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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. Maybe, but the road you thought was clear, wasn't, and you overtook..... THAT is what the problem was caused by. Regardless of your visibility concerns , YOU made the situation dangerous. Dark green cars are hard to see near dusk as well. Divided roads are much more safe. Nev



  2. There's been an orchestrated campaign against cyclists in Sydney for some time and I presume some other places, it is an issue as well . I find the whole thing a bit unpleasant as it's a pretty unbalanced contest if it comes to a confrontation.. I ride motorcycles and tin tops often turn right in front of you looking in your eye at the same time. My wife got serious injuries in Tassy when a car with trailer just pulled straight out from a site (not a road ) across the road (main street) and she had nowhere to go but into the vehicle. She was wearing a visibility vest and going quite slow. I approached the driver and he said he didn't see her. The copper said they give that as an excuse every time. Not good enough is it? Nev



  3. No one is saying stand alone solar works 24 hours but there are other more sophisticated developments with extremely high temp energy storage and things like landfill abattoire methane, garbage incineration. Batteries are being developed, But WE are not part of this now since the current government believes COAL is the answer to a maiden's prayer, and is making us look foolish world wide , China has put import duties on our lovely coal. COALition not just in name. Coal worshipping is their game. There's a quid in it mate, and you can all get fumigated. Nev



  4. They shouldn't be on arable land. If valuable land can be used the electricity price must be enough to cover that. It is still a silly idea. Rooftops are ideal I believe in the cheapest site and Australia has lot of arid land. It is said the a small portion of the Sahara could power ALL Europe easily. (and no pollution )


    Geoffrey, thee figures for today's technology are good enough now, and getting better all the time. Panels are about 1/4 of what they used to cost. Unfortunately in Australia we have gone from being technology leaders to being actively vilified and discouraged, to help COAL interests make more money. The gas goes overseas at overseas prices and most of the profit does too, (bar a small%.). Nev



  5. tecky the experts or should I say specialists give details and figures to back up their assertions. People don't have to make their own electricity. There is little point in discussion if all others say is stupid. I hate being misquoted which happens a lot on subjects such as this on this site. Would you have the opinion of experts if you were going to have brain surgery or ask the person you voted in to parliament what to do?. So many current pollies opinions are paid for. Just look who supports them financially and THEY shape the policies. Not the people of Australia. Nev



  6. Experts from a University in this country, said the technology is already here NOW and getting far better and cheaper by the day. This is without nuclear. The main opposition is from vested interests trying to prop up the viability of the older COAL based power centralised supply and expensive grid system. They are now caught with a failed business model. of reduced demand , high (er) costs and consumer resistance to their necessary cost rises, and the consequences of CO2 from cola.


    I have just moved my supplier form one of the BAD 3 who are trying to impede "clean energy" alternatives actively and I was phoned by a representative of the previous company asking why I left.( and probably hoping to give me an offer that would change my mind)


    We actually had a very good conversation and I was able to calmly go through all the things that I was not happy with. He understood just why I have left, and I believe THEY know they are in trouble. Perhaps they will modify their actions if more contact them and tell they how they feel (Nicely) and go elsewhere.


    I intend to change my current bank who actively fund new mines as soon as it can be arranged . Gunns in Tasmania failed because of pressure on funding from banks by ordinary people.. The Rockefellers in the US have divested from OIL. What other proof do you need that things ARE changing and all the millions of dollars spent confusing the subject won't help eventually. As it has been said "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't FOOL ALL of the people ALL of the time" Nev



  7. I'm wondering now if it was my fault when I ended up on the lap of a driver when he opened the front door of his car, and how I could have done something about the car that passed me and turned left immediately, and all the ones who say I didn't see you (meaning I didn't bother to look) who turn in front of you, come out on roundabouts on your left. I need one of the "armoured versions" of push and motor bike these people have who can force a car to some other place on the road must use. I know there are riders that don't obey lights etc, but having a "war" going on between cyclists and cars is a bit much. The shock jocks in Sydney were running a campaign in Sydney against Mayor Clover Moore over cycle lanes they want to get rid off, to please the businesses who want a double value vote.. Cycling is a good way to keep fit, and means a lot less roads need to be built, to turn cities into concrete parking lots for cars with 1.2 people in each. Nev



  8. YOU can measure the CO2 in the atmosphere which is rising, and the acidity of the world's oceans also.(rising due to absorbing CO2 and it is now at a level where sea life with hard shells is threatened)


    So we have a problem with the oceans and the greenhouse gas effect is well understood.


    Growing plants absorb CO2 but they are diminishing rapidly, as we clear forests, as desert areas increase..


    A lot of people want to put profit ahead of the planet's health. Many of those people fund and lobby governments. Many corporates are more powerful than governments. Murdoch press has always been inclined to want to start wars and deny climate change. Is OUR government unduly shaped by Murdoch. If not it's not for want of trying. He effectively owns the lot. Nev



  9. They are showing what a lack of an education in basic science can result in and it is a BAD result. In ages past science was attacked by most of the theists, but I would have thought we have moved on from "the earth is flat". Science is not a belief . It's a conclusion based on a lot of material observation and trials supported by checks at all levels and subject to review. Has it's own disciplines and peer review processes.. A false process will negate the result. Scientists are the ultimate sceptics . There has been a lot of effort and money put into vilifying them lately by people who have their cash flows threatened particularly with the AGW matters. You have to carefully evaluate a lot of the material out there . CO2 and METHANE levels are higher than they have been for millions of years and can be easily measured, and are rising fast. The EFFECT of them is well understood and not disputed by scientists. IF they were dropping we would go into an ICE age. Precise effects cannot be predicted and this sort of consideration is often exploited to create uncertainty deliberately to confuse the issue. Nev



  10. You have to look at the massive hidden subsidies the Existing generators get. They are trying to get the most profit out of their existing "investments" Coal is becoming a high risk proposition and investors should have been properly advised on the share prospectus or annual report(s). The distribution network is the major cost and a less centralised system would require less cost. When you travel the outback you can only marvel at the infrastructure costs and transmission losses incurred to get power to some of these places. The actual power is just over 10% of what YOU pay at your end. Nev



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