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Posts posted by facthunter

  1. Supplying low amounts of power over long distances,........ you only have to look at the poles and wires and transformers and the small places they supply. It cannot add up. They would have to be heavily subsidised. The whole of the NT has a population of 200,000 which equals 1/2 of Geelong. Barkly Roadhouse has generators running at 500 litres /day at a cost of close to 900 dollars per day just for the fuel. Nev



  2. The bit you object to Dafydd is really very tongue in cheek . Non theism is not a religion. An absence of all of a certain thing cannot be considered a part of that thing, unless by very convoluted logic.. I get rather surprised when people of Faith (not all of course) want to lump it in as another belief.. I have heard the term "Extremist Atheist" used a fair bit.. Like you say I would imagine some God like scary creature appearing , an atheist would probably give some serious consideration to this thing being something OUT of this WORLD.. God made in the image of man, I find a bit unimaginative and unlikely in the extreme. Nev



  3. If you sold cars by cutting off the heads of people who didn't like the idea you would eventually run out of drivers. . Fairly basic sales technique, hardly likely to pass any trades practices laws.Nev



  4. Marty D......Must be a threat to them Are they insecure?.


    You would think going to hell would be enough punishment for the unbelievers. Being in the same place as many of them would be hell. in itself..


    In the early days the Christians were persecuted. I accept that They were regarded as a threat to the existing order.. The term " massacres in good faith " is interesting. Any Totalitarian state STINKs regardless of the Mantra it enshrines for its justification. It enslaves you and eliminates freedom(s)


    The roman church is a Triumvirate. The father, Son and Holy ghost. To the Islamists Jesus (the son in the triumvirate ) is recognised as a prophet, but Mohammed is THEIR important prophet and supposedly the LAST one. Hence the statement from them there is only ONE god. It does sound more practical than having three.


    All religions think they have the right one and consequently all the others are not correct. Therefore to most thousands of religions don't make the grade. An atheist just adds one to the number of FAITHS out there not accepted by the believers, and has no INVISIBLE means of support. They obviously believe that is acceptable or perhaps a necessary part of thinking more clearly. Nev



  5. Doing just over the speed limit you will still be passed whether you are on a bike or driving a car. Riding wrong is not the issue. Being shoved off the road happens to both. Many cut in too early because they are either inconsiderate or not very good at judging distances .Nev



  6. That's a pile of rubbish Gnu. Good is not confined to any group . Non theists are not of a religion. Infidel (non believer) may be a fairly accurate term but they don't belong to a belief per se. It's an absence if something ,(belief in a supernatural omnipotent being) not another version. There is no atheists book of rules, no plan to eliminate all opposing views, like many theists have. CONVERTING people to a way of BELIEF under threat of beheading etc is a total atrocity. The French Catholics forced their version of theism on the Nordic people under threat of death. There's not much new in all of this.. Nev



  7. The larger than expected uptake of solar has put us into a situation where we have a surplus of electricity with the current number of OLD generators. We didn't have to build More power stations to cover the demand. The peak demands now are associated with airconditioner usage which are used when the sun shines the most. Perfect fix. I delayed putting an airconditioner in until I had panels, because the high energy use would lead to the need for more generators.


    OK..... not just the losses involving constant use of transformers to maintain required voltages it's the capital cost and reliability of the wires poles etc. Nev



  8. Maybe, but the road you thought was clear, wasn't, and you overtook..... THAT is what the problem was caused by. Regardless of your visibility concerns , YOU made the situation dangerous. Dark green cars are hard to see near dusk as well. Divided roads are much more safe. Nev



  9. There's been an orchestrated campaign against cyclists in Sydney for some time and I presume some other places, it is an issue as well . I find the whole thing a bit unpleasant as it's a pretty unbalanced contest if it comes to a confrontation.. I ride motorcycles and tin tops often turn right in front of you looking in your eye at the same time. My wife got serious injuries in Tassy when a car with trailer just pulled straight out from a site (not a road ) across the road (main street) and she had nowhere to go but into the vehicle. She was wearing a visibility vest and going quite slow. I approached the driver and he said he didn't see her. The copper said they give that as an excuse every time. Not good enough is it? Nev



  10. No one is saying stand alone solar works 24 hours but there are other more sophisticated developments with extremely high temp energy storage and things like landfill abattoire methane, garbage incineration. Batteries are being developed, But WE are not part of this now since the current government believes COAL is the answer to a maiden's prayer, and is making us look foolish world wide , China has put import duties on our lovely coal. COALition not just in name. Coal worshipping is their game. There's a quid in it mate, and you can all get fumigated. Nev



  11. They shouldn't be on arable land. If valuable land can be used the electricity price must be enough to cover that. It is still a silly idea. Rooftops are ideal I believe in the cheapest site and Australia has lot of arid land. It is said the a small portion of the Sahara could power ALL Europe easily. (and no pollution )


    Geoffrey, thee figures for today's technology are good enough now, and getting better all the time. Panels are about 1/4 of what they used to cost. Unfortunately in Australia we have gone from being technology leaders to being actively vilified and discouraged, to help COAL interests make more money. The gas goes overseas at overseas prices and most of the profit does too, (bar a small%.). Nev



  12. tecky the experts or should I say specialists give details and figures to back up their assertions. People don't have to make their own electricity. There is little point in discussion if all others say is stupid. I hate being misquoted which happens a lot on subjects such as this on this site. Would you have the opinion of experts if you were going to have brain surgery or ask the person you voted in to parliament what to do?. So many current pollies opinions are paid for. Just look who supports them financially and THEY shape the policies. Not the people of Australia. Nev



  13. Experts from a University in this country, said the technology is already here NOW and getting far better and cheaper by the day. This is without nuclear. The main opposition is from vested interests trying to prop up the viability of the older COAL based power centralised supply and expensive grid system. They are now caught with a failed business model. of reduced demand , high (er) costs and consumer resistance to their necessary cost rises, and the consequences of CO2 from cola.


    I have just moved my supplier form one of the BAD 3 who are trying to impede "clean energy" alternatives actively and I was phoned by a representative of the previous company asking why I left.( and probably hoping to give me an offer that would change my mind)


    We actually had a very good conversation and I was able to calmly go through all the things that I was not happy with. He understood just why I have left, and I believe THEY know they are in trouble. Perhaps they will modify their actions if more contact them and tell they how they feel (Nicely) and go elsewhere.


    I intend to change my current bank who actively fund new mines as soon as it can be arranged . Gunns in Tasmania failed because of pressure on funding from banks by ordinary people.. The Rockefellers in the US have divested from OIL. What other proof do you need that things ARE changing and all the millions of dollars spent confusing the subject won't help eventually. As it has been said "You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't FOOL ALL of the people ALL of the time" Nev



  14. I'm wondering now if it was my fault when I ended up on the lap of a driver when he opened the front door of his car, and how I could have done something about the car that passed me and turned left immediately, and all the ones who say I didn't see you (meaning I didn't bother to look) who turn in front of you, come out on roundabouts on your left. I need one of the "armoured versions" of push and motor bike these people have who can force a car to some other place on the road must use. I know there are riders that don't obey lights etc, but having a "war" going on between cyclists and cars is a bit much. The shock jocks in Sydney were running a campaign in Sydney against Mayor Clover Moore over cycle lanes they want to get rid off, to please the businesses who want a double value vote.. Cycling is a good way to keep fit, and means a lot less roads need to be built, to turn cities into concrete parking lots for cars with 1.2 people in each. Nev



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