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Republican win


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He's like a fly around horse poop... spacer.png

Do you want to have another look at that and consider who you're insulting the most? spacer.png


Well as you refuse to answer me a number of times when requested, including this thread, to discuss his actual policies, probably because you would have to admit some of them are workable, then your point is moot.

Come on then. Give me one of his policies that you think WILL FIX one of the problems you put up in your previous post, and let's discuss it.



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You never get irritated right? That's only those very stupid and angry Americans I read somewhere...

Not in a chronically angry "I'm gonna go get my gun if this doesn't go the way I want" sort of way, no. In fact not even acutely. In nearly 20 years I think my wife has seen me very angry probably twice.


I do get readily frustrated by poorly constructed arguments and superficially conceived points of view however, even though everyone is fully entitled to have them.


I'm also certainly not impressed by politicians who are loudmouth braggarts, nor by politicians making generic "feel-good motherhood statements" about how they're going to "take the country back" or "reclaim the country" or "make the country great again" without ever explaining exactly how they'll do it and what specifically has made it a terrible country in the first place. However others are apparently more easily impressed than myself.



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It just dawned on me a few minutes ago that President Trump is now the world's most powerful anti-vaxxer. Even as recently as the Presidential debates he sprouted the comprehensively debunked and discredited theory that vaccines cause autism. He has a long history of this.


Given the propensity of his supporters to believe quite literally anything he says without any questions whatsoever, the USA is in for interesting times ahead - in more ways than one!


Whooping cough for your new baby, anyone?



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Oh My God!!

I woke up this morning and nothing has changed, what will I do?? spacer.png

Not actually sure that anyone on this thread suggested it was going to change overnight Bex.


In fact from my viewpoint at least, I've fairly consistently stated things will only start turning pear-shaped if and when he starts implementing certain policies he made public. Up until that point, well there's not much to see here.


Heck, he might just be content to not make too many policy decisions, backtrack on all the stuff he said, and just sit back and grope a rotating bevy of new blonde female White House interns for all I know.



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Ok, Robin Williams from the Science show just listed all the things Trump has publicly stated about science.


  1. Climate change, as mentioned over in the Climate change post, is a conspiracy started by China to ruin America's economic prosperity.
  2. Vaccinations cause autism.
  3. Any space exploration should only be undertaken if it can produce a profit.
  4. Fracking is good and causes no ill health effects whatsoever.
  5. Wind farms look disgusting and should be limited to heavily industrialised areas.
  6. People who go overseas to help treat viruses like Ebola should not be allowed back home.



There were probably more, but that's all I can remember.


Still think this clown is qualified to run the USA? He has less grasp on reality than Corey Bernardi.



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Trump was vaccinated. Vaccination causes autism. Ergo trump is autistic.


Really both candidates were scraped from the bottom of the barrel. Hillary probably because she is the most obvious woman and the media think it is time for a woman president. Trump because he managed to talk down or abuse all the opposition.


The fact that the media think the world is coming to an end is due to their reporting what they wanted us to hear, not what was really happening.


For a nation with the many millions of people I find it ridiculous that couldn't find a better couple of candidates.


The frightening thing is that our pollies will be brown nosing from today on, exept for Bill Shorten, who will probably be dumped for speaking out about the man he thought would lose.



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I don't think that Trump will sit back and backtrack on much of what was said during the campaign. He is an anti-politician if you like. His proposal to construct an impermeable fence along the Mexican border only reflects what Israel has managed along its border with Palestine. There is a strong move in many nations to do the same (on water matters anyone?) He is reading a frustration felt by millions of people around the world at the decline in standards of living and security in employment, healthcare and housing. Of course I don't have a strong belief that he will actually fix much but the US people have put the elites on notice that they won't be dictated to. It is surprising to me and millions of others that somebody so disdained by the establishment actually made it. Don



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I doubt we're doomed in the long run. At least I hope not. Trump, the bombastic, arrogant, and selfish businessman, will likely get a quick reality check in dealing with the rest of the world and the deep internal conflicts in his own country.

