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Everything posted by spacesailor

  1. And the " loser's " will wail . Divisive spacesailor
  2. Another bank . ' Bank of Sydney ' . I believe does not take cash . All online . So to pay their customer , you have to have " internet banking " . When I went to pay my bill , ( at their office ) I had to hand the cash to a manager , who payed my dept . Hardly a good look for for that bank ! . spacesailor
  3. On the Samsung Galaxy, there is No physical hard-drive. It is SSD of some sort SO cannot repair the drive . Or access it . spacesailor
  4. How does the " barter " system get taxed ! . And , then the wealthy have " Crypto-currency " to get around most things, that catch only The poor . spacesailor
  5. The smallest country , must have a post code ! . Yet , hasn't got a post-office or postman . spacesailor
  6. Different countries have very different humour.. The American humour is way over my head . I just don't get the joke, probably not watching enough American T V . spacesailor
  7. Jerry If the ' referendum ' IS passed . It will-Not & cannot be changed. There will not be another ' referendum ' to revert ' our ' constitution to something else. . The country Will be divided by one party losing. And one Winner . That the loser does not Want, ' whatever the outcome . Blacktown was given to the Aboriginals. But They are not going to put a ' land claim in , for their traditional lands ! . In England Your King is sitting in a Scottish castle . And , since James the first , has been King of England. would you mind them taking over 'Their ' government in London. spacesailor
  8. SO ! . a cashless bank won't trade with ' Woolworth, Aldi , Coles ' . Or any service stations that take cash from their customers ? . That's a lot of revenue they must lose. spacesailor
  9. I just find digital ' phone or camera ' So slow . If you see a bird's head go down to ' flyaway ' digital won't get that shot . The old film cameras were 1,000 of a second , after your finger went down on the button. I have a few shots of birds taking off , & I think the ' Swan ' would be the best . Second was a white bird ' in far north Queensland, a few people were trying to get a shot of them ! , So, up came my , 400 mm fixed mirror lends , to take really good photographs. spacesailor
  10. Remember! . England had to go to war , to end such a Bad ' Republic type ' system. The result is what we enjoy at the moment . spacesailor
  11. We will have to " suck it up " , And ' live ' ( if that word fits ) with the consequences.. There will never be a referendum , to remove a ' referendum ' result . Would a Republic give us a referendum to go back to this system we now have . spacesailor
  12. And which m p is not ' feathering ' their Own not. spacesailor
  13. That ' could ' be near a ton weight, two fat Ladies 88 . Now they would weight 300 plus kilograms apiece. Two fat men 400 kilgms each . I saw them at Blacktown hospital. spacesailor
  14. ' defensive & offensive ' . Now a new word for a defensive attack, " Reactive " . spacesailor
  15. And we wouldn't have to pay the councils rates on our lease. Broken my arm , elbow & torn ligament in my shoulder. When I tripped on Councils pothole . spacesailor
  16. What a Big racist rant , that I saw on the news . Someone yelling that 90% of Australians ( white ) , were racist against the 10 % Aboriginal. Because that racist ' the voice ' is losing support. Also saying , Dutton should be prosecuted . spacesailor
  17. Yes ! , I had to buy a " toll " ticket to use the road in Northern Territory Australia. From ' Parks to Tamworth . That's a big area, of native title. spacesailor
  18. That was the ' war canoe ' , not one , I think I counted three . And turned away with my tail between my legs . LoL At the time we didn't know it was off limits. spacesailor
  19. My Daughter likes her a lot , & listens to her speeches. I Will vote for her this coming election. Not happy with Labor. spacesailor
  20. OR That little brush that attaches to the vacuum- cleaner . Just use the very tip of the brush to stroke over those bits that need it . You can get a ' can ' of air to do your " blowing " , just don't put an " air-horn " on the cannister. spacesailor
  21. If you get a little too close to " palm Island " Queensland, Their ' war canoe's' come out very quickly. We turned away , without waiting to see if those " Native Australians ' were friendly. spacesailor
  22. What we don't know about the " voice referendum " ACT And Northern Territories , Are Not allowed a vote . !!! Check it out , 50% of people AND ' States ' . Why haven't you said anything about the most Aborigine and the most vulnerable! Being excluded . spacesailor
  23. Here's one to ponder ! . ' Cessna helicopter ' . That's right they made one . spacesailor
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