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I have recently developed a sneaking suspicion that the IMPARTIAL BBC might be leaning a little to the Left. . . .

Phil Perry

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This could be a possible ( By no means exhaustive) reason why there are no conservative opinions nor narrative ever countenanced on our Wonderful politically 'IMPARTIAL' ( By Law of Public Charter ) State funded National broadcaster,. . . . the BBC. . .


For those Australians who may not know this, The Labour Party is 'The Left'


Anything else is regarded as 'Hard Right' and not worth airtime nor any consideratoin at all.


Chairman - Gavin Davies - later a labour advisor.


Chairman - Sir Micheal Lyons - previously a labour council chief.


Ex Director General - John Birt - Labour advisor.


Ex Director General - Greg Dyke - Labour donor and candidate.


Caroline Thompson - previously Roy Jenkin's aide ( Labour Leader ).


Head of Political research - Bill Rush - Labour spin doctor.


Deputy head of PR - Catherine Rimmer - Labour spin doctor.


Director of Strategy - Ed Richards - Labour spin doctor.


Head of Radio - James Parnell - Labour Minister.


Head of Northern Ireland News - Tom Kelly - Labour Spin doctor.


Scottish News editor - Tim Luckhurst - Labour Spin doctor.


Political News editor - Joy Luckhurst - Labour Spin doctor.


Political Editor - Andrew Marr - Student labour organiser.


Home News Editor - Celia Barlow - Labour MP.


Head of European Affairs - Chris Bryant - Labour MP.


Newsnight producer - Phil Woolas - Labour MP.


Foreign Correspondent - Martin Sixsmith - Labour Spin doctor.


Current affairs reporter - Ben Bradshaw - Labour minister.


Current affairs reporter - Lance Price - Labour Spin doctor.


Question time editor - Gill Penlington - Labour researcher.


Question time Chairman / Presenter Davd Dimbleby. Lifetime Labour proponent and Journalist. ( Does some really Nice Doccoes about sailing around the UK coast though )


Jon Sopel Chief American correspondent news editor and Labour supporting Journalist.


SKY News - staff interchangeable with BBC, Parrots all news stories.


Channel Four ( Also known as Caliphate Four for their support of Anything to do with support of Islam ) Main Man, Jon Snow. . .although hos SON Dan Snow, does lots of historical Doccoes about what bastards the English were to everyone else in the world, and our history in the slave trade, conveniently forgetting that the British ended it by force. . the Arabs are nad were the worst for this nad still are to this day. . .not forgetting the Africans themselves, selling their own poor people into slavery etc. Amazing what you can do when you bend history .


ITV - Staff interchangeable with BBC ad SKY ad CH4 . . insignificant BUT THEIR WEATHER GUY Liam Dutton, is a proper, Qualified Weather and Climate Guru. . .and rarely gets it wrong.


Now,. . .can someone outside of the box give me an opinion on this ?. . .how are we supposed to receive politically neutral news and perhaps sensible opinion, when the dice is thus 'Slightly' politically weighted ? ?


Anyone ? ? ?


One might cynically suggest that,. . If Gough Whitlam had a similar support base from the ABC and every single other commercial media Channel with a broadcasting licence in the Country. . .that he'd have died in office ( Is he still alive ?. . I don't know ) The Sheeple in general, tend to believe the message if EVERY TV and Radio channel tells them to do this, as it's only right and proper . . . . Of course,.this also acts as a continual 'Drip Drip' brainwashing effect. As my maternal Grandma used to regularly state, "Well if it wasn't true, it wouldn't be in the papers would it ? "



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Interesting, Phil. Who selects the board? Surely while Conservative governments are in power they will put their supporters on the board? Our own ABC is often accused of terrible left bias, even though most independent inquiries refute this, and the board of the ABC contains members appointed by our own right-wing governments.


Surely the board of the Beeb isn't appointed for life, like Judges.


(Because Supreme Court judges are appointed for life, and several vacancies opened up under his Presidency, Donald Trump has been given enormous power over the future direction of US jurisprudence.)



