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Everything posted by rgmwa

  1. rgmwa


    Those stories of alien abduction / examination have been around for years. Easy to claim, but not so easy to prove. Adamksi claimed he went to Venus in a flying saucer.
  2. Mary had a rough trot.
  3. rgmwa


    Interesting story. I remember my dad telling me he saw ball lightning roll along the roof of their house in Holland when he was a teenager. It rolled along a gutter until it got to a down pipe at the bottom of which was a large wooden barrel to collect rainwater. There was an almighty bang and the barrel exploded.
  4. rgmwa


    Just for the record, I don't think they were mysterious alien spacecraft piloted by little green men. They looked more like a cluster of weather balloons being blown along in an easterly breeze, but it was still a puzzling sight.
  5. rgmwa


    I can answer that by saying that I saw a Tasmanian Tiger cross the road in front of me in country Victoria when I was in my early 20’s. That was in an area where there had been the odd report over the years. It had the stripes and tapered hindquarters, stiff tail etc so I remain convinced that I saw one. Still in all those years no one has ever proved that they are still around. Same with Bigfoot.
  6. rgmwa


    The object in the video is different to the one on the ground.
  7. rgmwa


    I was driving home from work one evening a few years ago about 6:30pm heading east along the Great Eastern Highway Bypass towards the Roe Highway intersection (for those who know Perth), when I saw three large glowing spheres maybe 3m diameter in loose formation approaching me from the hills on the other side of Roe highway. There were flying in a westerly direction keeping 30-50m above the ground. It was approaching dusk at that time of the year so I couldn't see much detail to figure out what they were. They passed me on the south side of the Bypass and presumably kept going west. I thought they might be weather balloons but why three together and keeping quite close formation? They are the only unidentifiable UFO's I've ever seen, but I didn't even pull up to try and get a closer look. Just thought "That's weird. I wonder what those things are?" and kept going.
  8. rgmwa


    I would believe what I/we saw and no doubt spend the rest of my life wondering what it was. I'd have no qualms about telling others about it, but it wouldn't worry or surprise me if they didn't believe a word of it.
  9. Pence initially did his best to see if there was some way he could do what Trump wanted, but eventually decided that he just didn't have the authority. It wasn't as though he immediately told Trump "There's no way I can do this". It's only taken him two years now to pluck up the courage to come out and criticise Trump directly. Doesn't say much for his character.
  10. rgmwa


    If we are planet B they seem to be taking a long time making up their minds about taking up residence here. Maybe not surprising given the erratic and unpredictable inhabitants busily destroying the place. I agree there are heaps of interesting possibilities. I was an avid SF reader in my teens. However, show me the hard evidence to back up any of the possible explanations. So far, there isn't anything that proves beyond doubt that there is anyone flying around on this planet other than us.
  11. rgmwa


    I also think it’s likely that intelligent life exists elsewhere in our galaxy and throughout the universe, however I can see no reason why an advanced civilisation would time warp their way into our atmosphere where we could see them. Of all the places they could go, why turn up here in this inconsequential outpost hidden away on the edge of the galaxy? What are the chances of even finding us? The time warp theory doesn’t make sense to me except that it might explain how to cover those distances provided you could deal with the profound psychological disorientation of trying to work out when and where you were at any given moment.
  12. rgmwa


    There’s no doubt that many credible witnesses have reported sighting UFO’s and they have been tracked on radar as well. I’m very skeptical of the authenticity of the multitude of videos doing the rounds these days, but it wouldn’t surprise me if some sightings were of real objects that behaved as described and are of unknown origin. That said, it is still odd that after decades of sightings no hard, irrefutable evidence seems to have turned up yet.
  13. rgmwa


    Even more amazing are the number who bypass the naysayer stage and become believers without personal experience.
  14. rgmwa


    I’ll let you know. It’s still early days.
  15. rgmwa


    Well at least.we’ll finally get to meet the neighbours.
  16. I don't mind landmark lakes and rocks reverting to their aboriginal names, and there are plenty of towns in Australia whose names have aboriginal origins, but why rename the capital cities?
  17. SBS now give the weather forecast using a map on which the normal capital city names have been replaced with their Aboriginal names - presumably the local place names as the inhabitants at the time couldn't possibly have named cities that hadn't been founded yet. I don't have a problem with acknowledging historically significant Aboriginal cultural sites and traditions, but I think renaming the cities is ridiculous.
  18. There are no decent candidates on either side. The Democrats don’t seem to have anyone other than Joe. He’s pretty level headed and generally doing OK but really ought to give it away due to his age. I wouldn’t see myself as a Republican but my choice would be Liz Cheney, about the only Republican with any integrity - which means she’d have no chance of winning.
  19. When you listen to his bluster and obvious exaggeration, lies, conspiratorial delusions and crazy promises, I’m amazed that anyone with a grain of commonsense could be taken in. Yet his followers hang on every word and think he’s their greatest president ever. I almost wish he would win again just to prove once again what an incompetent and vindictive moron he is, but it would be the end of any semblance of responsible government in America and trigger a new world order. I hope he ends up in jail well before the election but I’m not sure that will happen either.
  20. He was a bit short on detail to explain how he was going to accomplish this feat of international diplomacy.
  21. That was wrong and the author of the video posted a correction in the comments on the uTube version.
  22. Good summary but nobody in America will believe it.
  23. I’d say that if I was spying on you.
  24. Trump would be quite happy to have multiple opponents to belittle and abuse because it will increase his chances of winning. The more he lashes out and the more outrageous his behaviour becomes the more his supporters will get behind him. I hope this opposition group is successful. It will be a disaster if Trump gets back in
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