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European Union "Divorce" case coming soon,. . .

Phil Perry

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I was an immigrant in the mid 60s do "ordinary" people want me to leave??????? Most Australians seem to welcome me!

That would depend on whether or not you make the effort to assimilate and embrace the culture, keeping the best bits of your own culture, if you would rather reject our culture, and drag all the problems that were the reason you left your previous place of residence with you, please feel free to leave. I suspect that though you are an immigrant, you have embraced the way of life, make all efforts to support yourself and abide by our laws, and are welcome here.


Immigration is only part of what drives Hanson supporters, there are several significant reason they are becoming more popular, but the media can't see the forest for the trees. They would much rather scream "racist" and stick their head in the sand, even though the issues are deeper than that.



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I'm not a racist but we are breeding a race of idiots in reqional QLD


this is the number of OP1-5 per school




versus Toowoomba




as you can see regional QLD is a breeeding ground for ignorance


This is after spending billions on education of the last 30 years




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Well you proved my point exactly, FT.


Do you realise that a lot of the students of the Toowoomba private schools come from regional areas of QLD?


The private schools are not so much at the mercy of green left that seem to have hijacked most of the public education system.


I don't expect much from public schools anymore because they're too busy telling kids what to think instead of how to think, read and write.


That is yet another sore point with any of the current govt, They don't realise that just throwing money at a problem won't fix it.



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That would depend on whether or not you make the effort to assimilate and embrace the culture, keeping the best bits of your own culture, if you would rather reject our culture, and drag all the problems that were the reason you left your previous place of residence with you, please feel free to leave. I suspect that though you are an immigrant, you have embraced the way of life, make all efforts to support yourself and abide by our laws, and are welcome here.Immigration is only part of what drives Hanson supporters, there are several significant reason they are becoming more popular, but the media can't see the forest for the trees. They would much rather scream "racist" and stick their head in the sand, even though the issues are deeper than that.

Agree totally with your first paragraph.


Awaiting further explanation on the second. Are you saying that the bunch of loonies otherwise known as "One Nation" actually have policies? What's their solution for climate change? Energy transformation & security? Health? Education? The economy? Anything??


I've heard a lot of chatter about why people vote for the obvious right wing nutter protest parties. They feel that the major parties aren't addressing their concerns. They feel the disconnect between the ruling "elites" and the working class. Maybe they are being left behind as old industries shut down and they haven't got a way of retraining or reskilling, or even the opportunity to do so.


But what I don't understand is how in the hell they think these fringe parties could possibly run the country, that's the whole country, major cities as well as small towns, all 26 million of us. I'm truly curious as to why anyone would ever vote for someone like Hanson.



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Agree totally with your first paragraph.

Awaiting further explanation on the second. Are you saying that the bunch of loonies otherwise known as "One Nation" actually have policies? What's their solution for climate change? Energy transformation & security? Health? Education? The economy? Anything??


I've heard a lot of chatter about why people vote for the obvious right wing nutter protest parties. They feel that the major parties aren't addressing their concerns. They feel the disconnect between the ruling "elites" and the working class. Maybe they are being left behind as old industries shut down and they haven't got a way of retraining or reskilling, or even the opportunity to do so.


But what I don't understand is how in the hell they think these fringe parties could possibly run the country, that's the whole country, major cities as well as small towns, all 26 million of us. I'm truly curious as to why anyone would ever vote for someone like Hanson.

All I was getting at in regard to One Nation is that there is more than one reason people are turning toward them. I personally don't think they are the answer, but I think that they ask some questions the mainstream lifelong pollies have been avoiding. As long as they can provide some opposition to the far left, maybe some middle ground can be reached.


As far as running the country....look around, the rest of them aren't really managing.


Try researching the One Nation website, they may be able to enlighten you as to their policy. I haven't been there for years, but last time I was , I was surprised at how different the content was in comparison to the media guff.



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To counter the argument that agriculture production has left GBthe wheat production in the United Kingdom and in Australia are roughly equilavent at around 25 million tons


Not to be pedantic but I think you will find the UK is around 15-16 compared to Australia at around 25. Still not to be sneezed at though.



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One nation is a good alternative to the established parties.


i havn't heard them saying the reason the power transmission lines fell down in SA was because of solar power. I havn't heard them saying coal is the only way to go for power, as I have heard the Libs and Nats.


I havn't heard them saying the education system is stuffed, lets throw money at it. I havn't heard them condoning the throwing out of immigrants on trumped up charges as I have heard the Libs. The list goes on, but the main reason for voting for One Nation is to get rid of the party hacks, who just want to govern, not provide good government.


Just look at todays news, the government doesn't know what to do about our laws concerning offending on a racial basis. At the moment we can be prosecuted if people take offence at a remark. How can that be when we have no idea of what their offend level is? It is not law it is just political correctness, so a vote for the politicly incorrect party is good in my opinion.



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One nation is a good alternative to the established parties.i havn't heard them saying the reason the power transmission lines fell down in SA was because of solar power. I havn't heard them saying coal is the only way to go for power, as I have heard the Libs and Nats.

Have you read their energy policy? Affordable Energy - Policy | Pauline Hanson's One Nation


Let me summarise:


"Climate change is BS made up by corrupt scientists."


"Alternative energy is no solution and in fact we think wind turbines make you sick."


"We want the lowest cost energy regardless of the source (ie: coal)."


What a joke, they are not listening to the science at all. If they were in charge they'd set us back 50 years and absolutely nothing would be done about climate change.


I havn't heard them saying the education system is stuffed, lets throw money at it.

You haven't heard them say anything about the education system as they have no policy on education on their website. They have a policy about islam, surprise surprise, but nothing about education.


I havn't heard them condoning the throwing out of immigrants on trumped up charges as I have heard the Libs.

That's because under One Nation, immigrants wouldn't be getting in in the first place. Their "policy" on immigration includes such gems as zero net migration (ie someone has to leave Australia before someone else comes in, cos we're full). Wonder when they start implementing the one child policy? Oh, they also think the old White Australia policy was a good idea. I sh*t you not. It's right there on their webpage. Immigration - Policy | Pauline Hanson's One Nation (And they wonder why people think they're racist?)


NopeThe list goes on, but the main reason for voting for One Nation is to get rid of the party hacks, who just want to govern, not provide good government.


Just look at todays news, the government doesn't know what to do about our laws concerning offending on a racial basis. At the moment we can be prosecuted if people take offence at a remark. How can that be when we have no idea of what their offend level is? It is not law it is just political correctness, so a vote for the politicly incorrect party is good in my opinion.

Your opinion is your opinion, but giving your vote to a party that has no real and workable policies is worse than just spoiling your vote. Has 18C ever impacted you? Have you ever felt oppressed because voicing your opinion would cause someone to take you to court because you vilified them? It's a distraction.


One nation is a good alternative to the established parties.

No, they're really not. Neither are the Greens for that matter, although I support what they stand for a hell of a lot more. All One Nation will do is drag Australia backwards, stall progress on fighting climate change and ruin the country for our children and grandchildren. If that's your aim, go vote for them, but do it with your eyes open.



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Try researching the One Nation website, they may be able to enlighten you as to their policy. I haven't been there for years, but last time I was , I was surprised at how different the content was in comparison to the media guff.

See above. I've been there, and it's worse than the media makes it out to be.



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