winter.
  17. It came with an accessory - a chip Monk.
  18. You've got to admit, Trump is a gun shearer. Is there anyone else who can fleece sheep like he can?
  19. His decision to do that has injected many creative minds with great enthusiasm to produce satirical works. YouTube is awash with them. His version is a tad shorter than the King James Version as Exodus 20:1-17 has been deleted. (Exodus 20:1-17 lists the Ten Commandments)
  20. Well, that wasn't a long wait. Woke up to this:
  21. Do you mean that I'm the result of a fvck up?
  22. Here's Donny's latest side hustle - selling Bibles. As the narrator says, that's like Dracula setting up a roadside stall selling garlic. Donny's new slogan is MAPA - Make America Pray Again.
  23. What gets me is the humanity has progressed very often because someone had an idea that everyone at the time thought was weird, but the original thinker pressed on and found supporters. From what it see, AI merely accesses the store of Human knowledge and what that knowledge has produced, then shuffles it around to produce something that resembles a result. It lacks the spark on Inspiration that can set the world on fire.
  24. Here you go, Spacey https://ok.ru/video/2575223753382 No Resting Place is a 1951 British motion picture directed by Paul Rotha, produced by Colin Lesslie Productions, and starring Michael Gough, based on Ian Niall's 1948 novel. It was the first fiction film directed by Paul Rotha, formerly a documentary maker. The film draws on Rotha's documentary background as well as Italian neo-Realism, with scenes of rural and domestic life particularly showing the influence of his documentaries. It was shot entirely on location in Wicklow, Ireland by cinematographer Wolfgang Suschitzky. It was the first film as cinematographer for Suschitzky, who went on to photograph films including Get Carter. At the 1952 British Academy Film Awards, it was nominated for Best Film from any Source and Best British Film. I wonder of the Maureen O'Sullivan in this movie is the same one who was Jane in the Tarzan movies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maureen_O'Sullivan
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