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Sanctions against Russia

Bruce Tuncks

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This is Russia's nightmare. I counted ten HIMARS on the move in this clip.




Just an edit - I thought the HIMARS sounded like a GM engine, but looking up the Wiki page, it says they have Caterpillar 3116 ATAAC engines. Interesting also on the Wiki page, Australia is listed as a future operator with 20 units approved for sale in May of this year.

Edited by willedoo
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I remember Bailey bridges in NZ over the many rivers in Canterbury in the 1950s. I imagine they were war surplus. The rivers meander across the Canterbury Plains often with many channels being fed from snow fields in the Southern Alps and change course rapidly when there is flooding. I guess the Bailey bridge got cut off communities back up & running quite quickly. Some may still even exist, I don't know.

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The Ukrainians are keeping the pressure on. Now that they have the west bank of the Dnieper secured, their HIMARS have a range reaching almost to the northern boundary of Crimea. They've hammered the Chaplinka air base that the Russians have been using as a major hub. Multiple explosions and fires are reported, so most likely a lot of ammunition up in smoke. It's not clear how many aircraft were still at the base; the Russians had been evacuating their helicopters from there in anticipation of the west bank falling.




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7 hours ago, kgwilson said:

I remember Bailey bridges in NZ over the many rivers in Canterbury in the 1950s. I imagine they were war surplus. The rivers meander across the Canterbury Plains often with many channels being fed from snow fields in the Southern Alps and change course rapidly when there is flooding. I guess the Bailey bridge got cut off communities back up & running quite quickly. Some may still even exist, I don't know.

There used to be one here in Hobart too, when a ship took out the Tasman bridge in 1975.  I never knew it was a brand name - that's just what it was called!

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Ukraine will not want to leave Kherson in range of Russian artillery. It seems the Russians are not digging in on the other side of the Dneiper. It is all flat with sand basins and virtually no cover so they'd be totally exposed. Once Ukraine gets a foothold on the other side it will not be hard for them to cut the main supply line to Crimea and then knock out the other lane of the Kerch bridge. Then it becomes very interesting and will Putin still be around to see it?

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The Bailey Bridge was named after its inventor, Donald Bailey a civil servant with the British War Office. Like a lot of good ideas it was rejected when he put forward his proposal in 1936 but in 1940 he drew a proposal on the back of an envelope and that led to a full scale prototype being built by May 1941 & the rest is history.

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2 hours ago, kgwilson said:

Ukraine will not want to leave Kherson in range of Russian artillery. It seems the Russians are not digging in on the other side of the Dneiper. It is all flat with sand basins and virtually no cover so they'd be totally exposed. Once Ukraine gets a foothold on the other side it will not be hard for them to cut the main supply line to Crimea and then knock out the other lane of the Kerch bridge. Then it becomes very interesting and will Putin still be around to see it?

Another advantage is that the west bank that the Ukrainians hold is higher ground than the country on the east side. All they have to do is blast away. The fortifications the Russians have built on the east side are a bit of a joke - WW2 style trenches, concrete dragon teeth and portable concrete bunkers that are essentially a coffin. All good stuff if it was 1916 in Belgium or France.


I recon the Ukrainians will HIMARS the stuffing out of the Russian logistics and command and control centres. Basically what they have been doing, whiteant the Russians until they collapse and pull back. Combine that with a drive down from the north and real estate prices in Crimea will take a big dive.



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They are sorting out "Collaborators" and that gets a bit nasty. These are 2 countries living alongside each other and the Ruskies have pinched stuff and maltreated people enough to genuinely rev up the population. . Vlad .. Me Lad, Never start something you don't know how to stop OR believe those around you who have said things to please YOU because that's what you wanted..  Nev

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There's some very brave people in Crimea who have been gathering in the street and singing Ukrainian songs and dancing Ukrainian dances. Both are illegal in Crimea, with heavy fines and arrest applicable. They must think there is now a very real chance of Crimea being Ukraine again. Also, partisans in Melitopol have been pulling down Russian flags from flagpoles, just to keep the pressure on.


There's unconfirmed reports from the Russian side that they are pulling back from the east bank area of the Dnipro to shore up defences further east. That will be good for the civilians in Kherson if the Russian artillery pulls back out of range. There's also other unconfirmed reports that the Ukrainians have crossed the river and taken a town on the Kinburn Spit at the Dniprovska Gulf. There was some talk that the spit was where a lot of Iranian drones had been launched from. 


It doesn't look like the Russians are going to get much rest after evacuating the west bank. The house of cards will start looking shaky soon. Putler will have to start wearing his brown trousers.

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The question now is when will the next big missile barrage happen. Every time Putler has a big setback on the battlefield, he rains missiles and bombs on civilians in the cities. His stocks are getting low and he will soon have to start conserving them for high value targets.

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The Republicans are at last beginning to see the light, but another round of lies from Trump will see them fall in line behind him again. They have to develope some intelligence to be able to drop him and I can't see that happening yet.

Some are coming round, but there are an awful lot of idiots in the USA.

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I am still peplexed. I expected the Ruskies to obliterate Kherson city as soon as the Ukranian flags went up.

I don't believe they will let go so easily. Unless they really are getting more unstrategic (is that even a word?)


The ukranians would be well aware that they are at their most vulnerable when they are lined up just across the river from their opponent.

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