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It is on (Turnbull calling a presser at 4pm 14th)


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The biggest threat to everyone is not the libs or labour its the extremes...greens and Barnardi etc PUP


Im all for environmental issues, but i hate when a bunch of anti everything extremists calls themselves greens and get huge votes from lots of people who dont even know or agree with 2/3rds of thier policies..



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The biggest threat to everyone is not the libs or labour its the extremes...greens and Barnardi etc PUP

Im all for environmental issues, but i hate when a bunch of anti everything extremists calls themselves greens and get huge votes from lots of people who dont even know or agree with 2/3rds of thier policies..

I have a hard time considering the Greens as radical at all- what policy is so bad and extreme?


Would it be Antifracking? Heaps of conservative farmers are also against it.


Would it be changes to Cannabis laws? All the governments of Australia are now heading this way for health reasons, and secretly because it just cost massive money to the legal system and lots of social harm by criminalisation.


Would it be carbon taxes? Again the world is heading this way and similar programs.


Would it be social justice for Gays- again we are standing alone- even the Irish have changed.


Would it be the anti more coal mines? Even the big banks do not want to fund any new mines.


Would it be their views on trashing the great barrier reef for a coal terminal? Which is globally condemned as a disastrous for the reef and all for a short lived economic gain at the expense of the environment and tourism.


Maybe it is they don't like logging old ancient forests for wood pulp?


Almost all paper manufacturers in the world now refuse to accept such pulp on environmental grounds.


Is it that they are blamed for stopping development- the so called Green terrorists that Abbott blames for Adani coal losing its environmental approval? No that was because the minister did not do his legally required assessment.


Is it they say the big corporations should actually pay for the damage they do and pay tax in a fair way?


Please tell me what is radical about the greens?


To put PUP and Bernadi in the same group as the greens is just a special kind of stupid.



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Yes - I think some people see the Greens as a bunch of hair-shirted hippies who want us to go back to living in caves.


Nothing could be further from the truth.


Check out Richard Di Natale or Larissa Waters on Q&A or any other broadcast. They're just intelligent, compassionate people who usually make more sense than the Lib/Lab representatives on the program. As far as I can tell they're the only party who have an actual vision of Australian industry post-mining. (Perhaps the others don't want to admit that coal is dead...)



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I suppose you are in a position to sling off at someones personal appearance because you are so good looking yourself? Maybe you can post a photo?



And there lies the problem it doesn't matter how bad a party is people will vote for it anyway.

Et tu, Brute? From my side, the same sentiment applies to the Conservatives.





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I have a hard time considering the Greens as radical at all- what policy is so bad and extreme?

Would it be Antifracking? Heaps of conservative farmers are also against it.


Would it be changes to Cannabis laws? All the governments of Australia are now heading this way for health reasons, and secretly because it just cost massive money to the legal system and lots of social harm by criminalisation.


Would it be carbon taxes? Again the world is heading this way and similar programs.


Would it be social justice for Gays- again we are standing alone- even the Irish have changed.


Would it be the anti more coal mines? Even the big banks do not want to fund any new mines.


Would it be their views on trashing the great barrier reef for a coal terminal? Which is globally condemned as a disastrous for the reef and all for a short lived economic gain at the expense of the environment and tourism.


Maybe it is they don't like logging old ancient forests for wood pulp?


Almost all paper manufacturers in the world now refuse to accept such pulp on environmental grounds.


Is it that they are blamed for stopping development- the so called Green terrorists that Abbott blames for Adani coal losing its environmental approval? No that was because the minister did not do his legally required assessment.


Is it they say the big corporations should actually pay for the damage they do and pay tax in a fair way?


Please tell me what is radical about the greens?


To put PUP and Bernadi in the same group as the greens is just a special kind of stupid.

Yes the Greens have lots of good ideas, just no idea of how to pay for them. They are not in government and not likely to be so never need to come up with a real budget. Sarah Hanson-Young as the gate keeper?



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you missed the press release where the Libs announced they have blown the debt out by $110B in two years. Can't call Laboral party fiscally responsible anymore they are both avoiding raising taxes on the corporations.

Yes, sorry I did miss that. Can you give me a reference so I can have a look at it please?



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Guest Andys@coffs

As voters surely all of us are now well over the claims of success and the opposition claims of failure when the nations accounts have found to be different from planned as a result of economic variances over which we as a country have exactly zero control....I can almost guarantee that the Chinese economy going poorly is going to reflect the same direction in our accounts and the absolute best forward looking vision available in the world is at best hazy......


What I want to understand is if the economic position adjusted for things over which we have zero national control has lived up to what was planned.....or in other words adjust out the things which we have no control over and show us how well the gov did dealing with the things it does directly control.........I presume such a thing is possible and actually done.......but given the focus on 3 word slogans I suspect that such an approach is unlikely to be used especially if it weakens an emotive attack designed to affect the target audience.....



