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Oh. how quiet they've gone


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I received this email from an ex Pollie in my query to him about an email circulating about the gross retirement packages they are supposed to get.Perhaps this will clear the air somewhat?




1. No MP elected after 2001 (14 years ago) will ever get a parliamentary pension. They now get the same super contributions as any other public servant. Those elected before that date contributed 17.4% of their salary towards their pension (and still do). For example the PM contributes about $87,000 to his pension every year. Less than 50% of MPs qualified for a pension before that date. Judges and military people still get pensions , MPs do not. I suspect the next PM will not get a pension because they will have been elected after 2001.


2. Retired politicians have to comply with all Centrelink laws just as every other Australian does. MPs don't receive a salary after leaving politics whether it's by choice or defeat, so the nonsense about salaries after politics further down in the email is completely false. Further down he has confused salaries with pensions and the maximum pension was 75% of the average wage of the MP, not 100% of their best wage - there is a big difference! I thought it was laughable that he suggested that people push for a salary of only 2 years after leaving politics, when the severance pay for those elected after 2001 is zero (unlike most other jobs) and there is zero salary. I repeat zero salary.


3. That suggestion would be illegal under any contract law and would have a minuscule effect on debt. When we were in government under Howard and Costello we got rid of all debt and had $40 billion in surplus, so the same reasoning would say the MPs who produced it should get a share of that surplus - not very smart reasoning.


4. MPs have not voted on their pay rises for 9 years and are determined by an independent tribunal - it was Abbott who made the suggestion to the independent tribunal for a pay freeze and it was accepted . MPs have not had a pay rise in over 2 years but I hear there is one coming.


There was a larger than normal pay rise about 3 years ago in exchange for no overseas study trips and a severe reduction in gold pass entitlements. ( gold passes went to less than 15% of former MPs for long and distinguished service.)


5. MPs have never had a privileged health care system and are treated equally as every other Australian citizen. Unlike other Australians MPs don't get holidays or holiday pay leave loading, in fact they are normally expected to work on holidays eg Australia Day, Anzac Day etc.


6. MPs have to comply with all laws without exception. What a silly suggestion!


7. You cannot void contract law. The rule of law is essential for good governance and international standing. That sort of suggestion would only come from a banana republic devotee.


Of course this idiot says you should pass it on to 20 people if you agree but delete if you don't. I think people should pass on the facts to 20 people not the fiction and lies.

3. No debt - well yes but also no assets as the family silver (Telstra et al) had all been flogged off. A surplus is only Income over Expenses NOT Assets over Liabilities and in most cases with all government is a rundown of the asset base which means the tools of society are becoming useless. Have you checked your footpath lately?



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Or we could have invested all our money in an engine that is going to be really good but will take twenty years to develop so we can install it in our fuselage. ( it doesn't have wings because all our efforts went into the engine). Then when we have this engine running we find somebody else has improved battery technology and our engine is good for the museum......

Or think Ralph Sarich - it appears that the technical excellence of his engine was squeezing money out of BHP - A lot of money invested and little to show.



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3. No debt - well yes but also no assets as the family silver (Telstra et al) had all been flogged off. A surplus is only Income over Expenses NOT Assets over Liabilities and in most cases with all government is a rundown of the asset base which means the tools of society are becoming useless. Have you checked your footpath lately?



Only if you don't own Telstra shares.


Most Super funds have them in their portfolio





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have you checked the build quality and current condition of your footpath lately?

no votes in footpaths when your voters all own cars, they want the potholes fixed .


Giving the NBN build to the local gov would have made it harder politically, if not impossible, for the LNP to wreck. Like most Labor plans its driven by the need to employ union labour.



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  • 2 weeks later...
You're probably right Dazza, but there have been some praiseworthy exceptions. People like Ted Mack and Malcolm Turnbull, independently wealthy and apparently quite ethical. There may be more; I'd love to see some research on the topic. We just need to weed out the rorts.

We love to bag our politicians, but they're people too, with staffers who fill in their claim forms and probably even sign them as well. Many reps have huge territories to cover and most in the ministry have legitimate travel to do.


My local member for decades was George Souris. Even when he was Finance Minister, tasked with raising $20billion to run the state, he still drove himself around his large electorate and always attended small local functions. Even though he knew I probably didn't vote for him, he always did his best for me. We need more like him.



Not quite correct---- Malcolm Turnbull is helping structure legislation to line his pockets, look how he wanted carbon trading just something else for him to buy and sell to make a profit.. At the moment he buys and sells money. Look out he will try and get his hands on water.







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Keith, Arthur Sinodinous of Australian Water Holdings, has already tried that. But he's still in the senate. You just go low key for a while and people forget.


ft The stock market is what you are talking about. The insiders paradise. Trading hot air a lot of the time. It's the MARKET BASED WAY. Must be OK..


Better than the government picking winners as this lot do. Actually they just make their mates the winners. That's the problem.. It's called CORRUPTION. in most places..Nev



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Keith, Arthur Sinodinous of Australian Water Holdings, has already tried that. But he's still in the senate. You just go low key for a while and people forget.ft The stock market is what you are talking about. The insiders paradise. Trading hot air a lot of the time. It's the MARKET BASED WAY. Must be OK..


Better than the government picking winners as this lot do. Actually they just make their mates the winners. That's the problem.. It's called CORRUPTION. in most places..Nev

It would be called corruption here too and is a crime, so how about giving us some examples?



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It's greed..............affects some, more than others. The "greedy" ones roost in the same trees, hence mates get their chances too.


"Battlers".....average joe blow, just a speed bump to the high end club.


"rules/fairness"........2 sets....... the "have not" rules, and the "have got" rules, the "have got" folks, set the rules for the "have not" folks, that's democracy folks, and it's not going to change.


Ol mate kerry P......openly glead, how he paid $4k tax one yr, yet was a billionaire...........it's them rules folks, bloody magnificent.



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