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It is a sorry thing that the medja both printed and electronic has abandoned its original function of informing the populous of events from near and far, and of providing a fair analysis of matters of public interest. What we are served up is nothing more that entertainment in the form of comedy, drama, horror and sport.


What affects us more - an earthquake on a knows fault along the Pacific Rim, or the reasons why the ACCC hasn't been able to prove that fuel prices are being rigged somewhere along the line? When was the last time you heard, read or saw an informed debate on any topic of importance broadcast in the medja? I see more considered opinion and sensible debate on this site that I ever do in the medja.


But then, the Internet has provided the means for anyone to express whatever views they have on any topic. The problem is that everyone is anonymous, hiding behind a security firewall. Does this anonymous freedom unite or divide us?



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It is a sorry thing that the medja both printed and electronic has abandoned its original function of informing the populous of events from near and far, and of providing a fair analysis of matters of public interest. What we are served up is nothing more that entertainment in the form of comedy, drama, horror and sport...

You've obviously been watching the wrong channels, OME.


Our two public broadcasters produce several informative and interactive shows.



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Can't speak for the Beeb Phil, but surely if you want right-wing news there's all the privately owned outlets. Anything owned by Murdoch for example.

Not right wing news Marty, but news which is simply reported sans the incredibly and nowadays Obvious bias, all One way. Always pushing the Socialist mantra.


There are NO 'Privately Owned' / Independent News outlets in the UK which have a National, nor even Regional broadcasting licence. Just a few bloggers and commentators which are available online only.


Every single one which either disputes the narrative or tries to present news without a certain narrative lean, or reports news which the big four completely omit, is shouted down as the far right lunatic fringe. The definition of 'Far Right' in this country is anything marginally starboard of Karl Marx. Anyone with an opposing view is a nazi.


I feel that this will probably not end well.



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Interesting, Phil. Who selects the board? Surely while Conservative governments are in power they will put their supporters on the board? Our own ABC is often accused of terrible left bias, even though most independent inquiries refute this, and the board of the ABC contains members appointed by our own right-wing governments.

Surely the board of the Beeb isn't appointed for life, like Judges.


(Because Supreme Court judges are appointed for life, and several vacancies opened up under his Presidency, Donald Trump has been given enormous power over the future direction of US jurisprudence.)

The board members are Appointed, from Quasi autonomous Non governmental Authorities ( QANGOS ) these 'Committees' of which there are around 4,500. . . ALL persons appointed have to be graduates of 'Common Purpose' courses. As are members of the Judiciary, senior civil servants including the Police and Military. Qango members have a really good sinecure, and many of them serve on lots of different committees, whether they appear to have any skills in whatever subject or not. They are all Government funded.


The ONLY one of these Qangos which is any good at all, is the Civil Aviation Authority. This has always been populated and led by Pilots, and other aviation associated people who have an understanding of the subject. We seriously need a bonfire of the rest.



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Generally speaking, us humans tend to see all news that matches our world view as "normal", while anything else is too far to the right or left.Fact check everything.

If the mainstream media are all singing from the same hymsheet, How does somebody who thinks,. . .'That doesn't sound logical' actually FACT CHECK ?. . .Soshul Media ? Especialy when aforementioed MSM seem to be at odds with what actually happened in a given situation . . .


A difficult one,. . OR, should we all just subdue our misgivings and accept it as Gospel ?



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If the mainstream media are all singing from the same hymsheet, How does somebody who thinks,. . .'That doesn't sound logical' actually FACT CHECK ?. . .Soshul Media ? Especialy when aforementioed MSM seem to be at odds with what actually happened in a given situation . . .

A difficult one,. . OR, should we all just subdue our misgivings and accept it as Gospel ?

Well, I said "FACT" check, so that excludes social media and raving blogs by conspiracy theorists.


If you had the time and money, you could go to the scene of whatever it is you're doubting and talk to actual people on the ground. Make a lot of phone calls. Cultivate expert sources. Investigate.


In other words, become a journalist...



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