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Could the reason that China is so controlling of our economy be linked to the Australian governments long time knocking down of all our industries.


We used to make steel and from that we made cars and steel buildings. We used to build boats, but the way we are going we won't even own boats, they will all be foreign registered and have low paid workers. Our governments have for too long given up on looking after Australia and Australians.


Can you find any Australian made clothes, shoes, boots, medicines or for that matter Australian doctors.


Whatever we need it is all coming from overseas, even those things we can produce here, such as agricultural produce.


I love Australia, but it is a big pity that the politicians and money grubbing CEOs have no idea what they are doing.



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I agree, it looks stupid, they think the general voter is stupid at times. Look at QLD, the voters were not happy with Labor so they threw them out and voted in Newman. Newman took things too far too quickly and he was out on his ear as well. They have to realise that the general voter knows that tough decisions have to be made but they have to be made over a certain time period.The advantage of Malcolm is that he is a self made millonair worth approx 190 million. He is a very intelligent business man who will be good for the country ( where as his opponent is a union theif and alleged rapist) no problem working out who is the best man for the job as Australia's Prime Minister between those two.

Dazza: your leaps of logic leave me breathless at times. Malcolm Turnbull is a multimillionaire so in your view he's a great guy and must be very clever. Astonishing!



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There's been a bit of confusing terminology on this thread regarding parties.


The Federal Government is a coalition of Liberal and National party members.


The LNP is a Queensland only party, formed from the merger of the two parties in Qld.. Federal LNP members from Qld. sit with either the Liberals or Nationals in Canberra, depending on the arrangement with their Federal counterparts. Basically, if it was a traditional Liberal seat, they sit with the Liberals, if it was a former National seat, they sit with the Nationals.


The CLP (Country Liberal Party) is not the National Party. It's an independant Northern Territory party, partly affiliated with both the Liberal and National parties.


I can understand that posters on this thread are using the name LNP just as a generic term for the federal Liberal/National coalition. It saves a bit of typing at least, but I thought I'd just point out the differences.


Cheers, Willie.



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For those with short memories- Malcom Turnbull is a merchant banker.


You remember the GFC- it was caused by merchant bankers and their engineering of financial markets.


The modern snake oil salesmen.


Oh and don't forget the One Tel debacle that cost people billions and Malcom made a handy profit from the whole thing. Some expensive lawyers and smoke and mirrors meant he did not get a jail sentence.


Or the Gordon Gretch affair.


Yep about as trustworthy as a pedophile running a kindergarten.



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you missed the press release where the Libs announced they have blown the debt out by $110B in two years. Can't call Laboral party fiscally responsible anymore they are both avoiding raising taxes on the corporations.

mmmm NDS NBN Pink bats, school halls, Stopping the boats...these labor disasters take time and money to correct... If labor oxygen thieves ever realised that Libs take 2-4 years to clean up the mess they inherit from the reckless spenders every cycle they might actually realise that after the budget get repaired (the very thing labor supports cry most about) the changes are actually generally very favourable to all..... let me dumb that down a bit....if you ignore the first lib budget ...and possibly the second...then you start to see what libs actually can do and do stand for....but instead you spend so much time crying about the first budget or two your generally incapable of perceiving the mess they had to clean up before they could actually do anything.......because they spend 1-2 budgets simply trying to unwind the reckless spending of labor...


Case in point....$110B in two years is largely due to Labor blocking budget measures in the senate ..yet here you are accusing libs of reckless spending...some people will just never get it...If you honestly think libs spend money more than labor than you really do have no clue at all!



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Well, I've had enough politics for a while. I'm going to talk about aeroplanes now; it's more interesting. Cheers, Willie.

Headline: "Politicians caught out in air travel rort!" Mr. ........., Leader of the .......... Party speaking from a South Pacific Resort said, "It's not a rort, just a minor lack of judgement in the application of an essential parliamentarian's benefit. Now give us a hand with me kid's carry-on, will ya?"





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Yeah, but I didn't offer that as a link. The party in power always has to cough up the numbers every budget. The greens have never had to do that.

Well, the only way to remedy that is to vote them into power and see how they do. What's the worst that can happen in 3 years? Maybe they'd surprise you.



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We did that in 2007, gave them a second chance in 2010, and look where that got us. So many promised surpluses, and not one.

As far as I know Peter, that wasn't the Greens in government.


Wayne Swan's big mistake was promising surpluses. Most economists agree they're not any sort of valid indicator of success. Wasn't necessary and made him look like a dill when he couldn't make this arbitrary target happen.



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