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Everything posted by onetrack

  1. We have wild Turnip here, it's out of control and grows like wildfire. It dries out and the stem breaks off and they form big "tumbleweeds" that build up against fences, gates and buildings. They're a PIA. We also got skeleton weed from NSW, thanks very much. We spent tens of millions eradicating it and every now and then there's still a bit springs up - and the authorities pounce on it and quarantine the area. We've got Qld fruit fly recently, the authorities have quarantined a sizeable metro area and are hammering it, let's hope it gets wiped out. Beats me how it got in, the border quarantine must be getting weaker. Surprisingly, it seems the baiting for the Qld fruit fly has also wiped out a lot of the Mediterranean fruit fly, I've seen very few MFF's this season. Maybe the long dry spell helped.
  2. Maybe the aircraft I see ARE going to Antarctica? I read where the Chinese are going full speed ahead on more Antarctic bases, they're building their 5th base there. Probably military installations, knowing the Chinese.
  3. Sunday morning is going fast and we've had exactly zero rain overnight. We got a total of 1mm yesterday. Most of the Northern and far Eastern wheatbelt and the lower Gascoyne and Northern Goldfields, got between 15mm and 30mm. Meantimes, I see where the Pommy farmers have got all our missing rain .... https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/feb/23/farms-flooding-rainfall-winter-nfu-conference
  4. I think I've figured out the flights that overfly Perth, heading South. I reckon they must be flights from Southern Asia or India, heading to N.Z.
  5. I read where there was speculation that the Ukrainians launched an air-to-air missile from a big drone to knock down the A-50. If that turns out to be true, that's a quantum leap in drone warfare.
  6. It looks like it's designed to carry 4 people, Spacey - but as with all cars going into or out of the city in peak hour, yes, they usually only carry one person. It will never sell with a 70km range, and the specs will never stack up to what the company claims. Already, EV owners are complaining that EV ranges are over-estimated.
  7. No, the likes of the Big Four keep these subsidiaries operating under their original name, to bamboozle the average Joe Bloggs, who thinks he's going to a different, independent bank, after the NAB has given him the runs.
  8. Well, more disappointing promises by the Bureau. The cyclone is a fizzer, it's petering out as a low pressure system in the sea off Exmouth. It's raining out at sea, but nothing on the land. The trough and big line of thunderstorms that looked like it was going to join up with the cyclone yesterday, failed to do so - the thunderstorms went SSW and have drifted down through the pastoral areas (the Gascoyne), the far Eastern Wheatbelt, and the Northern Goldfields. Parts of the lower Gascoyne got some reasonable falls (25-30mm), but the other areas have only had light rain. It started sprinkling here in Perth at 4:30AM, from moisture drifting in from the Indian Ocean off Geraldton - but it's now after 7:00AM, and its petered out. We've had 0.2mm.
  9. Someone has to pay for the takeover of Suncorp! - so it looks like the poverty-stricken, struggling credit card holders will be the suckers!
  10. And he has a little list, too!! Funnily enough, it was only yesterday that I came across an image of that statue of Ashurbanipal holding the lion like a pussycat.
  11. I reckon that's a very young and strangely slim Alfred Hitchcock, before he developed his "looking down his nose at you", snobby look. I read recently where he made Tippi Hedrens life hell, because she rejected him. He told her he'd destroy her career, and he effectively did. He was a right arsehole, and he would've joined some other Hollywood names in jail, if he'd lived in a later era, where sexual harassment and controlling behaviour is a crime. https://bestlifeonline.com/alfred-hitchcock-tippi-hedren-news/#:~:text=Hedren has said that Hitchcock assaulted and threatened her.&text="I'll simply say that,the more aggressive he became.
  12. Of course, the correct full name for duct tape, is "duct joining tape".
  13. The last time we had a Targa race here in the West, Peter Brock wrapped himself around a tree, and wiped himself out.
  14. One good shark nibble and your floating tent is history.
  15. Yes, I'm hoping the Bureau isn't over-estimating this one. The cyclone is pretty weak, and the radar at Learmonth is only showing scattered showers over the land. But the interesting part (on the satellite imagery) is the big trough lying SW-NE, East of Newman and Telfer. That trough is building up huge thunderheads this afternoon, and it appears those high moisture levels might feed West into the cyclone. Here's hoping.
  16. We are going to get SOME RAIN!!! Hooray!!! From cyclone Lincoln that started off in the Gulf of Carpentaria, which dropped heaps of rain as it went right through Arnhem Land, through NW Qld, through the middle of the N.T., and then into the W.A. Kimberley region, as a low pressure system. It's gone out into the Northern Indian Ocean off the Kimberley coast, and is going to come South, curving around to the SSE and crossing the coast somewhere between Cape Cuvier and Carnarvon. It's forecast to bring rain to the parched Gascoyne and all of the S.W. of W.A. Thank goodness, it's been that long since it rained, I'll get a fright when water falls out of the sky again!! http://www.bom.gov.au/products/IDW60281.shtml http://satview.bom.gov.au/
  17. And on Celebrity Insider, the next story is about how a previously unknown Laplander is claiming he's a direct descendant of the Aztec King Moctezuma II, and accordingly has laid claim with Spain and Portugal that he is entitled to all the Aztec wealth plundered by them in the 1500's - and he wants it returned to him without delay. He says he has the original Aztec codex that defines his position in the Aztec Empire, but is only prepared to show copies of it, because the original is too valuable to produce for display. Watch this space for new exciting developments in this story!