He can't just stand in front of a fist-pumping crowd of supporters chanting "lock her up lock her up" anymore. He'll be constrained by the rule of law unless he turfs it out entirely, and the practicalities of having to negotiate things both domestically and internationally or he really will find himself without many friends - including Putin.

Yes, good points, dutch.


Anyone old enough would remember the hysteria around 'Ronny Raygun', President Reagan. The sky was going to fall in and he would start WW3 for sure. As time went on, he arguably became a pretty reasonable president. The mechanism around the POTUS has a balancing effect.


Take Obama with all his populist 'yes we can' BS in his first election campaign. Once in the job, I think he was very politely informed, 'No you can't'. Close Guantanamo Bay in the first 100 days of his presidency, yeah, right. Eight years later, it's obvious old Pres doesn't run the show.


Trump will have to be very astute if he want's to be able to do a fraction of the things he talks about. Can he stand up to the Deep State, who knows? I'm not versed on things financial, so I don't know what will happen there. Maybe he won't be allowed to do anything that will threaten the global economy.


China will be interesting. How will he get on with them?. EU and NATO, probably not much change. Relationships with the Russian Federation can only improve under Trump, and that's a good thing for global security. Putin has said he's hoping to work with the new administration as partners on international security and terrorism issues. He also said he's hoping for an improvement in US/Russian relations which are at an all time low. But that's possibly secondary to how Trump will deal with China, given how much those two countries are tied through trade. I think that's the more important issue.


Interesting times ahead.



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Wouldn't it be ironic if he dumped his most extreme proposals (border walls; massive tariff hikes; Muslim immigration) but was able to rejuvenate the US manufacturing economy; establish a degree of military isolationism, and enter into detente with those regimes that previous US administrations delighted in agitating?



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Oh My God!!

I woke up this morning and nothing has changed, what will I do?? spacer.png

Start a twitter hashtag campaign and encourage foot stamping and huffpuffing of "it's not fair, I only like democracy when it gives the result I want and I am not accepting this"


At least I finally have a six pack. The ab workout from laughing at the "oh noes it is not fair" Facebook posts and the posters trying to out-"I'm offended" each other has done a fine job:rofl:



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Start a twitter hashtag campaign and encourage foot stamping and huffpuffing of "it's not fair, I only like democracy when it gives the result I want and I am not accepting this"

At least I finally have a six pack. The ab workout from laughing at the "oh noes it is not fair" Facebook posts and the posters trying to out-"I'm offended" each other has done a fine job:rofl:

Well, if it were a straight count of votes he wouldn't have won. Clinton got more actual votes than Trump (hey is that Yorkshire for one's bottom?) - so if the US election were run the same way as your Brexit vote the result would've been different.


I kind of sympathise with the people protesting that "he's not my president".



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Well, if it were a straight count of votes he wouldn't have won. Clinton got more actual votes than Trump (hey is that Yorkshire for one's bottom?) - so if the US election were run the same way as your Brexit vote the result would've been different.

I kind of sympathise with the people protesting that "he's not my president".

It's a bit hard to figure out the best voting system to fit the title of democracy. Clinton got more of the popular vote, but Trump fell over the line on the electoral college vote. Al Gore got the majority of the popular vote in the majority of states, and yet Dubbelya got the crown.


Last night, one of the commentators said the electoral college vote ensured the regional areas and lower population states had representation. Theory was, on popular vote alone, the president would be elected by four or five cities.


I seem to remember one here where the Howard government received a lower 2pp % vote than Labor, but still won because of the number of seats it related to.


10 points for the Yorkshire one, Marty.


Cheers, Willie.



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It's about time the Australian Government of all persuasions admitted that all things American were not the be all and end all.


I'm being repulsed by the Amaerican philosophy that all disagreements must be resolved with violent action. As for their being guided by Christian morality, their treatment of their fellow countrymen makes a mockery of that claim.


I fear for my grandson who is constantly exposed to the concept that the most important thing in Life is to triumph over all forms of adversity, be it situational or relational.



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