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Phil Perry

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PLEASE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Ladies and gents,








That post was simply a rather weak joke,. . . . . . .




As one poster has mentioned, it's "Mildly" topical in England at the moment, . . . . . . . and thank you to the couple of flyers who have posted factual information regarding the state of affairs where you are.




I REALLY Didn't wish to throw a pork chop into a muslim / jewish barbecue with this,. . . . .it was merely a forwarded jokey email and nothing more.




From the truly Volcanic response, . . . . I gather that immigration is a bit of a sore point in Australia too.




I shall choose my humour more carefully in future.




Apolitical ( or is it Apoplectic. . . .?)






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No worries, Phil. Many of us have strong views and I was quite reticent to present mine. I hope I haven't upset anyone; in fact most responses have been pretty considered and polite.


Ian started a great thread recently where we all started actually talking about aeroplanes again. Time to do that again.


All the best for 2014.



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No stress Phil - with the rise of political correctness, so came the death of humour.

Surely not!


These days, so as to not offend anyone, new ADR directives indicate that preferences in design approval for magic carpets, will be shown to those who's pilots take off en-masse from the cockpit kneeling position, and in an easterly direction at sunrise.



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Remember this is 2014 - some of the xenophobic attitudes here are from a bygone age.


Australia is built on migration - Australia IS migration - the local native population has seen you all arrive over the past few hundred years. Australia never was a white country.


Loosen those blinkers.




Anybody remember aviation.



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