  18. The Alemeddines and all their associates in S.W. Sydney were all released from Lebanese jails by the Syrian Army in 1975-76 and given instructions on how to get into Australia with advice that if they didn't leave the country, bad things might happen to them. Malcolm Fraser overrode the Immigration Dept at the time the "refugees from the Lebanon civil war" arrived, and let them in, after they pleaded they would be killed if they stayed in Lebanon. They would've been killed there, alright - in crime gang warfare. The Immigration Dept heads were furious with Fraser, because the Immigration Dept couldn't do background checks on the Alemeddines and their associates, because the Syrian Army operatives had ensured all their crime records were destroyed. Fraser continually denied he'd overridden the Immigration Dept and allowed these lifetime criminals in, but the records prove otherwise, and books have been written about this immigration disaster. Perhaps Fraser had been misled by thinking the Alemeddine crime clan and their associates were the same people as the peaceful, productive and law-abiding Maronite Christian Lebanese, who had lived in mainly NSW since the 1880's - but he was wrong.
  19. The Ukrainians must be very pleased with their latest hit on the Orcs. You'd think the Russians would have learnt after the devastation of their parading troops just one day ago - but no, they've been assembling in groups in a training area, and the Ukrainians found them again, and hit them again, with devastating results. The Ukrainians are using the HIMARS MLRS artillery with the M30A1 GMLRS missiles that contain tungsten balls, that explode over the target in the air. The results are impressive. The Ukrainians claim they got 200 Russian soldiers in this latest hit - but even if that figure is exaggerated, the Russians toll is certainly in the dozens again. It would be very pleasing if one of these M30A1's landed right near Putin, or hit an aircraft he was in, but Putin is ensuring he stays out of range. He took a 30 minute ride in a revamped Tupolev bomber yesterday, I bet the Ukrainians would've liked to whack that one out of the sky, like they've been taking down Sukhois recently. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13112375/Russian-troops-wiped-Ukrainian-HIMARS-missile.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13113589/Putin-taunts-West-taking-flight-Russian-nuclear-bomber.html
  20. Every single development project by the White Colonising Invaders upsets the Rainbow Serpent. However, after negotiations and concessions, such as a few new Toyota 4WD's for the Noongars, the Rainbow Serpent seems to take a chill pill and settle down again. It's a steady but profitable circle for the Original Inhabitants.
  21. I like Rick WIlsons substack and the way he dessicates Trump and his MAGA followers. There's an interesting point he makes on his blog, about how Trump is so idiotic, he's railing against mailed-in votes and early voters, because he blames them for his last election loss - but the professionals in the GOP know that their efforts in encouraging and aiding Republican mailed-in votes and early voters, have paid handsomely for them in the past. So the Donald is effectively undermining his own efforts at being re-elected, but obviously thinks he can pull the votes in on the day, with his endless, lying, mouthy BS. Moron is not even an adequate description for this bloke. Self-obsessed moron, maybe. https://therickwilson.substack.com/p/the-seeds-of-their-destruction?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1887091&post_id=141899826&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2j0en6&utm_medium=email
  22. Back to the story up near the start of the thread, about the Toodyay farmer and real estate agent, Tony Maddox - and his exercise of building a creek crossing on the driveway to his farming property without reference to, or consideration of the W.A. Aboriginal Heritage Act. He's been ordered to face trial over the offence against the Act. Fortunately for Tony, he's been charged under the old (1972) Aboriginal Heritage Act, which the W.A. Govt reverted to, after massive outrage over their new, over-reaching Aboriginal Heritage Act of 2023 - which was canned immediately after it's introduction, thanks to the Statewide revolt against it - and the lack of consultation before it was drawn up and introduced. The old Act is pretty tame. Of all the people he could engage as a defence lawyer, he's engaged Christian Porter to defend him. I guess Tony thinks engaging a high-powered legal name is going to help him, but in general, Porter is not viewed favourably now. Tonys fancy creek crossing probably set him back about $50,000, but I'll wager the cost of defending himself will be a whole lot more than that! I can't imagine he'd get any more than a modest fine for his transgression of the Act, and he might possibly have to apologise to a few local Noongar leaders. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-22/toodyay-man-on-trial-for-alleged-breach-of-heritage-laws/103486790
  23. onetrack

    Funny videos

  24. It looks like a young and very Italian Madonna, to me!
  25. The Ukrainians will be clinking the champagne glasses for weeks, now. They obviously had intelligence that several platoons were being assembled for an inspection by an idiot Major General. They waited until all the Russian soldiers were lined up in a solid pack and dropped a HIMARS shell on them and killed 65 of them in one hit. The pro-Russian bloggers are furious. Possibly the part that will annoy the Ukrainians is that the Major General hadn't actually arrived at the troop assembly, he was still on his way, so they missed killing him. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13107757/65-Russian-soldiers-killed-Ukrainian-missile-strike-ordered-line-parade-blundering-war-commander.html#:~:text=Russian forces were hit by,formation by a blundering commander.
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