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Holidays in Germany ?. . .crime rate very high apparently.

Phil Perry

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voiceofeurope.com/2017/10/berlin-lost-migrant-gangs-migrant-crimes-make-german-city-unsafe-place/#.Wez3UYNK0BI.twitter …


I have friends working for banks in Berlin and they tell a similar story. Not ALL of the tourist spots are 'NO GO' but apparently, it is advisable to be very careful where you go.


The references to LEFT WING POLITICIANS poorly controlling some areas is, to my mind, just shows the bias of the reporter,. .. we have similar problems in the UK with a RIGHT WING Government, so that part of the report is bloody tosh AFAIAC



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It would appear that "Voice of Europe" is a right wing front. I'm not sure that I would regard it as either factual or authoritative.

Quite possibly Col. However, . . .my friends in Germany are all rather 'Left' of centre, and I know them well enough to take what they say as reasonably factual. 'Boots on the ground' personal info is, to me anyway, far better than any media report, social or otherwise. These maties have bought homes in Berlin, and work in the city. They will be still there even if Brexit actually happens. . . They tend to see what is actually happening and seem to have no problem about telling me, without the need to spin a narrative of any kind. Three others are working on long term IT contracts and will be there for another couple of years. . . Good Intel. ( I believe )



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I don't doubt your friends but from my perspective in Sydney, where I personally, don't see this sort of crime being committed, have to rely on rags like the Daily Telegraph to vector bullshit dressed up as stats and other horror stories.


In the Telecrap we have society breaking down with gays and refugees committing all sorts of crimson and ripping off decent god fearing "white" folk.


The truth is that politicians and the big end of town are gaming the system economically to the detriment of the rest.


It would appear that NewCorp has a story factory that churns out near libellous stories twerked to suit the local community and I have no doubt sold on around the world and even translated into German.



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British expats living in Europe have had their pensions cut I hear. If the vote was taken again now how would it go? Nev.

No current polling stats Nev, last one I saw suggested that, since the EU have now publicly dropped all pretence about what they are aiming to do with Europe as a whole. . . 69% polled said they'd vote to leave, against the 52.1% of the actual referendum vote. I can't recall of this was a 'Yougov' poll, I don't take a lot of notice of them to be fair, . . .if I was THAT interested, I'd want to know the size and distribution of the sample for a start. . .As we are all no doubt aware, with All POLLS, the framing / phrasing of the question can lead to a slanted / preferred result . . . Phil.



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If state governments and local councils have any relevance, the evidence I see is that the smaller the governed area the better.


In South Australia, most discretionary government money is spent very close to the parliament house. In the NT, they have the "Berrimah Line". Berrimah is a southern suburb of Darwin, below which government money dries up.


With councils in SA, there was much spin on how bigger councils would give economies of scale. The opposite has been the reality, as bigger councils are more removed from the hapless ratepayers and cease to treat them with any respect.


So I would have voted for Brexit for sure. Gosh they just might even get an aviation industry up and running, if they can just curb industry-killing excessive regulation.



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It's not a poll. The British government have done it. Many are leaving Europe and going back. Nev

I'm sure that is quite true Nev. But your question was 'How would people vote if they got another chance' I wonder how 'many' are involved here, and is this a cut in the State Pension, or Private ones ?. . . The Brit Government under PM Gordon Brown TAX raided the UK pension industry and I personally lost over £19K in that debacle. It was one of the the best pension systems anywhere in the world, so after selling off half our Gold reserves at the bottom of the market AND. . .PRE - ANNOUNCING what he intended to do (He obviously never learned to play poker. . . )


He needed more and more money from us plebs who tried to save for our retirements sensibly and attacked the pensions. . . and Still, when he was defeated in 2010 and the new treasurer walked into the office,. . he found a note saying, 'Sorry, but there's NO money' So fifty percent of the gold and most of the pensions were trashed so that they could pi$$ all that money up the wall, with nothing to show for it at the end.


People come and go for all sorts of reasons. The Euro / Pound exchange is not as good as it used to be so this obviously reduces the value of pensioners who moved to Spain many years ago, to save on heating bills. . .and I've no doubt that they have done so. Since the 'Leave EU' vote, the pound has slid a little too. Not helped by the twat in charge of the Bank of England, Canadian Mark Carney, who is a dedicated 'Remainer' doing his level best to depress the economy every time he opens his mouth. The First Secretary of the Treasury is also a declared 'Remainer' who has the power to hire and fire BOE managers, but doesn't seem to see any reason to dismiss the current clown.



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Confusion reigns.. For a vote to be worth anything people have to be informed. Therin lies the difficulty. Plenty of people are working hard to keep us confused, because it suits there situation(of profit/power). The average person senses much is wrong but has a hard time getting to the facts so gives up and Apathy takes over. Nev



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...The truth is that politicians and the big end of town are gaming the system economically to the detriment of the rest....

And how do they get away with it? By distracting the mug voter with other, blown up issues.


...It would appear that NewCorp has a story factory that churns out near libellous stories twerked to suit the local community and I have no doubt sold on around the world and even translated into German.

"is that true, or did you read it in the Telegraph?"



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Just posted a vid on 'Conspiracy theories' thread, which should have been here really. . . . if the public are Deliberately misinformed, or not even told about events,. . .( And it seems difficult to come to any other rational conclusion ) then it is very awkward for them to formulate a sensible opinion of what is REALLY going on and vote accordingly. Normal people, led by Donkeys and brainwashed by the media's programmed narrative. . . One wonders was it always thus ? ( Rhet )



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"The Media's programmed narrative" usually comes from external sources. While ever we give equal time to the anti-vaccers, the climate deniers, political extremists and other fringe groups we guarantee that weird ideas will breed. The BBC like the ABC does at least sort out the chaff from the wheat. While Brexit might have got up UKIP didn't and they Farage and the more ludite end of the Tories will be consigned to the dustbin of history to be remembered only as ugly falsities that should have been exposed and drowned at birth.



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Cameron gave them the Brexit vote THINKING it wouldn't get off the ground. WRONG!. Now no one knows what's going to come out of it.. From outside it looks like the UK can't manage anything. Narrow victories mean nearly HALF of the people aren't with you. When it's a constitutional matter you need more than a simple majority. (50% plus ONE). When FACTS are so lacking what would you expect? You don't sell your house on a passing whim without thinking it all the way through. Nev



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Much as a sympathise with the Catalans and the Kurds in their quest for independence, a vote like that should be passed by a clear 2/3 majority.(Edit) ...and everyone should vote.

In a lot of cases the territorial extent was never achieved with a 2/3 vote but at the point of a bayonet at the end of a gun and consolidated with massive migration and state sponsored holidays eg West Papua, Catalonia, Kurdistan, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Alaska and Hawaii (where do I stop?)



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In a lot of cases the territorial extent was never achieved with a 2/3 vote but at the point of a bayonet at the end of a gun and consolidated with massive migration and state sponsored holidays eg West Papua, Catalonia, Kurdistan, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Alaska and Hawaii (where do I stop?)

So true, Col. I was referring to the ideal way for people to choose their country.


Too many groups still yearn to have their own homeland. How much suffering has been caused by stupid lines drawn on a map by ignorant bureaucrats? Australian aircrew recalled with shame their part in helping the British put Arabs in charge of the new state of Iraq. They described Arabs as thieves; the Kurds, whose villages they were required to strafe, they found to be honourable people. A century later, the Kurds have earned the right to their own homeland, but the big powers will sell them out again.


Even though indonesia had no historic or cultural claim on the place, in 1960 the UN voted to give them West Papua.



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